Religion in Singapore

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Life in
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Singapore is a multi-religious country, due its diverse mix of peoples originating from various countries and ethnic groups. Most of the key religious denominations are represented in Singapore. However, the main religion by far is Buddhism, with 42.5% of the resident population being declared as adherents.

The Singapore census includes detailed data on religion and ethnicity, and is taken on a ten-year basis. Figures for religion in the year 2000 are:

The above figures refer to the resident population only, and does not include non-resident population.

Singapore authorities do not release figures for the non-resident population which accounts for 18.33% of Singapore population in 2005. Given the profile and origin of non-resident population, the breakdown by religion would be slightly different, with Muslims increasing and Buddhists decreasing both by a few points.[citation needed]

Most, but not all, Malays are adherents of Islam. There is also a substantial community of Indian Muslims.

Religious co-mingling has been strongly encouraged since the British colonised Singapore; for example, South Bridge Street, which was a major road through the old Chinatown, is home to the Sri Mariamman Temple (a south Indian Hindu temple that was declared a national historical site in the 1980s), as well as the Masjid Jamae Mosque that served Chulia Muslims from India's Coromandel Coast. In schools, children are taught in social studies lessons about the Maria Hertogh riots and the 1964 Race Riots, as a grim reminder of the consequences of inter-religious conflict. Mixed-race classes, interaction between students of different races and the celebration of religious festivals also help inculcate religious tolerance and understanding from a young age.

Another religious landmark in Singapore is the Armenian Church of Gregory the Illuminator, the oldest church in Singapore, which was completed in 1836. It was also the first building in Singapore to have an electricity supply, when electric fans and lights were installed. Today, the church no longer holds Armenian services, as the last Armenian priest retired in the 1930s. Nonetheless, the church and its grounds have been carefully preserved, and Orthodox Church services are still held in it occasionally.

There are 15,000 Sikhs in Singapore. The Central Sikh Temple [1] was built to commemorate the 518th anniversary of Guru Nanak, the first Sikh guru. The temple boasts a skillful blend of modern and traditional architecture. The Granth Sahib, or holy book, is enshrined in a magnificent prayer hall which has a 13-metre wide dome.

There are 300 Jews in Singapore [2]. Their religious activities centre around the two synagogues, the Maghain Aboth Synagogue and the Chesed-El Synagogue, and the Jewish Communities Center (Singapore). Since 1969, Singapore has maintained diplomatic relations with the State of Israel.

[edit] Religion Tolerancy

Most Singaporeans celebrate the major festivals associated with their respective religions. The variety of religions is a direct reflection of the diversity of races living there. The Chinese are predominantly followers of Buddhism, Taoism, Shenism, Christians, Catholics and some agnostics. Malays have the Muslims and Indians are Hindus. There is a sizeable number of Muslims and Sikhs in the Indian population.

Religious tolerance is essential in Singapore. In fact, religions often cross racial boundaries and some even merge in unusual ways in this modern country. Younger Singaporeans tend to combine a little of the mysteries of the older generation with the realistic world that they know of today.

Religion is still an integral part of the cosmopolitan Singapore. Many of its most interesting buildings are religious, be it old temples, modern churches, or exotic mosques. An understanding of these buildings do play a part in contributing to the appreciation of their art. Chinese Temples

Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, and ancestral worship are combined into a versatile mix in Chinese temples.

Followers of the Tao (The Way) adhere to the teachings of the ancient Chinese legend, Lao Tzu. They are concerned with the balance of the Yin and Yang, which are opposite forces of heaven and earth, male and female. Feng Shui, literally translated as wind and water, also originated from Yin and Yang. Ancestral worship is common and the spirits of the dead, like the gods themselves, are appeased with offerings.

Most Buddhists are of the Mahayana school although there are some from the Theravada school. In Singapore, the Buddhist faith is linked with Taoism and the practical doctrine of Confucianism.


The Malays in Singapore are Muslims. A few of the Indians are also Muslims, but even more uncommon are the Chinese Muslims.


As the Indian immigrants migrate to Singapore, they brought with them Hinduism. The early temples are still the central points of rituals and festivals, which are held throughout the year.


One will be able to find Christian churches of all denominations in Singapore. They were actually established with the arrival of various missionaries after the coming of Sir Stamford Raffles. Together with Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism, Christianity is considered one of the four main religions today. There is quite a large number of Christians on the island.


Minority faiths are not forgotten. There are at least two synagogues for the Jews and Sikhs. The Zoroastrians and Jains are also represented in Singapore.

[edit] Restrictions

Public discussion of religious issues is considered out of bounds, and negative or inflammatory portrayals of religion are subject to censorship.

The "Singapore: International Religious Freedom Report 2006" issued by the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor and submitted to Congress by the Department of State in compliance with Section 102(b) of the International Religious Freedom Act (IRFA) of 1998 [3] makes note of the fact that the Constitution of Singapore allows for freedom of Religion "however, the Government restricted this right in some circumstances."

The report also goes on to state that "The constitution provides that every citizen or person in the country has a constitutional right to profess, practice, or propagate his or her religious belief so long as such activities do not breach any other laws relating to public order, public health, or morality." as well "In 1972 the Government deregistered and banned the Singapore Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses on the grounds that its existence was prejudicial to public welfare and order because its members refuse to perform military service (obligatory for all male citizens), salute the flag, or swear oaths of allegiance to the state. At the time, there were approximately 200 Jehovah's Witnesses in the country; at the end of the period covered by this report there were approximately two thousand. Although the Court of Appeals in 1996 upheld the rights of members of Jehovah's Witnesses to profess, practice, and propagate their religious belief, and the Government does not arrest members for being believers, the result of deregistration has been to make public meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses illegal. Nevertheless, since the 1996 ruling, no charges have been brought against persons attending or holding Jehovah's Witness meetings in private homes."

The report also makes mention of the restrictions against the distribution of Jehovah Witness literature and the incarceration of members for not performing military service.

The Unification Church has also been banned in Singapore since 1982. [4]

[edit] See also