Right-hand rule

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The left-handed orientation is shown on the left, and the right-handed on the right.
The left-handed orientation is shown on the left, and the right-handed on the right.
Use of right hand.
Use of right hand.
The right hand rule is also an algorithm used to solve mazes, where a person keeps his right hand on a wall at all times while moving forward, because the walls along the path to the exit of the maze form one surface.

In mathematics and physics, the right-hand rule is a convention for determining relative directions of certain vectors.


[edit] Types

In fact, there are three closely related right-hand rules.

[edit] Direction associated with an ordered pair of directions

The first of these occurs in situations in which a non-commutative operation must be performed on two directions a and b (in a three-dimensional space) that constructs a direction c perpendicular to both a and b. There are in fact two such directions. The right-hand rule imposes the following procedure for choosing one of the two directions.

  • First, the hand is held flat and positioned so that the fingers are aligned with a. Then, the hand is rotated about the forearm so that the fingers curl inward toward b. The thumb indicates c.
  • There is also an alternative technique. First, the forefinger of the right hand is pointed directly forward, and the entire hand positioned so that the forefinger is aligned with a. Then, the middle finger is turned inward (toward the palm), and the hand is turned about the axis defined by a so that the middle finger aligns with b. The thumb indicates c.
  • Alternatively, consider a person standing at the origin facing along a and the direction of their head (in their own frame) being b. Then their right hand gives c

[edit] Direction associated with a rotation

Direction associated with a rotation (right-handed).
Direction associated with a rotation (right-handed).

The other form of the right-hand rule occurs in situations where a direction c must be determined based on a rotational direction, or vice versa. In this case, the fingers of the right hand are curled in the rotational direction, and the thumb indicates c.


  • moving away from the observer is associated with clockwise rotation and moving towards the observer with counterclockwise rotation, like a screw
  • leftward direction is associated with the rotation of the wheels of a vehicle moving forward

The relation with the previous section is established by associating with directions a and b the rotation through the shorter angle from a to b, clockwise or counterclockwise.

[edit] Applications of the right-hand rule

Fleming's right hand rule
Fleming's right hand rule

Perhaps the most fundamental application of the right-hand rule is the Cartesian coordinate system, where the first form is used to position the z-axis once the x- and y-axes have been determined, by choosing the shorter angle 90 degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.

The first form of the rule is also used to determine the direction of the cross product of two vectors. This leads to widespread use in physics, wherever the cross product occurs. A list of physical quantities whose directions are related by the right-hand rule is given below. (Some of these are related to cross products only indirectly, and use the second form.)

[edit] Left-hand rule

Fleming's left hand rule
Fleming's left hand rule

Fleming's left hand rule is a rule for finding the direction of the thrust on a conductor carrying a current in a magnetic field.

The left-hand rule can also refer to a reversal of the right-hand rule, where one of the vectors is reversed and so creates a left-handed triad instead of a right-handed triad.

An example of this situation is for Left-handed materials. Normally, for an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields, and the direction of propagation of the wave obey the right-hand rule. However left handed materials have special properties (the negative refractive index), it makes the direction of propagation point in the opposite direction.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links