Russell Standish

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Russell Standish is a computational scientist based in Sydney, Australia. He was the founding director of UNSW's High Performance Computing Support Unit from 1997-2005. In 2005 he established a computational science consultancy called High Performance Coders. Since 2002, he has held an adjunct associate professorship with UNSW's School of Mathematics and Statistics.



[edit] Contributions

[edit] Ensemble theories of everything

In 2006, Standish published a book Theory of Nothing which takes a look at ensemble theories of everything, a subject reinvigorated by Max Tegmark in 1997. He has also been an extensive contributer to the Everything List, an informal discussion group on these ideas, and has published several papers in the area.

[edit] Complex Systems, Evolutionary Systems, Artificial Life

Standish has been a long time contributer to the study of evolutionary systems, an important subcategory of Complex Systems research. He often uses Artificial Life models to explore evolutionary behaviour.

  • In 1998, he chaired Complex Systems '98, one of a series of conferences now known as the Asia Pacific Complex Systems conference.
  • In 2002, he chaired ALife VIII, the The 8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems.

[edit] Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Systems

Standish's PhD involved research into nonequilibrium statistical mechanics

[edit] External Links