Regarding Margie

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The Simpsons episode
"Regarding Margie"
Episode no. 376
Prod. code HABF13
Orig. Airdate May 7, 2006
Writer(s) Marc Wilmore
Director Michael Polcino
Chalkboard I will not leak the plot of the movie.
Couch gag Trucks and cars drive up to the couch and change into the simpsons á la Transformers
Guest star(s) Sal Bando and Gene Tenace as themselves
SNPP capsule
Season 17
September 11, 2005May 21, 2006
  1. Bonfire of the Manatees
  2. The Girl Who Slept Too Little
  3. Milhouse of Sand and Fog
  4. Treehouse of Horror XVI
  5. Marge's Son Poisoning
  6. See Homer Run
  7. The Last of the Red Hat Mamas
  8. The Italian Bob
  9. Simpsons Christmas Stories
  10. Homer's Paternity Coot
  11. We're on the Road to D'ohwhere
  12. My Fair Laddy
  13. The Seemingly Never-Ending Story
  14. Bart Has Two Mommies
  15. Homer Simpson, This Is Your Wife
  16. Million Dollar Abie
  17. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore
  18. The Wettest Stories Ever Told
  19. Girls Just Want to Have Sums
  20. Regarding Margie
  21. The Monkey Suit
  22. Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play
List of all Simpsons episodes...

Regarding Margie is the 20th episode of The Simpsons seventeenth season that aired on May 7, 2006.


[edit] Synopsis

Looking for a way to get easy money, Bart, Milhouse, and Nelson go around town spray-painting people's addresses on their curbs and make them pay them ten dollars. After they already add the "7" and the "4" to the Simpsons' curb, Homer tells them that he won't pay, so they leave without finishing. The next day, the letter carrier delivers them someone else's mail, thinking that their address is 74 Evergreen Terrace. Homer continues to accept the mail. One day, Marge gets a letter claiming that she has won a contest from a magazine she doesn't even subscribe to. Nonetheless, her prize is that a maid will clean the house for a day while she relaxes. Not wanting to look bad, Marge cleans the house until it's entirely spotless. That is, except for a small stain on the kitchen floor. She combines all of her different cleaners together, but the fumes make her woozy. She falls and hits her head on a stool. When she wakes up in the hospital, it is revealed that she has amnesia and can't even remember her own family.

After failing to jog her memory, the family returns home. However, when Marge hears Maggie suck on her pacifier, she suddenly remembers her. Then, when Lisa uses a slew of fancy words, Marge then remembers her. And then, when Milhouse comes in to tell Bart that he's now lactose tolerant, she remembers both Bart and Milhouse. But she still forgets everything about Homer.

Homer tries to get her to remember him, but to no avail. He then decides to try to make her fall in love with him again, but he only makes her disgusted in him, saying that the greatest thing that's ever happened to her was forgetting about him. She kicks him out of the house. Patty and Selma excitedly take Marge to a speed date, and she meets a man who shares her interests. But when Marge tells him that she has amnesia and three kids, he leaves her. Homer catches up with him and scolds him for leaving her, saying that she is the most beautiful and kind woman he'll ever meet. Still, he leaves. Marge then tells Homer that even though she may not remember him, he knows the most wonderful things about her. As they drive back home, Homer brings up beer, and she suddenly remembers him. The episode ends with Homer driving (drunk, apparently) into the sunset. During the credits, Homer is asking Marge if she knows any of the people listed.

[edit] Trivia

  • It is revealed Milhouse is (or was) lactose intolerant. This has also been mentioned in the flashback episode 'Lisa's Sax" where Milhouse says that the normal kind of milk could kill him.
  • Another reference to Edna and Skinner coming back together is in this episode.
  • Homer shows Marge a picture of him punching former president George Bush, a reference to the seventh season episode "Two Bad Neighbors", and then shows a picture of him punching current president, George W. Bush. This is the first appearance of George W. Bush and now every living president has made an appearance on the show. The most recent President who has not been shown in animated form is Herbert Hoover.
  • During the credits, Homer claims that Danny Elfman is only there because he's friends with Richard Sakai.
  • The opening gag 'I will not leak the plot of the movie' is a reference to the upcoming Simpsons movie.
  • Bart has an F in English, Math, Science, and Citizenship.
  • Bart's scheme of painting house numbers on curbs to make money is possibly based on the real childhood of longtime Simpsons writer George Meyer.[1]

[edit] Cultural References

  • The title is reference to the movie Regarding Henry, in which Harrison Ford plays a man with amnesia.
  • The scene where Marge and Homer go to a wedding uninvited is similar to various scenes from Wedding Crashers.
  • Homer writes on the sidewalk that the '74 Oakland A's are the best team ever. Soon after, several members of the team drive by and thank Homer for remembering them. Sal Bando and Gene Tenace, two members of the actual team, make cameo appearances.
  • Marge's amnesia is caused when she passes out and hits her head on a stool, a reference to the film Million Dollar Baby, which was also parodied four episodes back with, Million Dollar Abie.
  • Marge's quote, "Et tu Zud?" is reference to 'Et tu Brute,' from Julius Caesar by Shakespeare.
  • When Ned holds the comics for Bart and the others, the one on top is called Little Jesus, a parody of the Little Lulu comics.
  • One of the cleaning products Marge used was Mop 'n' Brag, a spoof of the product Mop 'n' Glo.

[edit] Quotes

  • (Homer finishes painting "'74 Oakland A's - Best Team Ever" on his curb)
    Lisa: Dad, all you had to do was paint one number, now no one is going to be able to find our house!
    Homer: But sweetie, I just wanted to tell the '74 Oakland A's how I felt about them.
    (Sal Bando, Gene Tenace and several members of the '74 A's roll up in a convertible)
    Sal Bando: Look, that guy remembers us!
    Gene Tenace: Hey Sal Bando, give him a '74 A's thank you honk!
    (Sal Bando honks horn and drives off)
    Homer: My work here is done.
  • Brenda: Hi. I'm Brenda Weingarten.
    Homer: Aaaah!
  • Dr. Hibbert: How many fingers am I holding up?
    Marge: Two.
    Hibbert: Very good, now I'll put them back into the jar.
    Marge: Now I just have one question. (pointing to Homer, Bart, and Lisa) Who are you people?
    (Homer, Bart, and Lisa gasp)
    Homer: She doesn't recognize us! (grabs Dr. Hibbert) You monster! What have you done to my face?!
  • Marge: Who?
    Homer: I'm your husband! We're the same age!
    Marge: But you look so much more... ravaged... than I do.
    Homer: Ha ha! I do eat a lot of crap.
  • Moe: For once, things are going my way. (his shotgun fires into the ground and a black substance spews out) I've struck oil! (begins dancing around)
    DWP Guy 1: When do we tell him that's not oil?
    DWP Guy 2: Let him have his moment.
  • Lisa (in a tree with Bart): Oh no! This is horrible!
    Bart: We've gotta tell Dad!
    Homer (in the same tree): Oh no! Bart and Lisa are gonna tell me something horrible!
    Wiggum (in the same tree in a crashed hang glider): "Buy the police a hang glider", you said! "Fight crime from above", you said!
    Lou: You said you weigh only 180 pounds!
    Wiggum: Shut up and look for crime.
  • Marge: Don't answer the door! I don't want that judgmental bitch in my house!
  • Ned: Now, how would you boys like to clean my garage for $100?
    Bart: What? Honest work for honest pay? (they scream and run off)
  • Homer: You idiot! (the man screams) Do you know what you just gave up?
    Man: Who the hell are you?
    Homer: The wisest, wettest man you'll ever meet.
    Man: Go on.
    Homer: You just walked away from the sweetest most beautiful woman a guy could want. In ten years, she never had the last slice of pizza and she's never complained. Every election she wishes she could vote for both guys because they both seem nice. And there's a light inside her that makes everyone else look better. And you blew her off.
    Man: Dude, she's got three kids.
    Homer: I...really? Well, she's still great.
  • Homer: What do you say we stop for a drink on the way home?
    Marge: You drink?
    Homer: Uh, yeah, I started while you were in the hospital. You see, I recently tried this thing called beer...
    Marge: (gasps) I remember everything now. You get drunk all the time!
    Homer: Oh...but do you also remember that you're an enabler?
    Marge: Of course! That's why we're such a great team (she kiss Homer on the cheek).
    (Homer begins swerving uncontrollably)
    Marge: Homer, have you been drinking today?
    Homer: I sure have, partner!
  • Luigi: (singing while playing an accordion during Marge and Homer's date) Homer Simpson is a great guy.
    He paid me ten bucks so I would lie.
    Truth is, he's not so great.
    He's the one man I truly hate.

    Homer (crying in happiness): I wish I knew Italian.

[edit] Goofs

  • Homer states that he and Marge first had sex in the "Plywood Castle" at the mini-golf, but an earlier episode shows them having sex in the "Windmill", although they both look similar. However, in the episode where they first have sex, they do so in the castle, and Homer (idly) promises Marge he'll buy her a real castle one day.

[edit] Broadcasting Information


UK & Ireland (Sky One)

