Richard Dawkins Award

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The Richard Dawkins Award is a prize awarded annually to a person (or persons) by the Atheist Alliance International during its annual conference, in recognition of the work of Richard Dawkins. The official award criteria state:

The Richard Dawkins Award will be given every year to honor an outstanding atheist whose contributions raise public awareness of the nontheist life stance; who through writings, media, the arts, film, and/or the stage advocates increased scientific knowledge; who through work or by example teaches acceptance of the nontheist philosophy; and whose public posture mirrors the uncompromising nontheist life stance of Dr. Richard Dawkins.

Dawkins has provided evidentially-supported arguments against religion throughout his career both throughout his published written works and in such documentaries as Root of All Evil? and The Blind Watchmaker. Dawkins has even been called "Darwin's rottweiler" since he is an unwavering supporter of the soundness of Darwinian evolution as an explanation of all biological phenomena.

[edit] Past recipients

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