Residue number system

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A residue number system (RNS) represents a large integer using a set of smaller integers, so that computation may be performed more efficiently. It relies on the Chinese remainder theorem of modular arithmetic for its operation, a mathematical idea from Sun Tsu Suan-Ching (Master Sun’s Arithmetic Manual) in the 4th century AD.


[edit] Defining a residue number system

A residue number system is defined by a set of N integer constants,

{m1, m2, m3, ... , mN },

referred to as the moduli. Let M be the least common multiple of all the mi.

Any arbitrary integer X smaller than M can be represented in the defined residue number system as a set of N smaller integers

{x1, x2, x3, ... , xN}


xi = X modulo mi

representing the residue class of X to that modulus.

Note that for maximum representational efficiency it is imperative that all the moduli are coprime; that is, no modulus may have a common factor with any other. M is then the product of all the mi.

The integer X can then be recovered from the set of the xi integers via the Chinese remainder theorem.

[edit] Operations on RNS numbers

Once represented in RNS, many arithmetic operations can be efficiently performed on the encoded integer. For the following operations, consider two integers, A and B, represented by ai and bi in an RNS system defined by mi (for i from 0 ≤ iN).

[edit] Addition and subtraction

Addition (or subtraction) can be accomplished by simply adding (or subtracting) the small integer values, modulo their specific moduli. That is,

C=A\pm B \mod M

can be calculated in RNS as

c_i=a_i\pm b_i \mod m_i

One has to check for overflow in these operations.

[edit] Multiplication

Multiplication can be accomplished in a manner similar to addition and subtraction. To calculate

C = A \cdot B  \mod M,

we can calculate:

c_i = a_i\cdot b_i \mod m_i

Again overflows are possible.

[edit] Division

Division in residue number systems is problematic. A paper describing one possible algorithm is available at [1]. On other hand, if B is coprime with M (that is b_i\not =0) then

C=A\cdot B^{-1} \mod M

can be easily calculated by

c_i=a_i \cdot b_i^{-1} \mod m_i

where B − 1 is multiplicative inverse of B modulo M, and b_i^{-1} is multiplicative inverse of bi modulo mi.

[edit] Practical applications

RNS have applications in the field of digital computer arithmetic. By decomposing in this a large integer into a set of smaller integers, a large calculation can be performed as a series of smaller calculations that can be performed independently and in parallel. Because of this, it's particularly popular in hardware implementations.

[edit] Integer factorization

The RNS can improve efficiency of trial division. Let X=Y\cdot Z a semiprime. Let m1 = 2,m2 = 3,m3 = 5,... represent first N primes. Assume that Y > mN, Z > mN. Then x_i=y_i\cdot z_i, where x_i\not = 0. The method of trial division is the method of exhaustion, and the RNS automatically eliminates all Y and Z such that yi = 0 or zi = 0, that is we only need to check


numbers below M. For example, N=3, the RNS can automatically eliminate all numbers but

1,7,11,13,17,19,23,29 mod 30

or 73% of numbers. For N = 25 when mi are all prime numbers below 100, the RNS eliminates about 88% of numbers. One can see from the above formula the diminishing returns from the larger sets of moduli.

[edit] Associated mixed radix system

A number given by \{x_1,x_2,x_3,\ldots,x_n\} in the RNS can be naturally represented in the associated mixed radix system (AMRS)



M_0=1,M_i=\prod_{j=1}^i m_i for i > 0 and 0\leq x^*_i<m_i.

Note that after conversion from the RNS to AMRS, the comparison of numbers becomes straightforward.

[edit] See also

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