Road signs in the Republic of Ireland

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Road signs in the Republic of Ireland mostly differ from the traffic signs used elsewhere in Europe. Directional signage is similar to that of the United Kingdom, but is bilingual and with distances in kilometres. Apart from directional signage, the basic prohibitory signs such as "no left turn" and "no right turn" are among the few standard signs used in the Republic of Ireland. The most widespread signage, hazard or warning signs, employs the yellow diamond layout used in the United States, Australia and elsewhere, but nowhere else in Europe. The actual symbols used on these warning signs, however, often bear a closer resemblance to those used in the UK and the rest of Europe than to those seen in the US. Some mandatory signs (one way, left turn only, right turn only) are unique to Ireland. In January 2005, Ireland adopted metric speed limits. Around 35,000 existing signs were replaced and a further 23,000 new signs erected bearing the speed limit in kilometres per hour. To avoid confusion with the old signs, each speed limit sign now has "km/h" beneath the numerals.


[edit] Legal basis

Signage in Ireland is prescribed under the Traffic Signs Manual 1996, issued by the Department of the Environment, older signs appears appear in secondary legislation (see the references section at the bottom), however much of the signage used has never been legally prescribed for. The TSM itself is not a law, however signage is meant to be based on the principles in it. It is partially based (particularly directional signage) on the United Kingdom Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions.

[edit] Directional signage

Road signage in Irish and English
Road signage in Irish and English

Directional signage is similar, though not identical to the United Kingdom design. Place names are listed in Irish in mixed case italics, followed underneath by the relevant English language place name equivalent in all capital letters. The UK 'Transport' and 'Motorway' typefaces are used, although the Irish language text uses a distinctive local variant of it. If the sign is in the Gaeltacht, or no English place name exists, or is very similar (for example Dún Laoghaire or Port Laoise), only the Irish place name is given. Due to the need to signpost in both languages, usually a limited number of destinations will be signposted. If a destination can be reached by following a route which is a spur from that route, the destination and route number will be shown in brackets. Also, distances are shown in kilometres, rather than miles.

Signs are coloured white text on a blue background on motorways, white text on a green background on national roads (the route number is in yellow bold text), and black text on white background on regional and other roads. Signs to points of interest (services, institutions, tourist sights) have white text on a brown background. National routes (whether motorway or not) generally have large signs at the approach to junctions, showing the exits for various destinations. Indeed more major, or better signposted junctions on other routes may have such signage. Placard-type signs are also used at, for example, roundabout exits. However, even modern signage in Ireland makes use of the "finger-post" style signage, with the majority of rural routes relying on them.

Signage on motorways has previously been near identical to that on UK motorways (but see new motorway signage, below); although in the Republic of Ireland, motorway junctions are not always numbered, or the number is not always signposted. The sign at the actual exit, which in the UK shows the road number to be reached, is replaced by the destination instead. On the M50, in the case of junctions with national routes, the initial advance direction sign is replaced with a list of destinations for that national route. The Republic of Ireland also continues to use the "Motorway Ahead" sign, listing the motorway regulations, which has been mostly discontinued in the UK (the actual sign used is very similar to the version formerly used in the UK).

One peculiar feature of road signage in Dublin formerly was that signage on some national roads, particularly on the N4 road and N7 road, directed drivers generically to destinations such as "The West" and "The South" for many years. After much comment, the National Roads Authority changed these to town names. Nevertheless, generally directional signage on major routes only shows major or end destinations. Smaller towns and placenames are only shown on signage nearer to that location. Thus travelling on the Irish route network requires/assumes some geographical knowledge of the country.

[edit] New motorway / high quality dual carrigeway signage

In 2005, upon the opening of the South Eastern Motorway section of the M50, the National Roads Authority erected new style motorway signage. While still partially based on UK design (the colour scheme and use of Transport and Motorway typefaces remain the same), the new signage diverges somewhat. This includes a new design for gantry signs, with separate panels for each lane, headed with the route number in each case as well as new half-gantry signs closer to the exit (this type of signage, while common in Europe, has not traditionally been used in the UK or Ireland). The new signage has also been erected on the N2 Finglas - Ashbourne scheme and N7 Clondalkin - Naas scheme. These are the first roads in Ireland where overhead gantry signage has been used as a matter of course, instead of just very major junctions. The new signage has been criticised, in that the signs indicate that one should not use the left-hand lane when continuing on the motorway - breaking the "keep left" rule - and may be revised as a result.

[edit] Warning signs

Warning signs are similar to United States design, in that they are black on an amber (orangish yellow) background, and are diamond shaped. Road works hazard signs are reddish orange. This type of road sign was introduced in 1956 with the Traffic Signs Regulations, 1956. Some signs were added later, and many types of signs, even common ones, do not appear in any statutes. Some types of sign in particular (for example, pedestrian/zebra crossing signage) are somewhat randomly designed, and differ between county/city boroughs.

Arrow turning 90 degrees
Dangerous corner
Curved arrow
Dangerous bend
Zig-zag arrow
Series of
dangerous corners
Squiggle arrow
Series of
dangerous bends
T with one thin arm
Junction at corner
with a minor road
Y with one thin arm
Junction at a bend
with a minor road
Crossroads with roads
of equal importance
Sideways T
Junction with side-road
of equal importance
T-junction with roads
of equal importance
Y-junction with roads
of equal importance
Line with a branch either side, staggered
Staggered crossroads with
roads of equal importance
Bold line with a thin branch either side, staggered
Staggered crossroads
with minor roads
Cross with heavy vertical line
Crossroads with
a minor road
Sideways T with heavy vertical line
Junction with
a minor side-road
Cross with heavy horizontal line
Crossroads with
a major road
T with heavy horizontal line
T-junction with
a major road 1
Line intersecting parallel bold lines
Junction with
dual-carriageway 3
Line passing across parallel bold lines
Crossroad with
dual-carriageway 3
Upside down two-pronged fork
End of
dual-carriageway 4
Two opposite arrows with "TWO-WAY TRAFFIC" below
Two-way traffic
resumes ahead 4
Arrow with second arrow forking out from it to right
Two lanes ahead 8
Arrow with second line merging into it from right
Merge to single lane ahead 8
Single lane only 8
Pair of parallel arrows pointing in opposite directions
Two way traffic
(Return to two lane road) 8
Three arrows following each other in a circle
Symbolised traffic lights
Traffic lights
ahead 4
X with train tracks across
level crossing
Section of fence
Level crossing
with gates
Level crossing signals with train passing
Level crossing with
automatic gates 4
Inverted triangles with height between them
Height restriction
(low bridge) 5
Line with a bump on it
Sharp rise ahead
Line with a dip in it
Sharp depression
Line with bumps/dips on/in it
Series of sharp rises
or depressions ahead
Car going downhill at 45 degrees
Steep decline
Car going uphill at 45 degrees
Steep incline
Two vertical lines tilted towards one another
Road narrows
Car skidding
Slippery surface
Car falling off quay into water
quay 2
Two schoolchildren facing left
(School) children
crossing 6
Two schoolchildren facing right
(School) children
crossing 1
Car braking with pedestrian running across
Children (pedestrians)
crossing 4
Workman shovelling
Road works
ahead 7
1 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations, 1962
2 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1964
3 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1979
4 De facto, may not have appeared in legislation
5 Version shown long superseded by metric version at some unknown date
6 No longer used after 1962. On these signs children face the wrong way for driving on left.
7 Version shown superseded at unknown date. Same sign in reddish orange now used.
8 Used for 2+1 road.

Other warning signs not shown here include:

  • Assorted non-standard junction signs
  • Traffic merging junction signs (e.g. on dual-carriageway/motorway slip roads)
  • Traffic island ahead/traffic separates from oncoming traffic
  • Road narrows at one side, road narrows (using UK-style pictogram)
  • Crosswinds (picture of a windsock)
  • Hospital entrance ahead
  • Zebra crossing, Pedestrian crossing
  • Elderly crossing
  • Cattle crossing, Deer crossing
  • Horses/Horseriders crossing, Pony trekking
  • Falling rocks (picture of cliff face with tumbling rocks)
  • Trams (Dublin, around Luas system)
  • Tunnel (rare, examples at Jack Lynch Tunnel in Cork)
  • Low flying aircraft (examples near Cork International Airport on the Kinsale Road)
  • Electrical cables overhead (rare, examples alongside Luas line near Custom House in Dublin)
  • Traffic queues (Cork South Ring Road)

Examples of temporary or road works signs (red-orange) include:

  • Road works (pictogram of workman shovelling)
  • Loose chippings (v. common after rural road resurfacing)
  • Temporary traffic lights
  • Manual signals ahead (pictogram of man with flag)
  • Road narrows (both sides, or one side)
  • Bumps/dips or uneven surface
  • Lane ends ahead

[edit] Regulatory signs

The "Yield" sign reads "Géill Slí" in Gaeltacht areas
The "Yield" sign reads "Géill Slí" in Gaeltacht areas

Regulatory signs are mostly circular and mostly black on a white background, with a red border. If the sign contains a prohibition, a red line will diagonally bisect the sign. This type of road sign was introduced in 1956 with the Traffic Signs Regulations, 1956. Some signs were added later.

In Ireland, the "Give Way" sign, a downward pointing triangle, reads "Yield" (on signs erected prior to 1997: "Yield Right of Way" ) or, in Gaeltacht areas, "Géill Slí". A blank inverted triangle was provided for in legislation applicable between 1956 and 1961. The international octagonal "Stop" sign is also used.

Speed limit signs have the speed with the letters "km/h". There are no longer any "end of speed limit" signs in Ireland, the normal speed limit merely being posted at the end of local restrictions. Prior to metrication in 2005, "end of speed limit" signs were a white circle with black diagonal line.

Although differing from the design originally laid down (see Regulatory Signs below), "Keep Left" and "Keep Right" signs are now mostly white on a blue background, on the British pattern. In order to avail themselves of standard designs from British suppliers, local authorities had made extensive use of the white-on-blue design, in consequence of which legislation was enacted making both patterns legal.

Signage shown in the table below is not relative size in all cases. Images are based on sizes presented in different ages of legislation. Actual signage may be found in varying sizes, with the 1994 regulations finally setting three definitive sets of metric dimensions for each sign. Larger signs are used on motorways, dual-carriageways, major junctions, etc.

Arrow with cross-out
No entry
Right-angled arrow to left with cross-out
No left turn
Right-angled arrow to left with cross-out
No right turn
Arrow pointing ahead
One way
Arrow pointing left
Left turn only
Arrow pointing right
Right turn only
Arrow curving in an inverse U with cross-out
No U-turns1
Arrow curving to upper-left
Stay left2
Red octagon with letters S T O P in white
Inverted white triangle with red border and "Yield".
Yield (to other
traffic ahead)1
Inverted white triangle with red border and "Géill Slí".
Géill Slí (Yield
sign in Irish)3
White circle with red border
No vehicles5
1 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations, 1997 (some signs in use prior to this)
2 Falling out of use, Road Traffic (Signs) Regulations, 1997, still allows for it as well as more modern stay left sign.
3 Introduced: Traffic Signs (Amendment) Regulations, 1961
4 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) (Amendment) Regulations, 1966
5 Introduced: Road Traffic (Signs) (Amendment) (No. 3) Regulations, 1971

[edit] Obsolete signage

[edit] Earlier directional signage

The former "finger-post" style of Irish directional signage can still be seen in many areas of rural Ireland. These signs have black raised text on a white background. Destinations are in all caps (the Irish letter is simply smaller than the English one). Sometimes the former route number ("T" for trunk road, "L" for link road) can be seen, the former Bord Failte logo can be seen on some (they had responsibility for signage for a time), as can a harp occasionally. Distances on these signs are in miles. This style of signage has become a common feature of many tourist images of Ireland, and can be seen in some Irish pubs. However they can be easily rotated, and have been done so on occasion and therefore are not completely reliable.

While most examples of these signs still in situ are rural finger-posts, the advance directional sign of this era can still very occasionally be seen - this has a grey background, with the destinations in outlined, white-background boxes linked together with black lines, the text is not raised on these, unlike on finger-posts. These signs, rare even when the system was in use, can be seen in some areas of Dún Laoghaire.

The first generation of the current signage system, introduced in the 1970s, can also be seen in on some national roads (and also on the oldest stretch of the M1). This is similar to the current system, but the signs are simpler, a different shade of green is used, and the Irish place names are not in italics.

The Irish "Yield" sign formerly read "Yield Right of Way".

Irish warning/hazard road signs from 1926 to 1956.
Irish warning/hazard road signs from 1926 to 1956.

[edit] Earlier warning signs

Before adoption of the 1956 traffic signs regulations, warning signs accorded to a standard laid out in the 1926 "Road Signs and Traffic Signals Regulations" (see References, below). These signs, unlikely to exist in situ anywhere in Ireland nowadays, were similar to signs used in the United Kingdom at that time.

The signs were cast-iron plates, with raised type painted black on white. A square pictogram illustrated the hazard, and the type of hazard was written in both Irish, with traditional typeface, and English. A hollow red triangle normally surmounted the pole to which the sign was attached.

[edit] See also

[edit] References