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Religion Portal

Religion is commonly defined as those human activities concerning the supernatural, sacred, or divine, and the institutions associated with such systems. In its broadest sense, it can be defined as all those attempts to explain humankind's relationship with the universe. Religion takes a myriad of forms in various cultures and individuals, but is dominated by a number of so-called world religions.

Selected article edit

Lares (pl.) (also called Genii loci or, more archaically, Lases) were Roman deities protecting the house and the family - household gods. See also Genius, Larvae, Di Penates, Manes.

Lares are presumed sons of Hermes and Lara, and deeply venerated by ancient Romans through small statues, usually put in higher places of the house, far from the floor, or even on the roof (but some statues were also on some crossings of roads). Of the Lares proper, there are only two, and they had inferior power. Over time, their power was extended over houses, country, sea, cities, etc., as the Lares became conflated with other Roman deities and protective spirits.

The Genius loci was presumed taking part in all what happened inside the house, and a statue was also put on the table during the meals.

In the early Roman times, in every house there was at least one little statue. ... More

Selected picture edit

Norse God of Thunder Thor battling against the giants, by Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872
Norse God of Thunder Thor battling against the giants, by Mårten Eskil Winge, 1872

Did you know... edit

...that the Hebrew name for God, YHWH, is sometimes called the Tetragrammaton?

...that according to the Torah, Moses lived to be 120 years old?

...that the movie The Exorcist came out in 1973 caused such an increase in requests for exorcisms that the Catholic diocese of Chicago had to expand their staff with specially trained exorcists?

Selected person from religionedit

Constantine I commonly known as Constantine the Great was a late Roman Emperor, commonly thought of as the father of the Byzantine empire. He is famous for his Edict of Milan in 313, which fully legalized Christianity in the Empire for the first time, and for the Council of Nicea in 325, the first ecumenical council. It was foundational in establishing early Christian dogma, most importantly whether Jesus was of the same substance as the Father.

Things you can do edit

This week's Article Improvement Drive is for Religious Pluralism, (whose "kernel" still dates from the original 2002 version, and is in bitter need for re-working)

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