Renaissance Weekend
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Renaissance Weekend was founded in 1980 by Linda Lader and Philip Lader, the former U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's. Renaissance Weekends are private, invitation-only retreats for leaders in business and finance, government, the media, religion, medicine, science, technology and the arts.
Conversations are strictly off the record and subject matter ranges widely, tending to focus heavily on policy and business issues.
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[edit] Introduction & Objectives
Founded in 1981 by Linda Lader and Philip Lader, the former U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James's, Renaissance Weekends are private retreats for the accomplished families of leaders in business and finance, education, religion, law and medicine, government, the media, science and technology, sports, non-profits and the arts. Their widely divergent interests, backgrounds and views enliven panels and conversations in historic and scenic settings, over meals, on beaches, mountain trails, golf courses, tennis courts and bike paths.
With equally distinguished participants, all Renaissance Weekends foster lively exchanges which transcend ideological, political, economic and religious differences. This eclectic, non-partisan group - CEOs, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs, Nobel Laureates and Pulitzer Prize-winning authors, artists and scientists, admirals, astronauts and Olympic athletes, judges and journalists, volunteers, diplomats and work-at-home parents, Presidents, Prime Ministers, professors and priests, Republicans, Democrats and lots of Independents, innovators from across America and several nations - has become for many an "extended family."
Civility prevails. Partisanship is frowned upon, and commercialism is banned. The participants' only common denominators are innovative achievements on a national or regional scale, a "renaissance spirit" with broad-ranging intellectual interests, and personal qualities which allow them to enjoy this off-the-record, highly informal tradition.
[edit] Objectives & History
Each Renaissance Weekend seeks to build bridges across traditional divides of professions and politics, geography and generations, religions and philosophies. For 25 years, although important relationships between participants have been a consequence, these family retreats' objective has been simply to encourage personal and national renewal.
Renaissance Weekends were conceived when friends were lamenting that, despite meeting fascinating people in our work and everyday lives, we rarely have occasion to learn from each other in a personal and substantive way. To that end, 60 families pioneered Ambassador and Mrs. Lader's 1981 New Year's house party. The result has been a cross-generational "continuing conversation" of accomplished individuals with broadly divergent perspectives, no political agenda, but a legacy of ideas and friendships that have fostered significant projects, ventures and public service.
Through hundreds of panels, seminars and workshops each Weekend, participants themselves address such public policy and personal concerns as "America's Responsibility to the World," "Investment Perspectives," "How the Media has Covered the War Against Terrorism," "Corporate Governance After Enron," "Beating Cancer," "My Family's Legacies for Life," and "Christianity, Judaism & Islam - Eternal Truths & Current Myths." For those who prefer in-depth consideration of specific issues, half-day Renaissance Academy® programs are organized by authorities on subjects ranging from "Prospects for the Middle East" to "Genomics & the Revolution in Life Sciences." An advanced management track challenges leaders in business and non-profits.
Music, laughter and quiet conversations are regular counterpoints to serious issues. For children ages 3-12, Camp Renaissance® consists of counselor-supervised educational activities, hands-on fun and youth panels such as "If I Were President" and "What 'Bugs Me' in the News." Teens participate in adult sessions, as well as their own recreational activities and discussions, on topics of particular interest to them.
The New Year's Weekend by design is the largest, most program-filled gathering. Other Weekends' settings and smaller sizes allow more time for relaxed conversation and sports, as well as adventure, scenic and educational outings.
Each Renaissance Weekend seeks to build bridges across traditional divides of professions and politics, geography and generations, religions and philosophies. For 25 years, although important relationships between participants have been a consequence, these family retreats' objective has been simply to encourage personal and national renewal.
[edit] Notable Participants
- Abner Mikva
- Adrian Bellamy
- Al Franken
- Alan Jones
- Alan K. Simpson
- Alan Patricof
- Alan Wurtzel
- Albert Carnesale
- Alex Jones
- Allen Sessoms
- Alonzo McDonald
- Amy Gutman
- Andrew Lack
- Andrew Peacock
- Andrew Tobias
- Anthony Frank
- Anthony Welters
- Arno Penzias
- Arnold Nemirow
- Art Buchwald
- Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
- Baruch Blumberg
- Betty Siegel
- Bill Clinton
- Bill Nye
- Bob Scott
- Brian Lang
- Bruce Feiler
- Bruce Llewellyn
- Bruce McCandless
- Buck Goldstein
- Buzz Aldrin
- Candice Carpenter Olson
- Carl Stern, Jr.
- Carole Uhrich
- Charles Bolden
- Charles Burson
- Charles Haar
- Charles Handy
- Charles Manatt
- Charles Murray
- Charles Robb
- Clayton Christensen
- Craig Barnes
- Craig Fields
- Curtis Tompkins
- Cynthia Fisher
- Dal Shealy
- Daniel Yergin
- Danny Hillis
- Danny Meyer
- David Bradley
- David Ebel
- David Fuente
- David Garrow
- David Gross
- David Hardesty
- David Miliband
- David Pryor
- David Trimble
- Denise Page Hood
- Dennis Bakke
- Diana Chapman Walsh
- Dick Thornburgh
- Doug Marlette
- Douglas Brinkley
- Drew Westen
- Ed Yoder
- Edes Gilbert
- Edward Crane
- Edward Elson
- Edward Fiske
- Elaine Pagels
- Elizabeth Nosworthy
- Eric Cornell
- Eric Drexler
- Ernest Finney
- Ernest Hollings
- Eugene Ludwig
- Eugene Trani
- Evan Bayh
- Evelyn "Pat" Foote
- Federico Faggin
- Ferdinand Nadherny
- Frank Sullivan
- Fred Ikle
- Frederic Malek
- Frederick Hauck
- Freeman Hrabowski
- Garrett Thornburg
- Gary Hamel
- Gary Haugen
- Gary Shilling
- George Gallup
- George Nelson
- George Olah
- George Rupp
- Gerald Baliles
- Gerald Ford
- Gillian Sorenson
- Gordon Conway
- Gordon Gee
- Gordon Giffin
- Gregory Jones
- Gregory Scott
- Guion Bluford
- Harold Kushner
- Harrison Wellford
- Harry Attridge
- Henry Bienen
- Henry Juszkiewicz
- Henry Kaufman
- Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Howard Dean
- Howard Gardner
- Howard Nemerovski
- Ian Barbour
- Irwin Rose
- Jack Hidary
- Jacques Gansler
- James Cash, Jr.
- James Comer
- James Cronin
- James Hamilton
- James Koch
- James Lovell
- James Lowry
- James Magregor Burns
- James Thomson
- Jamie Dimon
- Jamie Gorelick
- Jan Davis
- Jane Wales
- Janet Napolitano
- Jay Apt
- Jay Walker
- Jeff Stiefler
- Jeffrey Hoffman
- Jeffrey Shafer
- Jeffrey Walker
- Jerome Friedman
- Jerry Goodman
- Jim Hodges
- Jim Rogers
- Joanna Cole
- Joanne Creighton
- Joel Klein
- John Abele
- John Chipman
- John Dawkins
- John Klotsche
- John Morgridge
- John Mutz
- John O'Neil
- John Ryan
- John Sall
- John Sherrill
- John White
- John Y. Brown
- Jonathan Kemper
- Joseph Hankin
- Joseph Newhouse
- Joseph Nye, Jr.
- Joseph Stiglitz
- Josh Weston
- Juan Enriquez
- Judith Mohraz
- Judith Shapiro
- Juliet Garcia
- Kathleen Hall Jamieson
- Kathryn Bushkin
- Kay Jamison
- Kenneth Brody
- Kenneth Hubbard
- Kenneth Rogoff
- Kevin Hasson
- Kim Campbell
- Kristina Johnson
- Kurt Schmoke
- Lamar Alexander
- Lamin Sanneh
- Larry Hoffman
- Lawrence Korb
- Lawrence Summers
- Leighton Ford
- Leon Lederman
- Leonard Tow
- Les Moonves
- Linda Mason Brown
- Lino Graglia
- Linwood Holton
- Linwood Thompson
- Liza Lee
- Lloyd Hand
- Lord (Clive) Hollick
- Louis Cabot
- Louis Oberdorfer
- Luis Palau
- Luke Timothy Johnson
- Lynn Martin
- Madeleine Kunin
- Manuel Lujan
- Marcelo Suarez-Orozco
- Margaret McKeown
- Marilyn Marks
- Mark Gill
- Mark Sanford
- Mark Wolf
- Martin Marty
- Martin Perl
- Max Kampleman
- Michael Hammer
- Michael Helfer
- Michael Hoffman
- Michael Josephson
- Michael Kremer
- Michael Lomax
- Michael Novak
- Michael Porter
- Michael Rothschild
- Michael Starbird
- Michael Sugrue
- Michael Useem
- Mike Peters
- Millard Fuller
- Miroslav Volf
- Muriel Siebert
- Murray Gell-Mann
- Nabil Fahmy
- Nannerl Keohane
- Nathan Glazer
- Neville Isdell
- Newton Minow
- Nicky Gumbel
- Nicky Lee
- Nina Totenberg
- Norman Johnson
- Norman Ramsey
- Orit Gadiesh
- Os Guinness
- Pamela Brooks Gann
- Patricia Mitchell
- Patricia Wald
- Paul Boyer
- Paul Roney
- Paula Stern
- Pete DuPont
- Peter Doherty
- Peter Norton
- Peter Rummell
- Peter Vermilye
- Peter Wallison
- Peter White
- Philip Kotler
- Philip Odeen
- Philip Yancey
- Ray Mabus
- Reed Hundt
- Regina Herzlinger
- Richard Bryan
- Richard Cavanagh
- Richard Celeste
- Richard Elkus
- Richard Karlgaard
- Richard Lamm
- Richard Riley
- Richard Taylor
- Richard Thornburgh
- Richard Wood
- Rick Goings
- Robert Dell
- Robert Denham
- Robert Gallucci
- Robert Graham
- Robert Henry
- Robert Herres
- Robert Hormats
- Robert Kaplan
- Robert MacCrate
- Robert Marbut
- Robert Merton
- Robert Richardson
- Robert Rogers
- Robert Schuller, Jr.
- Robert Waterman
- Robson Walton
- Roderick von Lipsey
- Rodney Slater
- Roger Sant
- Ronald Klain
- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
- Rudolph Marcus
- Russell Hulse
- Ruth Simmons
- Ruth Westheimer
- Samuel Fried
- Sarah Lawrence Lightfoot
- Sergio Zyman
- Shashi Tharoor
- Sherry Turkle
- Shirley Jackson
- Sidney Gutierrez
- Sidney Harman
- Sir Deryck Maughn
- Sir Jeremy Greenstock
- Stephen Breyer
- Stephen Carter
- Stephen Case
- Stephen Chu
- Steve Case
- Steven Rattner
- Steven Smith
- Strobe Talbott
- Susan Hockfeld
- Susan Koch
- Susan Webber Wright
- Suzan Johnson Cook
- Ted Turner
- Thomas Hogan
- Thomas Jackson
- Thomas Lynch
- Thomas Penfield Jackson
- Thomas Siebert
- Thomas Tierney
- Tim Wirth
- Tom Gerety
- Tom Vilsack
- Tony Campolo
- Tony Hall
- Tyler Tingley
- Vanzetta Penn McPherson
- Vicki Miles-LaGrange
- Victor Fuchs
- Virgil Hill
- Wally Schirra, Jr.
- Walter Cunningham
- Walter Massey
- Wendell Willkie
- Wesley Clark
- Wilbur Meier, Jr.
- Willam Maynes
- William Brock
- William McBride
- William Meninger
- William Neukom
- William Perry
- William Phillips
- William Raspberry
- William Sharpe
- William Winter
- Willis Whichard
- Wolfgang Ketterle