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Resultant can also refer to the result of adding two or more vectors.

In mathematics, the resultant of two monic polynomials P and Q over a field k is defined as the product

\mathrm{res}(P,Q) = \prod_{P(x)=0} \prod_{Q(y)=0} (y-x),\,

of the differences of their roots, where x and y take on values in the algebraic closure of k. For non-monic polynomials with leading coefficients p and q, respectively, the above product is multiplied by

p^{\deg Q} q^{\deg P}.\,


[edit] Computation

  • The above product can be rewritten to
\mathrm{res}(P,Q) = \prod_{Q(y)=0} P(y)\,
and this expression remains unchanged if P is reduced modulo Q.
  • Let P' = P \mod Q. The above idea can be continued by swapping the roles of P' and Q. However, P' has a set of roots different from that of P. This can be resolved by writing \prod_{Q(y)=0} P'(y)\, as a determinant again, where P' has leading zero coefficients. This determinant can now be simplified by iterative expansion with respect to the column, where only the leading coefficient q of Q appears.
\mathrm{res}(P,Q) = q^{\deg P - \deg P'} \cdot \mathrm{res}(P',Q)
Continuing this procedure ends up in a variant of the Euclidean algorithm. This procedure needs quadratic runtime.

[edit] Properties

  • \mathrm{res}(P,Q) = (-1)^{\deg P \cdot \deg Q} \cdot \mathrm{res}(Q,P)
  • \mathrm{res}(P\cdot R,Q) = \mathrm{res}(P,Q) \cdot \mathrm{res}(R,Q)
  • If P' = P + R * Q and degP' = degP, then res(P,Q) = res(P',Q)
  • If X,Y,P,Q have the same degree and X = a_{00}\cdot P + a_{01}\cdot Q, Y = a_{10}\cdot P + a_{11}\cdot Q,
then \mathrm{res}(X,Y) = \det{\begin{pmatrix} a_{00} & a_{01} \\ a_{10} & a_{11} \end{pmatrix}}^{\deg P} \cdot \mathrm{res}(P,Q)
  • res(P ,Q) = res(Q ,P) where P (z) = P( − z)

[edit] Applications

  • Resultants can be used in algebraic geometry to determine intersections. For example, let
f(x,y) = 0
g(x,y) = 0
define algebraic curves in \mathbb{A}^2_k. If f and g are viewed as polynomials in x with coefficients in k(y), then the resultant of f and g gives a polynomial in y whose roots are the y-coordinates of the intersection of the curves.
  • In computer algebra, the resultant is a tool that can be used to analyze modular images of the greatest common divisor of integer polynomials where the coefficients are taken modulo some prime number p. The resultant of two polynomials is frequently computed in the Lazard-Rioboo-Trager method of finding the integral of a ratio of polynomials.

  • In pipe organs, a resultant is used to offset the extremely expensive cost of a large set of pipes (usually 64'). Whereas a set of 64' pipes could be both cost prohibitive and space prohibitive, a resultant could be more easily be applied. The 64' sound is emulated by playing both the desired note and it's fifth to create the sound of a pitch one octave lower. For example, playing a 32 foot stop CCCC along with GGGG would create the sound of CCCCC.

[edit] References