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The Ouroboros

Reflexive may refer to:

[edit] Grammar

  • reflexive pronoun (grammar), a pronoun with a reflexive relationship with its self-identical antecedent
  • reflexive verb (grammar), where a semantic agent and patient are the same

[edit] Mathematics and Computer Science

  • reflection (computer science), the ability of a program to observe and possibly modify its high level structure
  • reflexive user interface (computer science), an interface which permits its own command verbs and sometimes underlying code to be edited
  • reflexive operator algebra (mathematics)
  • reflexive relation (mathematics), a certain relation where elements of a set are self-related
  • reflexive space (mathematics)
  • reflexive argument in artificial intelligence and logic is one where the conjunction of the premises is equal to the consequent.

[edit] Social Sciences

  • reflexivity (social theory). Reflexivity occurs in a social system when self-analysis by an agent, or the analysis of the social system by theorists and the resultant development or modification of theory and beliefs, itself affects and constitutively changes the self or the system being examined. Analogous to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle in the physical sciences, reflexivity is a serious methodological issue in the social sciences and raises serious questions regarding the possibility and nature of a social science.
  • reflexive learning (socio-economics), learning that occurs automatically in response to altered circumstances.