Richard Hongisto

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Richard D. Hongisto (b. 1937, Bovey, Minnesota, d. 2004) was a San Francisco, California politician, sheriff, and businessman.


[edit] Early life and education

Hongisto was born to Gladys and Raymond Hongisto, the descendants of Finnish immigrants. He moved to San Francisco with his family as a young boy, and grew up in the Sunset District, where he graduated from George Washington High School. He later attended San Francisco City College. while completing a bachelor's degree at San Francisco State University, Hongisto became a police officer for the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD).

[edit] Career

[edit] Early career

As a police officer, Hongisto earned a reputation for activism, fighting discrimination within the police force and against police brutality. He was a co-founder of Officers for Justice, an organization of officers who were primarily racial minorities or gay.

Hongisto's activism made him controversial among the ranks of the SFPD, but at the same time he was a popular public figure. He ran for sheriff in 1971, and was elected -- a surprise that shocked the San Francisco political establishment. His predecessor, Matthew Carberry, had been a four-term sheriff, was well-connected politically, and had been considered a shoo-in for a return to the job.

Hongisto's election had been orchestrated methodically by computer analyist Les Morgan, using the then-new idea of precinct analysis of voting trends. Hongisto was considered the first candidate for public office in San Francisco to be elected largely by outsiders: gay, Latino, and other minority voters who had a strong voting presence, but who had been ignored by the political establishment.

He was the first sheriff to hire gay and lesbian deputies, and later became embroiled in controversy when he deliberately delayed the eviction of residents from the International Hotel, a residential hotel in Manilatown. After a long period where he refused to carry out the eviction, which included time spent in the San Mateo County jail on contempt of court charges, Hongisto eventually carried out the mass eviction, which earned him the enmity of some of the very people he tried to protect.

[edit] Cleveland

After serving as the sheriff in San Francisco, Hongisto briefly moved to Cleveland, Ohio in 1977, where he served as police chief under Mayor Dennis Kucinich. His penchant for controversy, and conflicts with Kucinich, eventually led to his being fired by the mayor on live local television. He returned to San Francisco, but in Cleveland his firing sparked a recall drive to remove Kucinich from office.

[edit] Return to San Francisco

Upon his return to San Francisco, Hongisto ran for and was elected to the County Board of Supervisors, where he helped to place Proposition M, a measure which would limit construction of high rise commercial buildings, on the public ballot. The measure passed overwhelmingly, and has to this day continued to impact the conservative development of San Francisco's skyline.

With the endorsement of then-Mayor Art Agnos, Hongisto later ran for the office of Assessor.

In 1991, he ran for mayor but did not make the run-off, coming in fourth. After declining to endorse Agnos for re-election as mayor, in a race won by police chief Frank Jordan, Hongisto was appointed in 1992 by Jordan to be San Francisco's police chief.

Hongisto's tenure as police chief lasted only six weeks, and was punctuated by controversy over his handling of demonstrations and riots which occurred in the wake of the Rodney King police brutality trial in Los Angeles. Instead of merely citing and releasing demonstrators who failed to comply with police orders, Hongisto ordered that they be arrested and processed at the Santa Rita jail in Dublin (Alameda County), thus ensuring that they would not be able to return to San Francisco before police had a chance to restore order. This enraged progressive activists, who then campaigned for his dismissal.

Soon thereafter, a gay and lesbian community newspaper, the San Francisco Bay Times, published a cover graphic of Hongisto's head pasted on the body of a lesbian activist. The activist was dressed in a police uniform and held a baton near the belt line, the headline screaming "Dick's Cool New Tool: Martial Law", in reference to the police actions. What happened afterwards is subject to dispute. Hongisto claimed that he had asked members of the police union to gather copies of the paper to show members of the rank and file what he was enduring in the activist press, in reaction to their criticism of his supposedly failing to properly defend their conduct of the arrests during the King riots. Around 2,000 copies of the free papers were taken from newsracks and later found stored at the Mission District police station. Hongisto was publicly accused of ordering the confiscation of the papers in attempt at censorship, a charge he continued to deny up to his death. After a hearing, which many considered to be highly politicized, the San Francisco Police Commission found him culpable, and Mayor Jordan dismissed him.

[edit] Later years

Hongisto left public life to become a full time businessman and real estate investor, apart from an unsuccessful run for County Supervisor in 2000.

Hongisto died of a heart attack on November 4, 2004, at the age of 67, leaving behind a son and daughter. He married four times, and was living with a girlfriend at the time of his death.

[edit] External link