Risk II

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Risk II is the official computer and online version of the classic board game Risk. Risk II was developed by Microprose, designed by DeepRed and released by Hasbro-Interactive in 2000. The rich graphics and sound far surpassed previous computer versions of the game. In addition to the classic board game style of play, Risk II introduced new modes including a single-player tournament and a totally new concept called SameTime, in which turns are taken simultaneously by all players.


[edit] Available Versions

There are two versions of Risk II available: The U.S. version (v1.01u) and the European version (v1.01e). This was needed because the classic board game rules actually differ slightly based on where the game is played. In the U.S. version, the defender can roll two dice and the trade-on-the-fly rule is in effect. In the European version, the defender can only roll one die and there is no trade-on-the-fly. The two versions are however, completely compatible with each other when used in multi-player games online or across a network. Whichever version is installed by the host of the game is the version that will be used for each player. In the classic board game Risk, the U.S. version uses ascending card trade-in values, while the European version uses set card trade-in values. In Risk II, both versions have the option of using ascending or set trade-in values, and also an additional option of ascending by one, which is a compromise between ascending and set.

Risk II can be downloaded here: http://www.iwin.com/download/109/risk-ii-game

[edit] Technical Issues

Risk II uses the Indeo codec for the opening videos. The Indeo codec is supplied with all versions of Microsoft Windows prior to Windows XP. Most computers come shipped with the Indeo codec pre-installed. If an error is encountered upon launch of the game, most likely the Indeo codec needs to be installed. Another technical issue is that in order to play the U.S. (retail CD) version online, a small registry edit must be made... http://www.atari.com/us/support/newfaq/riskii.php?browser=1&issueNum=1044&osType=WINXP&pageDisplay=MAIN

Here is the Geo Helpsite... http://www.geocities.com/risk2temp

[edit] Online Play

The official site for multi-player online Risk II was the MSN Gaming Zone until February of 2006 when Risk II, along with many other games were no longer supported there. Risk II still enjoys a vibrant online community and is playable at the following websites...

http://www.ewarzone.com -- The WarZone supports the classic mode of Risk II as well as other games such as Axis and Allies, and Total Anihilation. The lobby is designed to look and function like the old MSN Gaming Zone.

http://www.xmpchat.com or http://www.xmpchat.com/risk2 -- The eXtreme Multi-Player chat gaming server supports the Classic and also the SameTime mode of Risk II. The lobby is designed to look and function like the old MPlayer gaming server.

http://www.gamespy.com -- Gamespy supports only the SameTime mode of Risk II. Gamespy is a very large server that supports many other games and has its own look and feel.

[edit] Groups and Leagues

http://groups.msn.com/RiskIICoffeeShop - An open group devoted to Risk II. A Microsoft .NET (dot net) passport is required to sign up and log in.

http://www.knightsofempire.com - KOE is a very respected group in the Risk II online gaming community known for their dedication to the game and especially courteous treatment to all players, whether part of their family or not.

http://www.myleague.com - MyLeague by Cases Ladder has several competetitive leagues devoted to Risk II, in which players compete online to get on higher rungs of a ladder. The games are played on a specified server, and afterwards the players log in and report the results of the match.

http://www.myspace.com/risk2 - A myspace page devoted to Risk II

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