Roy McWeeny
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Roy McWeeny was born May 19, 1924 in Bradford, Yorkshire, England.
His first degree is in Physics from the University of Leeds. He then obtained a D.Phil in mathematical physics and quantum theory under the supervision of Charles Coulson at University College, University of Oxford.
From 1948 to 1957 he was lecturer in Physical Chemistry at King's College, University of Durham (King's College is now the University of Newcastle upon Tyne). From 1957 to 1965 he was at the University of Keele rising to Professor of Theoretical Physics and Theoretical Chemistry. From 1966 to 1982 he was Professor of Theoretical Chemistry at the University of Sheffield. In 1982 he moved to the University of Pisa, Italy where he is now Emeritus Professor.
He has written many scientific papers and seven books, of which perhaps the best known are "Coulson's Valence", an update of the famous book by Charles Coulson in 1951, and the two editions of "Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics", (the first edition with B. T. Sutcliffe in 1969 and the second edition alone in 1989).
He is a member of the International Academy of Quantum Molecular Science and the European Academy of Arts, Sciences and the Humanities.
There is an interview with him at Early Ideas in the History of Quantum Chemistry.