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Roberto Scano is the AC Rep of IWA/HWG inside W3C and is an expert of user interfaces accessibility.
In 1999 he starts the first chapter in Italy of IWA (International Webmasters Association): the Venice Chapter. In 2000 he found IWA ITALY, the Italian chapter of IWA, and become president of it.
On 2001, when IWA merged with HWG (The HTML Writers Guild), he starts to follow also web accessibility: 11th Sept. 2001 he become IWA/HWG AC Representative inside the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) end since this date he coordinate activities of IWA/HWG Member inside W3C Working Groups. In the same year he joined in the W3C WCAG Working Group (first Italian inside the working group).
On 2002 he developed a law project ("Campa-Palmieri Act") that was the first law project in Italy about web accessibility.
On 2003 he participated to the development of the accessibility guidelines for ABI (Italian Bank Association) for the home banking accessibility. He joined in the W3C ATAG Working Group (first Italian inside the working group), and inside OSI (Internet Web Site Observatory) of UIC (Italian Blind Union) as web accessibility expert. Always in 2003 he join also in The European Design for All e-Accessibility Network (EDeAN) and he has organized the first Face to Face Meeting of WCAG Working Group in Italy.
He was nominated EMEA (Europe, Middle-East, Africa) coordinator for IWA/HWG and joined inside CNIPA (Informatics National Center for the Public Administration) working groups that has developed the technical documents for the Italian Law about accessibility: he worked inside working groups that develops web site accessibility guidelines, software and hardware accessibility guidelines.
On 2004 he joined inside UNI (Italian National Standards Organization) and inside Working Group 2 (Video terminals) of the Ergonomic commission. He is a member of the technical secretary of the Interministerial Commission for the ICT for people of disabilities of the Italian government. He participate also to ISO (International Standards Organization) activities as Expert of ISO/TC 159/SC 4/WG 5 'Software ergonomics and human-computer dialogues' Working Group that develops standards for the accessibility of computer, software and web interfaces. Always in 2004 he develop the first book in the world in a new format: the "Tetralibro" (4-in-1: paper version that contains also CD-ROM with three accessible version: XHTML, Accessible PDF and version for PDA with Microsoft Reader). This book is a bible about web accessibility: "Accessibilità : dalla teoria alla realtà (Accessibility: from theory to reality) - ISBN: 88-7633-000-3. He develops also a CMS, <fruibile /> - L'elemento che mancava(tm) ("the missed element"), the first CMS developed in ASP (Active Server Pages) that conforms to Italian accessibility law and also to the requirements of EU (accessibility of public pages, content generated and also of back office).
On 2005 he joined in the board of EuroAccessibility Consortium and wrote a book about the Italian law (Law 4/2004).