Rosie the Waitress
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Rosie the Waitress is a fictional character who was featured in television and print advertisements for Bounty paper towels from 1970 to 1990. She was portrayed by American actress Nancy Walker.
The premise of virtually all Bounty commercials featuring Rosie was the same - a customer at Rosie's Diner spilled a liquid of some sort, and Rosie quickly cleaned up the mess using Bounty paper towels. What made Bounty stand apart from other paper towels, according to the commercials, was their ability to absorb spills quickly and absorb a larger amount of liquid. Rosie sometimes demonstrated this by dampening a sheet of Bounty, and then holding the edges of the sheet taut and balancing a cup of coffee on the sheet. This was summed up by the product's slogan, "The Quick Picker-Upper."
The commercials were filmed at The Silver Dollar Diner located in Little Ferry, New Jersey.