Runescape minigames

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RuneScape an MMORPG or Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game is an ever-changing place with diffrent features one of the more prominent is its minigames which are only avilible to its members these minigames are sometimes more fun or interactive than its other features such as its skills or quests. However these minigames usually have the same idea to them, either treasure troving, or combat

[edit] Main Minigames

The Barrows are located in the depths of the Morytana swamp, the barrows is a must-go for all high level players. the main idea of the Barrows is to kill the six ancient brothers that took part in the god wars of runescape their names, levels and combat types are Verac (melee, level 115), Torag (melee, level 115), Guthan (melee, level 115), Dharok (melee, level 115), Karil (ranged, level 98), and Ahrim (mage, level 98) after you kill all the brothers it's time to claim your reward, a peice of the brothers' armor or one of their weapons however, every million uses or so the armor and weaponry has to be repaired, costing a large amount of money.

Castle Wars is located on the weastern side of Runescape, Castlewars is like a capture the flag game the only diffrences are, the only 'safe zone' is a small room where you're only allowed to be in for 2 mins, there's three totally diffrent ways to get to the opponent's flag, instead of an open field or woods there are castles and moats, you have a 20 min. time limit, you can get the flag as many times as you want, just touching an oppenent dosen't mean that they're out, there's no jail, you're on the side of one of the major gods of runescape and you get to kill each other. Of course, no Minigame would be fun without a little reward right? the winning team recives 2 tickets and the losing none, in the event of a tie both teams only get one, the tickets can be exchanged later with the creator of castlewars for decorative armor or a cape and hood of a castlewars team.

Pest Control is located on an island south of Ape Atoll. Pest Control is a game with unlimited amounts of monsters vs. 25 people the point of the game is to either protect the void knight who is trying to destroy the portals where the enemies come out through a ritual lasting 20 mins.or you can destroy the portals yourself there are certain advantages to destroying the portals yourself though, if you do destroy all four before the time limit runs out, you get one point, as well as coins equal to your combat level times ten, whereas letting the knight destroy the portals for you only gets you one point. These points can be collected and used to get either combat experience or certain items.