Remote File System

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The Remote File System (RFS) was a distributed file system developed by AT&T in the 1980s. It was first delivered with UNIX System V Release 3 (SVR3).

Compared to NFS it was superior on purely logical grounds,[citation needed] preserving UNIX file system semantics across the network. Unlike NFS (before version 4), the RFS server maintains state to keep track of how many times a file has been opened, if any process has locked the file, etc. RFS was a product from Bell Laboratories. People involved in the creation of RFS: Andrew P. Rifkin, Michael P. Forbes, Richard L. Hamilton, Michael Sabrio, Suryakanta Shah, and Kang Yueh.

[edit] Features

  • Provides complete UNIX/POSIX file semantics. (File locking, etc)
  • Allows mounting of devices across the network (e.g /dev/cdrom can be accessed remotely)
  • Transparent access to files. Users needn't know where a file is located.

[edit] Remote system call interface

  • CHDIR Change directory
  • CHMOD Change file mode
  • CHOWN Change file owner
  • CLOSE Close a file
  • CREAT Create a file
  • EXEC Execute a file
  • EXECE Execute a file with an environment
  • FSTAT Stat a file using a file descriptor
  • FSTATFS Stat a file system using a file descriptor
  • LINK First half of link() operation
  • LINK1 Second half of link() operation
  • MKNOD Make block or character special file
  • OPEN Open a file
  • READ Read from a file
  • SEEK Seek on a file
  • STAT Stat a file using pathname
  • STATFS Stat a file system using pathname
  • UTSSYS Return information about a mounted files
  • GETDENTS Read directory entries in a file system
  • SRMOUNT Server side of remote mount
  • SRUMOUNT Server side of remote unmount
  • COREDUMP Dump core request
  • WRITEI Internal form of write system call
  • READI Internal form of read system call
  • RSIGNAL Sendremote signal
  • SYNCTIME Synchronize time between machines
  • IPUT Free a remote inode
  • IUPDATE Update a remote inode
  • UPDATE Write modified buffers back to disk.

[edit] See also