Richard Kostelanetz

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Richard Cory Kostelanetz (14 May 1940, New York City) is a prolific American artist, author and critic. He was born to Boris Kostelanetz and Ethel Cory and is the nephew of the composer Andre Kostelanetz. He has a B.A. from Brown University and an M.A. from Columbia University; he studied as well at King's College, London. He is a passionate defender of the avant-garde. At one point, most famously, he sued the New York State Council on the Arts. Like a number of small press authors, Kostelanetz may have published too much. But wit and intelligence and good humor shine though a sometimes turbid sky. Too cranky to be beloved or even, sometimes, believed, he is nonetheless universally respected. He first sidled onto the literary scene with learned essays in quarterlies like The Hudson Review, then burst forth with glamorous profiles of older artists, musicians and writers for The New York Times; these profiles were collected in Master Minds. As he got older he got quirkier. He turned on his literary elders with The End of Intelligent Writing. Among the anthologies of younger writers he has edited: Scenarios(1980) and The Literature of SoHo (1981). SoHo: The Rise and Fall of an Artists' Colony (2003) evinces not the Latest but the Last.He has also produced Literature in audio, video, holography, prints, book-art, computer-based installations, among other new media. Indeed, no other American writer has worked as long or as variously with these media. Kostelantez recently looked in the mirror and catalogued who he saw:

Alternative Exposition
Book Autobiography
Political Criticism
Profiles of Major Artists & Intellectuals
Arts History
Social History
Cultural History
Literary History
Book Reviewing
Music Criticism
Literary Criticism
Music Journalism
Extended interviews
Film & Video Criticism
Book Art
Iris prints
Radio Plays
Radio features
Silkscreen prints
Audio Documentary
Drawings with lines & numbers
Hörspiel (German ear plays)
Electro-Acoustic Musical Composition
Texts for Composers
Video narration
Multiplex Holography
Transmission Holography
Documentary Photography
Creative Photography
Performance Texts
Verbal Poetry
Visual Poetry
Verbal Fiction
Visual Fiction
Acoustic Fiction
Travel Writing
“Creative Non-Fiction”
Editing of Taste-Making Anthologies
Literary Journal Editing
Autobiographical video
Organizing Assemblings
Cameraless video
Public art proposals
Documentary film
Narrative film
Abstract film
Experimental Prose
Text objects
Kinetic installations
Live media presentations
Thematic collecting of certain books, verbal art, and Rockaway postcards
Overseeing seminars in experimental writing

[edit] Selected bibliography

  • Master Minds (1970)
  • In the Beginning (1971, novel)
  • The End of Intelligent Writing: Literary Politics in America (1974, criticism)
  • Recyclings: A Literary Autobiography (1974)
  • Unfinished Business: An Intellectual Nonhistory, 1963-89 (1990)
  • Politics in the African-American Novel (1991, criticism)
  • Published Ecomia 1967-91 (1991)
  • On Innovative Art(ist)s (1992)
  • Woodworks (1993)
  • Dictionary of the Avant-Gardes (1993)
  • Minimal Fictions (1994)
  • Crimes of Culture (1995)
  • Ecco Kosti (1996)
  • Opening (1996)
  • Conversing with Cage (second ed., 2003), a collage of interviews with John Cage. Kostelantz on Cage is Kostelanetz at his best.

[edit] External links