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The mass production RGM-79 GM mobile suit.
The mass production RGM-79 GM mobile suit.

This article is about a mobile suit, a weapon of the Gundam anime metaseries.

The GM (pronounced "Jim"), acronym of Gundam Mass-production is the mass produced version of the RX-78-2 Gundam. Though many variants were produced over the years, the RGM-79 GM was the Federation's first true mass-produced mobile suit. After the conclusion of the One Year War, the GM and its variants became the staple of the Earth Federation military forces.

The production model of the GM removed many of the RX-78's more expensive and complicated systems, such as the Core Block system and the learning computer. The RX-78's lunar titanium armor was replaced with cheaper standard titanium, and the Minovsky fusion powerplant was downrated. As a consequence, the GM was armed with a short range beam spray gun instead of the Gundam's more powerful beam rifle. Other standard armament for the GM included a 100mm machinegun or 380mm bazooka, a single beam saber and two head-mounted 60 mm vulcans machineguns.

The MS was very mobile, with a maximum thruster acceleration of nearly 1G and a maximum running ground speed of over 60 miles per hour (102 km/h). While its titanium monocoque construction provided slightly superior protection compared to the Zeon standard high tensile steel, it was not enough to provide substantial protection against the beam weaponry which had become standard by the time of its introduction.

The GM's introduction in November of UC 0079 would turn the tide of war against Zeon. While not materially superior to the Zeon's standard MS-06F Zaku II, and inferior to high performance units such as the MS-09 Dom or MS-14 Gelgoog, the GM benefited from the Earth Federation's superior production capacity. Zeon's focus on developing experimental units stalled support of their frontline forces even as the Federation began its counterattack. In the end, the Dom would not be deployed until late November, and the Gelgoog would not see its first deployment until the last two weeks of the One Year War. The Battle of A Baoa Qu of December 31st UC 0079 through January 1st UC 0080 laid bare Zeon's strategic error, as masses of well trained EF pilots in GMs overwhelmed the dwindling supply of Zeon aces flying untested mobile suits.

During the One Year War a recorded 42+288 GMs (42 early types and 288 late types) and each variant with no more than 50 were produced, claimed in Gundam Officials and MG model manual. These numbers dated back to early semi-canon guide book Gundam Century. Although most people doubted that these production numbers are accurate (which adds up to only a little less than 1000 GM produced during the OYW) since the top 8 Zeon Ace pilots shot down a total of 1222 MS by the books MS Variation and History of One Year War(一年戦争史), same sources also included that Zeon forces, unlike EFF, do not count their shoot down very accurately. With a team of 3 people shooting down one enemy MS, it is always claimed as shooting down one MS per pilot instead of 1/3 per pilot. Also, shot down pictures were seldom closely inspected and thus making a lot of shot downs number actually just bluff. Another proposed theory is that the EFF did not have MS in the beginning of the war and Zeon forces counted all types of Mobile weapons as shot downs, and these include the mass numbered tanks and fighters/space fighters (with over 30000 left even after the war), which is definitely enough to fill up the numbers.

After the One Year War, the RGM-79 design became the backbone of the Earth Federation Forces. Many variants were produced throughout the 0080s, and the basic frame was not replaced until the appearance of the RGM-89 Jegan in 0089.


[edit] Real Life

In real life, the GM was designed by Kunio Okawara for the original Mobile Suit Gundam television series. Of the concepts introduced into Gundam, the GM, as a grunt-level mech used by the protagonists of the series, is one which has become a staple of the mecha anime genre, the logical next step from one super-powered machine against a vast evil force to a full-scale conflict between two armies with the robotic equivalent of foot soldiers. The GM served as a direct inspiration for machines within other Gundam shows, most notably the Strike Dagger from Gundam SEED and Gundam SEED DESTINY. As wel as other mecha anime like Dragoon from Metal Armor Dragonar and Huckebein Mk-II Mass Production Type from Super Robot Wars OVA.

Retcon redesigns were featured in the OVAs Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket and Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, although these redesigns have since been designated as separate models. The GM is also a popular subject for various Mobile Suit Variations.

There are two accepted versions of the RGM-79; the original design by Kunio Okawara (which featured a single-piece waist armor, no neck, a smooth, rounded face and ill-defined elbow joints and legs) and a popular redesign by Hajime Katoki (pictured above) which brings the GM more in line with its predecessor the RX-78. These two designs are functionally the same machine; generally the Okawara design is used to represent a more "nostalgic" GM while the Katoki design displays a more "realistic" approach.

[edit] Variants

RGM-79C GM Kai made for space combat.
RGM-79C GM Kai made for space combat.

[edit] RGM-79C GM Kai

The RGM-79C "Kai" (改, "modified") is an upgrade of the standard RGM-79 developed after the conclusion of the One Year War. While similar in many respects to the wartime model, the GM Kai featured upgraded maneuvering thrusters that provided a modest upgrade in performance. This refinement of the GM design would serve as the basis for numerous variants, and was the mainstay of the Federal forces until the rollout of the new GM II units in 0085. (Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory)

[edit] RGM-79P Powered GM /RGM-79CR GM Kai High Mobility Type

RGM-79CR is a loose designation encompassing several prototype GM units during the mid-0080s. These models were designed as testbeds for new technology and were generally not fit for field duty. The RGM-79P Powered GM was used by the Gundam Project to test the new GP series of prototype Gundam units. Its was outfitted with heavy upgrades to its powerplant, thrusters and shock absorbers located on bulky external backpacks. The only known Powered GM was assigned to the Torrington Base in Australia.

The RGM-79CR High Mobility Type was assigned to the Titans Test Team to test the viability of the new RGM-79R GM II. Painted in Titans blue, it featured numerous functional adaptations that rendered it the equivalent of the GM II in performance.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Advance of Zeta)

RGM-79D model made for cold climates.
RGM-79D model made for cold climates.

[edit] RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type

A variant of the original RGM-79, built near the end of the One Year War. Designed to counteract Zeon's MS-09 Dom, the Cold Climate Type featured improved maneuverability over the standard GM. Special insulation allowed the RGM-79D to operate in numerous harsh climates, including the Arctic, without the need for constant maintenance. Although it was considered a success, the Cold Climate Type's specialized role and limited production run resulted in relatively few units being produced. These would see very little combat in it's standard form, as the Zeon would never produce a dedicated ms for use in cold climates. However, these units would see combat in late 0079, when the Cyclops team attacked the Antarctic research base and in the Federation's attack on Baikonur Spaceport.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket) (Source: Mobile Suit Gundam: Lost War Chronicles)

[edit] RGM-79[E] GM Type E

The limited production RGM-79E GM Type-E space-combat mobile suit.
The limited production RGM-79E GM Type-E space-combat mobile suit.

The GM Type E was the earliest model of GM, developed soon after the combat data from the V Project reached Luna II via White Base. The Type E was designed for space combat in coordination with the RGM-79[G] Ground Type GM. Data from these two pre-production models would serve as the basis for the later RGM-79 mass production model. Very few of these units reached combat, and those that did were generally seen as a disappointment thanks to their weak armor and maneuverability.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team)

[edit] RGM-79F Land Combat Type GM

A GM variant developed for ground combat during the One Year War. The upper half of the GM's armor was strengthened to protect against Zaku machinegun fire. The Land Combat GM also carried a railcannon in addition to standard GM's armaments. The Land Combat Type GM was mainly deployed on the European battle lines.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations)

[edit] RGM-79G GM Command

The RGM-79G GM Command.
The RGM-79G GM Command.

With the One Year War drawing to a close, the Earth Federation built the RGM-79G GM Command as an improved version of the standard RGM-79 GM. The GM Command featured a slightly modified body type that allowed for extra thrusters, improving maneuverability. The GM Command was generally assigned to ace units, although its late introduction to the war prevented many of these units from seeing combat. A notable exception was the conflict at the top-secret Federation research facility in Side 6's Libot colony, where GM Command units from the carrier Gray Phantom sortied with Zeon skirmish units inside the colony.

Two slight variants of the GM Command were produced; one suited for ground combat and another with several extra maneuvering verniers designed for zero-g encounters. This GM Command Space Type is sometimes distinguished by the designation RGM-79GS, although they are functionally similar units.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)

[edit] RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type

RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type.
RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type.

The RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type was the second pre-production GM model designed by the Earth Federation to test the eventual mass production RGM-79. A counterpart to the RGM-79[E], the Ground Type featured enhanced armor plating, a unique shield design and an enhanced weapon loadout. While it lacked the traditional head-mounted Vulcan cannons of its predecessors, the Ground Type was capable of wielding a 6-tube missile launcher and even a cap-based beam rifle. The Ground Type also shared about 80% of its parts with the RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundam, allowing easy repair between the two models. Although usually RX-79[G] Ground Type Gundams were repaired using parts from Ground type GMs, there were a few instances of Ground type GMs using parts from the Ground type Gundams, such as Matt Healy's Platoon, who at one point replaced the standard Ground GM backpack with the Ground type Gundam's backpack in order to allow it to use the parachute pack in a drop operation.

Overall, 42 units were produced. Twelve were used by Kojima Battalion stationed in Southeast Asia. The other 30 were used in the Federation's first successful offensive counterstrike against the Zeon Forces in Operation Odessa. The Ground Type was discontinued in November 0079 when its cheaper, mass-production successor, the RGM-79, was introduced.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team)

[edit] RGM-79[G] GM Sniper Ground Type

RGM-79[G] GM Ground TSniper.
RGM-79[G] GM Ground TSniper.

A variant of the RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type, designed for long-range precision firepower. Painted a drab olive green for camouflage, its hand armament consisted of a single long-range beam rifle with a high-power scope. However the rifle needed a large amount of energy, so it was connected to an external power generator and a cooling device. At least four GM Snipers were used by the Kojima Battalion.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam: 08th MS Team)

[edit] RGM-79L GM Light Armor

The RGM-79L GM Light Armor.
The RGM-79L GM Light Armor.

A Mobile Suit Variation of the RGM-79, the GM Light Armor was designed for fast hit-and-run strikes. The Light Armor had just that: the barest minimum of armor. The shoulder and ankle armors were removed completely, and the hip armor plating is noticeably smaller. This decrease in mass allowed for better acceleration and maneuverability. The GM Light Armor also used a beam gun that was more closely related to the RX-78-2 Gundam's beam rifle. This beam gun packed a heavier punch and longer range but had limited ammunition. The RGM-79L GM Light Armor was an overall success and was popular with many fighter-pilots-turned-MS-pilots. The most famous was Captain Gary Rogers.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations)

[edit] RGM-79N GM Custom

The RGM-79N GM Custom was the limited production model of the RX-78NT1 Alex. The Custom removed the Alex's panoramic cockpit and arm-mounted gatling cannons in favor of greater power and maneuverability. The GM Custom was a substantial improvement to the GM line, and was comparable in power to the RX-78 Gundam. It even held its own against experimental Gundam units of its day, such as the GP-01. Because of its high cost, the GM Custom was limited to ace pilots. In the third Zeta Gundam complication movies, an RGM-79N unit is seen being in use (along with an RGC-83 GM Cannon II) by the AEUG, although painted in a different color scheme.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam)

[edit] RGM-79Q GM Quel

Following the brutal fighting of the Delaz Incident of 0083, the Earth Federation decided to form a special task force to suppress possible rebellions in space colonies. This new semi-autonomous force was known as the Titans. The RGM-79Q GM Quel, a refinement of the RGM-79N GM Custom, was chosen as their first mainstay mobile suit. It featured improved performance over the Custom, and its recognizable blue color scheme served to intimidate enemies of the Titans. However it was designed to fight inside colonies, not in the void of space. it was only assigned to Titans, and became their main stay mobile suits until the release of Hi-Zack and Marasai.

[edit] RGM-79Q Hazel Reserve Unit

Utilized by the Titan Test Team, this RGM-79Q GM Quel is a reserve machine so that its parts could be exchanged with those of the RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel]. In essence, this is nothing more than a "Gundam Head", as its Gundam type-head is modified from standard GM-Quel heads; the rest of its body remains identical to that of the standard GM Quel.

[edit] RX-121 Gundam TR-1 Hazel

The RX-121 Gundam TR-1 [Hazel] is a functional test machine assigned to the Murphy team, based upon the GM Quel. It was equipped with with a Gundam head in order to test its psychological effectiveness against Zeon remnants, though it was actually modified from existing GM-Quel head instead of a true RX-type Gundam head. As it is developed for use in real combat, as well as used as test machine, many of its parts have been replaced with enhancement parts like the new backpack, the movable booster pod attached to it, and the improved thrusters in its legs. As a result, its potential rivals that of an RX type.

Its beam rifle is a prototype version of the energy pack type which the next generation of machines are expected to carry, and this machine has also been used in the development and testing of other devices such as the shield booster. Also, the support actuator units on the Hazel's shoulders can be fitted with either multipurpose launchers, or holding grips to help stabilize its arms while in High Mobility Form. Its skirt armor is usually fitted with energy pack holders which store two energy packs apiece.

The Hazel's most distinctive equipment is the shield booster, which contains propellant tanks and a single thruster with an output of 22,000 kg. This device is a further evolution of the sturm boosters used by earlier mobile suits, but unlike its ancestors the shield booster is retained as a shield after its propellant supply is exhausted, rather than being discarded when empty. The Hazel's Assault Form is equipped with two shield boosters, one on each arm, and its High Mobility Form also carries one on its movable booster pod.

Although the original Hazel's specs are unknown, it spec is probably weaker than Hazel Custom, making its overall specs are probably very similar to those of the RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes".

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory, Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans)

[edit] RGM-79R GM II

The RGM-79R GM II.
The RGM-79R GM II.

Introduced in UC 0085, the RGM-79R GM II was an updated version of the Earth Federation's original RGM-79 GM mobile suit. While a clear improvement over the original design, the GM II was soon outclassed by the high-performance transformable mobile suits introduced in the Gryps Conflict. However, it remained one of the most heavily mass produced mobile suit in its day, second only to the Hizack.

The RGM-179 GM II in the AEUG's color scheme.
The RGM-179 GM II in the AEUG's color scheme.

The AEUG GM II was identical to the GM II used by the Federation forces, except for the difference in color scheme and designation. (Source: Zeta Gundam)

[edit] RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom

The GM Sniper Custom was a high-performance mobile suit built specifically for highly skilled MS pilots during the One Year War. It featured a higher-output reactor, extra thrusters in the legs, and an improved booster backpack. Due to the extra heat the equipment generated the RGM-79SC was also fitted with vents and coolings system to the waists and legs. Lastly, a "face guard" shield was added to the head to provide additional protection to the GM Sniper Custom's head sensors without hindering the machine's ability to detect and acquire targets. Its primary weapon was a long-range beam rifle designed for sniper mission. An optional beam saber could also be fixed on the forearm for potential close combat situations.

The GM Sniper Custom proved to be remarkably expensive and only a total of 50 units were fielded during the war.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations)

[edit] RGM-79SP GM Sniper II

Based on the RGM-79G GM Command, the GM Sniper II was the most powerful GM variant built during the One Year War. Featuring special targeting sensors in a "face guard" visor for its standard sensors, the GM Sniper II could be equipped with a beam rifle or 90 mm machine gun for close-quarters combat, or a long-range, projectile-firing rifle for sniper missions. Only a very few Sniper IIs were produced in the last days of the One Year War.

Three units were assigned to the Pegasus Class Assault Carrier Gray Phantom's scarlet team and fielded in defence of the federation R&D base in Side 6. All three units were destroyed with the rest of the scarlet team by Mikhail Kaminsky and his Kampfer.

GM Sniper II models became the primary suits of the Earth Federal Army's 'White Dingo' MS Team in Australia in the last month of the One Year War. The White Dingo team first operated RGM-79SP units at Hughendon HLV base in Australia in the last battle of repelling Zeon occupation of the continent.

Confusingly, the model number RGM-79SP is also assigned to the RGM-79SP Desert GM.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)

[edit] RGM-79SP Desert GM

Following a similar philosophy to the RGM-79D Cold Climate Type GM, a variant of the GM was developed for desert combat, designated the RGM-79SP Desert GM. Unlike the 79D, the 79SP was based on the RGM-79F Land Combat GM. It is equipped with reactive armor, as well as special joints to deal with the intake of sand. The Desert GM is armed with a beam spray gun, a beam saber and a railcannon with a combination missile pod. The Desert GM was deployed mainly in Near and Middle East and Northern Africa.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations)

[edit] RAG-79 Aqua GM

As its name implies, the Aqua GM was an aquatic mobile suit based on the RGM-79 GM. It was developed to oppose the Principality of Zeon's successful amphibious mobile suit line, such as the Z'gok. The project suffered from underfunding and a rushed development cycle, and the Aqua GM had severe problems remaining airtight and pressure resistant. The project was soon terminated with only a small number of Aqua GM produced, as the theatre of war moved offworld and the need for amphibious units became moot.

A handful of Aqua GMs were redesigned for ace pilots. These modified units resembled the RX-78-2 Gundam and were called the Waterproof Gundam or Gundiver. Armed with an explosive harpoon gun and an underwater type beam rifle, they featured improved combat ability over the standard RAG-79. However, information regarding its overall effectiveness during the war remains unknown.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations)

[edit] TGM-79 (RGM-79T) GM Trainer

The TGM-79 GM Trainer in standard bright training colors.
The TGM-79 GM Trainer in standard bright training colors.

Even as the Earth Federation began mass production of the RGM-79, they found themselves with a critical lack of trained mobile suit pilots. To remedy this, several RGM-79s were converted into dual-seater units and designated as TGM-79 GM Trainers. The trainee pilot sat in a standard cockpit with the instructor pilot in another seat above him. The instructor's cockpit was equipped with a small window. While for all intents and purposes a standard GM, the GM Trainer was stripped of most of its armor and equipped with training weapons that rendered it unsuitable for combat. When not used for training, TGM-79s were often conscripted for engineering and construction duties.

One rare variant on the standard TGM-79 was the TGM-79C GM Canal. Deployed in UC 0085 at the Federation École training facility in North America, the TGM-79 was in fact one of the more advanced mobile suits of the day. Two variants of the TGM-79C exist - a single seater for basic training and a two-seater for advanced training with an instructor riding onboard. The single seater replaced the relatively fragile head with a more durable sensor block that contained all the standard sensors, while the two-seater used a modified head that contained two cameras. The standard three-screen cockpit that was in use then was replaced with a panaramic cockpit and linear chair, however, the screen could be configured to "low-visibility mode" which would emulate the standard three-screen display. In addition (and unbeknownst to the trainee pilots), all TGM-79C units were equipped with special gear designed for detecting and assessing latent Newtype capabilities in the trainees.

(Source: Mobile Suit Variations, Mobile Suit Gundam: École du Ciel)

[edit] Newtype Test GM Juggler

During the late stages of the One Year War (October-December UC 0079), the Earth Federation was confounded on how to defend themselves against the new psycommu mobile armors/suits developed by Zeon. They decided to develop a unit designed to imitate all-range multi-vector attacks using existing technology (not the psycommu system). This was called the 'Newtype GM Test Juggler. It used a heavily modified RGM-79 GM as the base machine, and two RB-79 Ball pods equipped with two beam cannons as the attack units. It is a two seater, and uses laser communication to conduct a shoddy version of the all-range attack. However, due to problems considering balance and effects, the project is cancelled after the war ends.

(Source: Various Gundam G Generation video games)

[edit] RGM-79FP GM Striker

During the late stages of the One Year War (October-December UC 0079), the Earth Federation developed a special close-combat version of the GM for Federation ground ace pilots. This model was called the RGM-79FP GM Striker. It lacked the head mounted vulcan guns, retained the beam saber, was capable of using a special shield and 90mm machine gun, but it's coup de grace weapon was a twin-bladed beam lance that retained the close combat effectiveness of a beam javelin. Also upgraded was the thrust: eight large rocket nozzles were located on the backpack and rear leg armor, giving it enhanced ground mobility. This mobile suit was extremely maneuverable and deadly in the hands of an experienced pilot. The GM Striker appears in the new PlayStation 3 video game Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire.

(Source: Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire)

[edit] Specifications

[edit] RGM-79 GM

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 41.2 metric tons; max gross 58.8 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; beam spray gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed; shield
Pilot(s): Shin, Master Pierce Rayer, Leung Lee-Fai, Maximilian Berger, Jack Bayard, Adam Stingray, Yu Kajima, Philip Hughes, Summona Fulis, Conrad Morris

[edit] Newtype Test GM Juggler

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: prototype Newtype-use mobile suit
Dimensions: unknown
Weight: unknown
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Special features: Full Armor option
Armament: 2x 60mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 90mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip; 2x RB-79 Ball unit, wire-guided, each mounts 2x beam cannon
Pilot(s): Bernard Monsha, Proto Zero

[edit] RGM-79C GM Kai

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 41.2 metric tons; max gross 58.8 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; HFW-GR·MR82-90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip, 2 spare clips stored in shield; 360 mm hyper bazooka, clip-fed, 7 rounds per clip plus 1 round in chamber
Pilot(s): South Burning, Shinn Barnack

[edit] RGM-79D GM Cold Climate Type

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production cold climate combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 44.7 tons; max gross 58.7 tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 0.39 MW, stored in recharge racks on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use; 90 mm machine gun w/grenade launcher
Pilot(s): Yu Kajima, Philip Hughes, Summona Fulis

[edit] RGM-79E GM Type E

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 48.2 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1390 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip
Pilot: Terry Sanders, Jr.

[edit] RGM-79F Land Combat Type GM

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: land combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 46.2 metric tons; max gross 61.5 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Armament: beam saber, stored in recharge rack on backpack, hand-carried in use; 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; railcannon; beam spray gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap

[edit] RGM-79G GM Command

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 43.5 metric tons; max gross 56.4 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1330 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip

[edit] RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production space combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 44.6 metric tons; max gross 76.5 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1390 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; beam gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip
Pilot: Tenneth A. Jung

[edit] RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production ground combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 53.8 metric tons; max gross 66.0 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1150 kW
Armament: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in legs, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; NF·GMG-Type.37/100 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 2 spare clips stored on hip armor; bazooka gun, clip-fed, 7 rounds per clip; 6-tube missile launcher; beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap
Pilot(s): Sally, Rob, Mike, Matt Healy, Anish, Larry

[edit] RGM-79[G] GM Sniper

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production ground combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 53.8 metric tons; max gross 66.0 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1150 kW
Armament: 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in legs, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; long-range beam rifle, powered by external power source

[edit] RGM-79L GM Light Armor

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose light mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 17.8 meters
Weight: empty 36.8 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Armament: beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; beam gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap
Pilot: Gary Rogers

[edit] RGM-79N GM Custom

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose multi-class mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 19.0 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 42.0 metric tons; max gross 57.6 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1420 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; XB-G-1019H beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; RGM·M-Sh-ABT/S-00057 shield, mounted on either forearm; HFW-GR·MR82-90 mm GM rifle, clip-fed, 30 rounds per clip, 2 spare clips stored in shield; HFW-GMG·MG79-90 mm bullpop machine gun
Pilot(s): South Burning, Alfa A. Bate, Bernard Monsha

[edit] RGM-79Q GM Quel

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces (Titans)
Operator: Titans
Unit type: general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 39.8 tons; max gross 56.3 tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1720 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, XB-G-1065H beam saber, power rated at 0.38 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; RGM*M-Sh-ABT/S-00195 shield, mounted on left forearm; BOWA*BR-S-85-C2 beam rifle;HFW-GR*MR82 90 mm GM rifle, clip-fed, 30 rounds per clip
Pilot: Erickson

[edit] RGM-79R (RGM-179) GM II

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces; Titans; Anti-Earth Union Group
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 19.1 meters; head height 18.1 meters
Weight: empty 40.5 metric tons; max gross 58.7 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1518 kW
Armament: 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; beam saber, power rated at 2.6 MW, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on either forearm; BOWA·BR-S-85-C2 beam rifle, power rated at 1.9 MW, powered by rechargeable energy cap
Pilot(s): Jack Bayard, Clark, Earth Federation, AEUG pilots, Kacricon Cacooler

[edit] RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 47.0 metric tons; max gross 75.3 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1390 kW
Armament: beam saber, can be mounted on forearm; BR-M79L-3 sniper beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap, can be stored in storage rack on rear waist armor; beam gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap, can be stored on storage racks on legs
Pilot(s): Francis Backmeyer, Lon Cau, Tenneth A. Jung

[edit] RGM-79SP GM Sniper II

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: mass production general purpose mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 18.5 meters; head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 45.0 metric tons; max gross 61.0 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1390 kW
Special Equipment: sensors with additional targeting sensors in visor, range 8700 meters
Armament: 2 x beam saber, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored in recharge racks on rear waist armor, hand-carried in use; 2-barrel vulcan pod, mounted on head; shield, mounted on either forearm; beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap; 90 mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip; sniper rifle, semi-automatic, clip-fed, 5 rounds per clip; long-range beam rifle, powered by rechargeable energy cap
Pilot: Lido Wolf, Master P. Rayer, Leung Lee-Fai, Maximilian Berger

[edit] RGM-79FP GM Striker

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: close combat mobile suit
Dimensions: overall height 18.0 meters
Weight: base 50.2 metric tons; max gross 94.3 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Special Equipment: None
Armament: 1x beam saber, powered by rechargeable energy cap, stored in recharge rack on backpack, hand-carried in use; 90mm machine gun, clip-fed, 20 rounds per clip; 1x twin-bladed beam lance, powered by rechargeable energy cap, hand-carried in use; shield, mounted on left arm
Pilot: None as of yet

[edit] RGM-79SP Desert GM

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: desert combat mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 18.0 meters
Weight: empty 44.7 metric tons; max gross 59.5 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rated at 1250 kW
Armament: beam saber, stored in recharge rack on backpack, hand-carried in use; 2 x 60 mm vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in head; railcannon w/missile pod; beam spray gun, powered by rechargeable energy cap

[edit] TGM-79 (RGM-79T) GM Trainer

Manufacturer: Earth Federation Forces
Operator: Earth Federation Forces
Unit type: training mobile suit
Dimensions: head height 17.8 meters
Weight: empty 40.5 metric tons
Powerplant: Minovsky type ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Armament: beam saber, stored in recharge rack in backpack, hand-carried in use

[edit] Other variations

Early Universal Century mobile weapons ( - U.C.0110)
Earth Federation:
Mobile Suits: FA-010A FAZZ - FA-78-1 Gundam Full Armor Type - FD-03 Gustav Karl - MSA-007 Nero - MSA-0011 (MSZ-011) S Gundam - RAG-79 Aqua GM - RB-79 (RX-76) Ball - RGC-80 GM CannonRGC-83 GM Cannon II - RGM-79 (RX-79) GM - RGM-86R GM IIIRGM-89 Jegan - RGX-D3 D Gundam Third - RGZ-91 Re-GZ - RX-104FF Penelope - RX-75 Guntank - RX-77 Guncannon - RX-78 Gundam - RX-78GP Gundam GP series - RX-79 Gundam - RX-93 Nu Gundam - MSZ-006+ (MSK-006) Zeta Plus - TGM-79 (RGM-79T) GM Trainer
Earth Federation (Titans) :
Mobile Suits: LRX-077 Sisquiede - LRX-088 Dezpada - MS-06M Marine Hi-Zack - ORX-012 (MSF-008) Gundam Mk-IV - ORX-013 Gundam Mk-V - RGM-79Q GM Quel - RGM-179 (RMS-179, RGM-79R) GM II - RMS-106 (RX-106, RMS-116) Hi-Zack - RMS-108 (MSA-002) Marasai - RMS-117 Galbaldy Beta - RMS-119 EWAC Zack - RMS-141 Xeku Eins - RMS-142 Xeku Zwei - RMS-154 Barzam - RMS-188MD Zaku Diver - RMS-192M Zaku Mariner - RX-110 Gabthley - RX-121 Gundam TR-1 Hazel - RX-139 Hambrabi - RX-160 Byarlant - RX-178 Gundam Mk-II - PMX-001 Pallas Athene - PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn - PMX-003 The O
Mobile Armours: AMA-100 (AMX-100) Zodiac - LRX-066 Tera-S'ono - MRX-009 Psyco Gundam - MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mark II - NRX-044 (NRX-004) Asshimar - NRX-055 (NRX-005) Baund Doc - ORX-005 (ORX-05, CRX-005) Gaplant - PMX-000 Messala
Earth Federation (AEUG/Karaba) :
Mobile Suits: LRX-077 Sisquiede - MSA-003 Nemo - MSA-004K Nemo III - MSA-005 Methuss - MSA-007 Nero - MSF-007 Gundam Mk-III - MSK-008 Dijeh - MSN-00100 (MSN-100, MSN-001) Hyaku Shiki - MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam - MSZ-006+ (MSK-006) Zeta Plus - MSZ-008 ZII - MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam - RGM-79R (RGM-179, RMS-179) GM II - RMS-099 (MSA-099, MSA-009) Rick Dias - RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
Principality of Zeon:
Mobile Suits: EMS-05 Agg - EMS-10 (EMS-04) Zudah - MP-02A Orgg - MS-01 to 04 - MS-05 Zaku I - MS-06 Zaku II - MS-07 Gouf - MS-08TX Efreet - MS-09 Dom - MS-10 Pezun Dowadge - MS-11 Action Zaku - MS-12 Gigan - MS-13 Gatsha - MS-14 (MS-11) Gelgoog - MS-17 Galbaldy Alpha - MS-18 Kämpfer - MS-19 Dolmel - MSM-01 (MS-06M) Zaku Marine Type - MSM-03 Gogg - MSM-04 Acguy - MSM-07 Z'Gok - MSM-08 Zogok - MSM-10 Zock - MSN-01 Kikeroga - MSN-02 (MS-X16, MSN-X2) Zeong - YMS-15 (MS-X10, MS-15) Gyan - YMS-16M Xamel
Mobile Armours: Apsalus Project - Linosalus - MA-04X Zakrello - MA-05 Bigro - MA-05Ad Big Rang - MA-06 Val Varo - MA-08 Big Zam - MAM-07 Grabro - MAN-03 (MAN-X3) Braw Bro - MAN-05 Gromlin - MAN-08 (MA-05H, MAN-X8) Elmeth - MAX-03 Adzam
Delaz Fleet:
Mobile Suits: AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra - MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type - MS-09F/Trop Dom Tropen - MS-14F Gelgoog Marine - MS-21C Dra-C - YMS-16M Xamel - RX-78GP02A Gundam
Mobile Armours: AMA-002 (AMA-X2, AMX-002) Neue Ziel - MA-06 Val Varo
Axis/Neo Zeon:
Mobile Suits: AMS-119 (MS-16) Geara Doga - AMX-003 (MMT-1) Gaza-C - AMX-004 (MMS-3) Qubeley - AMX-006 Gaza-D - AMX-007 (MMT-3) Gaza-E - AMX-008 Ga-Zowm - AMX-009 Dreissen - AMX-011 (AMX-110) Zaku III - AMX-013 Zssa Dain - AMX-014 Doven Wolf - AMX-015 Geymark - AMX-016 Gaza-W - AMX-017 Gigantic - AMX-101 Galluss-J - AMX-102 Zssa - AMX-103 Hamma Hamma - AMX-104 R-Jarja - AMX-107 Bawoo - AMX-109 (AMX-010) Kapool - AMX-117R/L Gazu-R/L - MSN-03 Jagd Doga - MSN-04 Sazabi - MSN-X4 Buggy Doga - RMS-099B Sturm Dias - RMS-116H Hobby Hi-Zack - RMS-192M Zaku Mariner
Mobile Armours: AMA-01X (AMA-001X, AMX-01X) Jamru Fin - AMA-002 (AMA-X2, AMX-002) Neue Ziel - AMA-100 (AMX-100) Zodiac - MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mark II - NZ-000 Quin Mantha - NZ-333 Alpha Azieru
Mafty Navilles Erin:
Mobile Suits: Me02R Messer - RX-105 Xi Gundam
Mobile Suits: Cattle - Geze - MWS-19051G D Gundam - RMS-116H Hobby Hi-Zack - SP-W03 Space Pod
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