Wikipedia:Research resources

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Wikipedia research resources

GFDL resources
Public domain resources
Public domain image resources
Free image resources
Free sound resources
Non-PD resources

This page is a directory of both proprietary and free online resources that may be useful for research purposes. Resources are collections of information and facts. For advice on Wikipedia-specific tools, see Wikipedia:Researching with Wikipedia. The page has a section of resources that are offered and one of resources that are wanted. These sections are separated into subsections for specific resource types.

These are not public domain resources. They may be helpful references, but you are not allowed to copy material directly from these sources.

Please add your own resources in the appropriate section and provide as much detail as possible about:

  • version of the resource
  • storage form of the resource (paper, CD-ROM, online archive etc.)

It is assumed that these resources are available to you for free or that you are willing to cover any costs. Users should note that these shared usage offers, unless otherwise noted, are only valid for Wikipedia purposes.

The Newspapers and magazines request service is a centralized location for requesting articles from commercial databases or archives from Wikipedians who have access to them. Please sign up here if you are willing to help provide articles.


[edit] Offered resources

This section is currently inactive and is kept primarily for historical interest. If you want to revive discussion regarding the subject, you should ask for broader input, for instance at the village pump.

[edit] Archives

[edit] German language

  • Der Spiegel (weekly newsmagazine)
    • Electronic access from 1986 to present (without pictures): Eloquence
    • CD-ROM archives 1994, 1995, 2000, 2001 (with pictures): Eloquence
  • Konkret (monthly leftist magazine)
  • Taz (daily newspaper)
    • Electronic access from 1986 to present: Eloquence
  • German news agencies
    • Various, electronic access from 1998 to present: Eloquence

[edit] English language


[edit] General Reference

[edit] Science databooks

  • CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 77th edition (1997) (chemical and physical data on just about anything): DrBob

[edit] Culture

[edit] Writing and Publishing

Chicago Manual of Style, 14th edition (1993): Centrx

[edit] Philosophy

Oxford Companion to Philosophy (1995): Centrx

[edit] History

A large (150-200 books) private library (print) on the subject 'voyages of discovery'. Especially interesting Raymond John Howgego: Encyclopedia of Exploration to 1800 (2003). - Andre Engels

[edit] Wanted resources

Currently none.

[edit] Free online resources

For a list of online dictionaries, please see Wiktionary:Wiktionary:Other Dictionaries on the Web.

[edit] General

[edit] Sports

  • Amateur Athletic Foundation Digital Archive - over 200,000 pages of "academic journals, scholarly books, popular sports magazines of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and an extensive offering of Olympic publications. The Olympic titles include a complete run of back issues of Olympic Review, the official publication of the International Olympic Committee, and two dozen Olympic Games official reports."

[edit] Medicine

  • PubMed Entrez Global Query Cross-Database Search System. Free access to biomedical databases: online science textbooks, clinical trials, biomedical literature, Human genome, protein structure, taxonomy, etc. Put out by the National Library of Medicine.

[edit] Geography / Country Info

[edit] Canada

[edit] Business

[edit] Election statistics

[edit] Link lists

[edit] Unreliable sources

  • - A collection of scientific essays written by high school students on various topics.

[edit] User-made multi-site searches

  • Bodnotbod's British media search
    • Click it to restrict your Google search to:
    • Once you have clicked you can drag the favicon to your links bar for future quick access or just add to your favourites.
    • Add further sites simply by adding OR to the end of the search in the Google input box; add no search terms; press return; then bookmark or what-have-you.

[edit] Online research, journals, academic periodicals, and sourcebooks

Some of the links below are helpful for finding references online. We are also listing some journals found in JSTOR in particular that come with the benefit of free access. See also list of scientific journals and list of journal search engines.

[edit] Research

[edit] Sourcebooks, encyclopedias, and archives

[edit] Academic journals and periodicals

[edit] Policy think-tanks, advocacy, other

[edit] News agencies

[edit] See also

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