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Rebellion is the general term for an uprising, revolt, insurgency, and other related terms, that describe an active and armed movement that seeks to take control of a government. While many rebellions are carried out in order to replace the leadership, some aim to complete reform the society and are called revolutions.

While many rebellions fail, others do manage to succeed. Several examples include the American, French, and Russian Revolutions, as well as Indian independence and many other anti-colonial struggles of the 20th century. In many cases, uprisings lead to civil war, often divided along lines of ethnicity (as seen in the breakup of Yugoslavia), socio-economic status (such as the French and Russian Revolutions), or religion (as in the multiple Israel-Arab Wars).

Coup d'état's are a specific form of rebellion where one part of the government (often the military) seeks to usurp control of the country very quickly, and often without the use of widespread violence.


There are 5 subcategories to this category shown below (more may be shown on subsequent pages).



Pages in category "Rebellion"

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