Ruckinge Dyke

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Ruckinge Dyke is a tributary of the River Great Stour, joining with the River East Stour and then the Great Stour at Pledge’s Mill at the bottom of East Hill in Ashford, Kent, England.

The stream runs from its source north of Hamstreet, 7.9 kilometres, to the East Stour in Willesborough.[1]

[edit] References

  1. ^ The Environment Agency
River Stour in Kent
and tributaries

River East StourRiver Great StourRiver Little StourRiver Upper Great StourRiver WantsumRiver WinghamAylesford StreamBrook Stream (Spiders Castle Dyke)Kennington Stream (Pen Lee)NailbourneRuckinge DykeSarre Penn (Fishbourne Stream)Whitehall DykeWhitewater Dyke

List of rivers of Great Britain