Release notes

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Release notes are a document (usually printed), which is distributed with software products, often when the product is still in development or test state (e.g., a beta release). Its contents are likely to be:

  1. Header – Document name (i.e. Release Notes), product name, release number, release date, notes’ date, notes version, etc.
  2. Overview - A brief overview of the product and changes, in the absence of other formal documentation.
  3. Changes - A listing of what is new in this release, including bug fixes and new features.
  4. Notes - Notes about software or hardware installation, upgrades and product documentation (including documentation updates)
  5. Issues - A listing of known issues.
  6. Disclaimers - Company and standard product related messages. e.g.; freeware, anti-piracy, duplication etc.
  7. Contact - Support contact information.

[edit] Purpose and style

Release notes are normally a terse summary of recent changes, enhancements and bug fixes in a particular software release. They are not a substitute for user guides. Release notes are frequently written in the present tense and provide minimal information to give the reader sufficient information about their software installation or upgrade. They may be written by a technical writer or other member of the development team.