Talk:Referendums in New Zealand

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Referendums in New Zealand was the New Zealand Collaboration of the Fortnight from 22 May, to 4 June 2006
For details on how the article improved, see the NZCOTF history

[edit] Useful sources

  • Atkinson, Neill. Adventures in Democracy: A History of the Vote in New Zealand. Dunedin: Otago University Press, 2003.
  • Baron, Steve. 2004. It's a Civil Decision! In, (accessed 12 April, 2006).
  • Better Democracy. Endorcements of BCIR. In, (accessed 12 April, 2006).
  • ———. Statement of Intention. In, (accessed 12 April, 2006).
  • Catt, Helena. "The Other Democratic Experiment: New Zealand’s Experience with Citizens’ Initiated Referendum." Political Science 48, no. 1 (1996): 29-47.
  • Church, Stephen. "Crime and Punishment: The Referenda to Reform the Criminal Justice System and Reduce the Size of Parliament." In Left Turn: The New Zealand General Election of 1999, edited by Jonathan Boston, Stephen Church, Stephen Levine, Elizabeth McLeay and Nigel S. Roberts. Wellington: Victoria University Press, 2000.
  • Referendums: Constitutional and Political Perspectives, edited by Alan Simpson, Wellington: Occasional Publication No.5, Department of Politics, Victoria University of Wellington, 1992.
  • James, Colin. "Riding into Battle over Socially and Morally Divisive Bills." New Zealand Herald, July 29 2003.
  • New Zealand Press Association. "Referendum Call on Maori Seats " The Dominion, 5 MAY 1999, 2.
  • Palmer, Geoffrey, and Matthew Palmer. Bridled Power: New Zealand's Constitution and Government. fourth ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  • Parkinson, John. "Who Knows Best? The Creation of the Citizen-Initiated Referendum in New Zealand." Government and Opposition 36, no. 3 ( 2001): 403 - 21.
  • Prince, John D. "Look Back in Amber: The General Licensing Poll in New Zealand, 1919-87." Political Science 48, no. 1 (1996): 48-72.

I hope that helps people out. --Midnighttonight 07:38, 22 May 2006 (UTC)

[edit] city council

does anyone have info on city council usage of referendum. I will begin to look on Thursday if no one else has info, after this essay is due. --Midnighttonight 03:17, 30 May 2006 (UTC)

My local council, just closed down a council owned camp ground, and a petition of some 5000 people asking for a referenda on the issue, the council response was ‘we don’t govern by referendum” and something about there been no law that govern weather councils have referendum. The $15000 cost for holding it was going to be paid for by a local businessman! if it was made binding.
As you can guess there have been calles to "replace the lot" next year, in the local paper :)
Not sure about other council’s through.
Luck with the essay, Brian | (Talk) 07:02, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
About what I'd expect from a local council really. I was talking more about the changing electoral system stuff (which was done by postal ballot here in Wellington City) or the Fluridation stuff in Hamilton. But, I'll work on it in a few days time. --Midnighttonight 07:40, 30 May 2006 (UTC)