Category:Role-playing games

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This article is part of

the Role-playing games series

History of role-playing games
Role-playing game terms
Role-playing game theory
Makeup of a role-playing game:

System and Setting

Role-playing games industry:

Designers and Publishers

List of role-playing games:

by name or by genre

Role-playing games portal
WikiProject Role-playing games

A role-playing game (RPG) is a type of game in which players assume the roles of characters and collaboratively create stories. This includes traditional, live-action (LARP) and computer-assisted (CARP) role-playing games.

For their electronic counterparts, see Computer role-playing games.

All wikimedia projects
Articles and media on this topic in other Wikimedia projects can be found at: Commons Category Role-playing games

Pages in category "Role-playing games"

There are 4 pages in this section of this category.