Red Star Youth Collective
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Red Star Youth Collective (RSYC) was an organization of Party and non-Party youth allied to the Young Communist League - Preparatory Committee (YCL-PC), a body formed by the Communist Party of Canada (CPC) to reestablish the YCL. The YCL-PC disbanded due to organizational disfunction, leaving the RSYC as the only remaining functional body. With the political struggle within the CPC becoming increasingly bitter, the Toronto youth quit the youth section of the Party to form a new youth-based socialist collective called Young Left.
It is important to note, that while the founding youth of YL quit organzing the youth section of the CPC, many of them remained CPC members and participated in regular party activities. Young Left, a Toronto based collective, also maintained good relations with the CPC and it's youth. Friendly communications took place with British Columbia based YCL youth, inviting them to an online Internet Relay Chat conference which they did participate in, and when the YCL began to reform in Ontario under new organizers in 2004, they participated with Young Left side-by-side in an Anti-Racist Action organized campaign against pro-Zündel organizers.