Reveille (Texas A&M)

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Reveille, the first lady and official mascot of Texas A&M University
Reveille, the first lady and official mascot of Texas A&M University

Texas A&M University adopted its first official mascot, Reveille, in 1931. The "First Lady" of A&M, the highest ranking member of the Corps of Cadets is a collie named Reveille that is present at all football games and many other University functions.

Reveille I was a small malnourished black and white dog which members of the Aggie Band found on their way back from a Corps trip. They smuggled the dog into the dorms to take care of her. The next morning she was found because she barked to the morning reveille, hence the name. Although it was against the rules to keep pets in the dorms, the Corps fell in love with the dog and kept her as the mascot.

The current mascot, Reveille VII, is a collie, just as Reveille II-VI were. Reveille I-VI are currently buried in front of Kyle Field, facing the scoreboard (so they can watch their Texas Aggie football team outscore the opponents). Recent additions to Kyle Field have blocked the gravesites' view of the field, so a miniature scoreboard was constructed in view so that the mascots can still see the game scores.

Reveille I
Reveille I

Reveille is considered the highest ranking member of the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, and she holds the cadet rank of General, with 5 diamonds as her rank insignia. If Reveille falls asleep on a cadet's bed, then he must sleep on the floor. Likewise, if Reveille barks during class, the professor traditionally will dismiss class immediately.

Reveille is looked after by a mascot corporal, a sophomore cadet who belongs to Unit E-2, designated as the mascot company. It is a highly prestigious position, but entails a great deal of responsibility.

Along with her rank as a Cadet General, Reveille receives full military funerals as an honor to the "First Lady of Texas A&M."

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