
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


[edit] A big hello to all Wikipedians!

Having noticed that all the more experienced editors have got user pages detailing who they are, what they're working on, and so on, I thought it was high time I wrote one. It creates the illusion that I know what I am doing ;)

First off, my real name's Robbie, and my surname starts with a G. RobbieG. It's kind of a joke from when I was at KS4 school, because it sounds a bit like 'Ali G'. There's another one for 'Louie G', as in the Mario character, Luigi. Anyway, I don't mind if you call me RobbieG, Robbie, Robert or Rob.

I am male, I'm 16, and I was born in January. I'm English (from Gloucestershire), so I use the British spellings of words (colour, favourite, defence, encyclopaedia, kilometres, aluminium, utilise, sulphur, gaol). English is also the only language I'm fluent in, although I understand a little French. I also know the odd German word ("Das wetter ist windig!") but not nearly enough to hold an intelligible - let alone intelligent - conversation.

Um, not sure how much stuff I can say about myself online... might add to this part later.

[edit] My interests

I am a self-confessed video game nerd. I play Nintendo GameCube because I value gameplay over graphics. I'm not really opposed to Sony or Microsoft's consoles, but hey, all consoles cost a mint, so I can only really have one if I'm going to get a decent amount of games for it, so it may as well be the best ;)

I also play DS, but I'm not on Wi-Fi yet. My favourite video games of all time are The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, Super Mario World and Metroid Prime. I'm a fan of practically all of Nintendo's major franchises, but I just don't see the appeal of Nintendogs. Nope. Sorry. I'm not a dog person. I also find it difficult to get into Animal Crossing. It doesn't hold my attention. I am a fan of the Sonic the Hedgehog series, but I've only played the original plus the four 3D GCN games. I didn't think the original was all that great, myself, when compared to other retro games like Super Mario Bros.. My favourite Sonic game is Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, and I also consider Shadow the Hedgehog to be one of the most underated games of all time, with a great soundtrack and interesting gameplay, although I'll concede that it's the weakest 3D Sonic. I'm also a big fan of Rayman 2: The Great Escape on the N64 and Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc on GCN, and I can't wait for Rayman 4 on Wii.

Music tastes - well, everything. Nearly. I was raised on trad folk and I listen to it occasionally, but I'm a big rock fan. I also like classical music, except for opera, which I'm not keen on. I also like jazz, rap, disco, blues, computer game, reggae, romantic era, just about everything really. One thing I really can't listen to is avante-garde. My favourite band is Deep Purple, particularly the line up from classics like Machine Head, Who Do We Think We Are? and Deep Purple in Rock, although I think the song Burn is great. I also listen to Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath (don't get offended - they're a good band), Radiohead, Crush 40, Queen, Camel, Bon Jovi, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers.

I'm also a pianist but I'm only grade 3, and I like composing music. Hmm, I wonder if anybody reads this stuff. Maybe later I'll change this into userboxes. :)

I also like reading a lot. Perhaps predictably, I'm a Harry Potter fan, and I think it's better than The Lord of the Rings, but The Lord of the Rings is also excellent. I also really enjoyed Holes by Louis Sachar and the Foundation trilogy by Isaac Asimov, and I'm slowly working my way through the hilarious Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. As far as non-fiction goes, Bill Bryson's written some really good books, the best in my opinion being A Short History of Nearly Everything. It's great because it explains difficult sciencey subjects that would normally send me to sleep in a chatty, informal style. Bryson has also written some travel writing which is well worth reading.

I don't watch a lot of television, but I haven't escaped its dreaded influence completely. I've been a Doctor Who fan since the 9th Doctor and the first story I saw was The Unquiet Dead. I've seen every episode since, and I've also seen Rose and The End of the World on DVD, and the webcasts Scream of the Shalka, Real Time,and Shada, and I can't wait for the Christmas special! That show truly is "fantastic"!

Other than that, my favourite sitcom is Red Dwarf, my favourite episode being Gunmen of the Apocalypse (I bet I'm sounding nerdier and nerdier to you, huh?). Moviewise I'm a big fan of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

That's about it. What a big chunk of POV that was! Don't worry, I always try to maintain a neutral point of view when working on the main site.

[edit] Projects

(Mainly for my benefit, but read it if you're interested)

I'm not actually a member of any Wikiproject. I tend to browse around, editing anything that I notice in need of editing. I've created three pages; Klaptrap (I made this before I even registered, and it's not great, but so far it's hanging in there. I even tried to get it merged into Kremlings once, but I was actually opposed by many people who felt it was a worthwhile article, and it's come a long way since), List of non-Kremling Donkey Kong enemies (for everything that doesn't belong on the Kremlings page), and most recently Items in Rayman games.

[edit] To-do list

[edit] Apology

I'm one of those people who tends to hold very strong views (not really the ideal in Wikipedia, which aims to be objective), and controversy draws me in like a magnet. I always try to be civil, and you'll never see me directing a swear word at a fellow editor. Nevertheless, there are other ways I can accidentally cause offence. Know now that I'm trying my best to be fair, polite, and inoffensive. The problem is that outside Wikipedia I have often found myself in situations where I need to be verbose. I've also got a bit of a short fuse. If you catch me using long words and excessive examples, I'm likely feeling a bit stressed out. Most likely Wikipedia isn't the cause of that stress, so bear in mind I'm not trying to upset you. Sometimes I've written something that seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, and then looked back at it a few weeks later and cringed.

I offer this utterly sincere apology to anyone I've inadvertently offended: I'm really, really sorry. Please don't take it personally, it won't have been meant that way. Thank you.