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 I work in area of the Theoretical physics and have some results within the area of the physical interpretations and building of the physical models of the fluctuating vacuum, of all elementary particles, of their characterisics and parameters, of its creations, interactions, transfor 

mations and decays. In my physical model (PhsMdl) of the existent fluctu ating vacuum (FlcVcm) and its elementary collective excitation photon as a solitary needle cylindrical harmonic oscillation is offered. It is com mon known that the physical model (PhsMdl) presents at us as an actual ingradient of every good physical theory (PhsThr). It would be used as for an obvious visual teaching the unknown occurred physical processes within the investigated phenomena. We assume that the FlcVcm is consis tent by neutral dynamides, streamlined in some close-packed crystalline lattice. Every dynamide is a massless neutral pair, consistent by two massless opposite point-like (PntLk) elementary electric charges (ElmElc Chrgs): electrino (-) and positrino (+). In a frozen equilibrium posi tion both opposite PntLk ElmElcChrgs within every dynamide are very closely installed one to another and therefore the aggregate polariza tion of every one dynamide has 0 value and its electric field (ElcFld) also has 0 electric intensity (ElcInt). However the absence of a mass in a rest of the electrino and positrino makes them possible to have a big mobility and infinitesimal dynamical inertness of its own QntElcMgnFld, what permits them to be found a bigger time in an unequilibrium distor ted position. The aggregate ElcFld of the dynamide reminds us that it could be considered as the QntElcFld of an electric quasi-dipole moment (ElcQusDplMmn) because both opportunity massless electrino and positrino have the same inertness. For a certain that is why the FlcVcm dos not radiate real photon (RlPhtn) by itself, as dynamide electric dipole moment (ElcDplMmn) has a zero value. The aggregate ElcFld of every dynamide polarizes nearest neighbour dynamides in an account of which nearest dynamides interact between itself, and in a result of which its elementary collective excitations have a wave character and behavior. It is richly clear that the motions in the opposite direction of both opposite PntLk ElmElcChrgs of an every dynamide creates an aggregate magnetic field (MgnFld) of every one and the sum of which makes a magnetic part of the free QntElcMgnFld.

   Although up to the present nobody of scientists distinctly knows are there some elementary micro particles (ElmMicrPrts) as a fundamental building stone of the micro world and what the elementary micro particle (ElmMicrPrt) means, there exists an essential possibility for physical clear and scientific obvious consideration of the uncommon quantum beha vior and unusual dynamical relativistic parameters of all relativistic quantized MicrPrts (QntMicrPrts) by means of our convincing and trans parent surveyed PhsMdl. We suppose that the photon is some elementary excitation of the FlcVcm in the form of a solitary needle cylindrical harmonic oscillation. The deviations of both PntLk massless opportunity ElmElcChrgs of an every dynamide from their equilibrium position in the vacuum close-packed crystalline lattice creates its own polarization, the sum of which creates total polarization of the FlcVcm as a ideal dielectric, which causes the existence of a total resultant QntElcFld. Consequently the total polarization of all dynamides creates own resul tant QntElcFld, which is an electric part of the free QntElcMgnFld. Really, if the deviation of an every PntLk ElmElcChrg within every one dynamide from its own equilibrium position is described by dint of formula of collective oscillations (RlPhtns) of connected oscillators in a representation of second quantization:


   where Θ is an inertial mass of the electrino and positrino and I_{jq} are vector components of the deviation (polarization). If we multiply the deviation u of every PntLk ElmElcChrg in every dynamide by the twofold ElmElcChrg value e and dynamide density W=(1/(Ω_{o})), then we could obtain in a result the total polarization value of the FlcVcm within a representation of the second quantization :


   Further we must note that the change of the spring with an elasti city χ between the MicrPrt and its equilibrium position, oscillating with a circular frequency ω by two springs with an elasticity χ between two MicrPrts, having opportunity ElmElcChrgs and oscillating with a circular frequency ω within one dynamide, is accompanied by a relation 2χ≃χ. Indeed, if the ,,masses" of the oscillating as unharmed dynamide is twice the ,,mass" of the electrino or positrino, but the elasticity of the spring between every two neighbor dynamides in crystaline lattice is fourfold more the elasticity of the spring between two the MicrPrts, having opportunity ElmElcChrgs and oscillating one relatively other with in one dynamide, while the common ,,mass" of two the MicrPrts, having opportunity ElmElcChrgs and oscillating one relatively other within one dynamide is half of the ,,mass" of the electrino or positrino. Therefore the circular frequency ω of the collective oscillations have well known relation with the Qoulomb potential of the electric interaction (ElcInt) between two opportunity massless PntLk ElmElcChrgs electrino and posit rino and their dynamical inertial ,,masses" which can be described by dint of the equations :

ω²=2(χ/Θ) and ω²= ((4χ)/(2Θ)) consequently ω²= 2 ω²

and therefore Θω²=((4e²)/(4πΩ_{o}ɛ_{o})) or ΘC²= ((e²)/(4πΩ_{o}q²ɛ_{o}))


NΩ_{o}=Ω and d = WeE or E = (d/(Ω_{o}ɛ_{o}))= (P/(ɛ_{o}))

   we could obtain an expression for the ElcInt of the QntElcMgnFld, well known from classical electrodynamics (ClsElcDnm) in a representation of the second quantization:


   By dint of a common known defining equality :

E_{j}= -((∂A_{j})/(∂t))

   From ([1]) in order to determine the time dependence of the radius deviation r as a result of ElcInt of WllSpr ElmElcChrg of the emitting or absorbing SchEl with ElcInt of the existent StchVrtPhtn. In this connection I shall also write into quadratic differential wave equation in partial deviations of Schrodinger only the Fermi's potential of the Lorentz' friction force and the Qoulomb potential in same method as the method of Fermi.
   With a purpose for easily understanding the way of the mathematical solution of equation ([2]) in a following fashion :

〈V_{fr}〉=i((2e²)/(3C³))∑_{n,s}λ_{n}^{∗}λ_{s}(〈r_{j}〉⋅〈r_{j}〉)⋅(ω_{n}- ω_{s})³expi(ω_{n}-ω_{s})t

   For calculation of the radius-vector matrix elements 〈r_{j}〉 Fermi had used OrbWvFunc Ψ(r), expanded in a power of eigen OrbWvEgnFncs φ_{n} of a SchEl, moving within Qoulomb potential of the NclElcChrg V_{q} with eigen energy E_{n}= ℏω_{n}:

Ψ(r,t) = ∑_{n}λ_{n}φ_{n}| n_{n}〉exp-iω_{n}t

   Therefore Fermi had used OrbWvFunc Ψ(r) of the calculation of the radius-vector matrix elements 〈r_{j}〉 in a following fashion :

〈r_{j}〉= ∫Ψ^{∗}(r,t)r_{j}Ψ(r,t)d³r = ∑_{n,s}λ^{∗}_{n}λ_{s}r_{n,s}expi(ω_{n}- ω_{s})t

   Taking into consideration the expression ([3]