Russian Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The logo for the Russian Wikipedia.
The logo for the Russian Wikipedia.

Russian Wikipedia is the Russian language edition of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. On August 16, 2006, it reached the 100,000 article mark. On November 29, 2006, it was awarded the prestigious state "Runet Prize" (Премия Рунета) in the category "science and education". [1]


[edit] History

The Russian Wikipedia was created May 20, 2001 in the first wave of non-English Wikipedias, along with editions in Chinese, Dutch, German, Esperanto, French, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish. For a long time, development was slow.

[edit] Common error

The Russian Wikipedia is often misinterpreted under some minor Wikipedias (usually ranging from 20,000 to 1,000+ articles) as an edition with only 1,000 articles.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

Editions of Wikipedia with over 100,000 articles
English en: - German de: - French fr: - Polish pl: - Japanese ja: - Dutch nl: - Italian it: - Portuguese pt: - Swedish sv: - Spanish es: - Russian ru: - Chinese zh: