Ranks of the AAFC

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The Ranks of the Australian Air Force Cadets are based on the ranks of the Royal Australian Air Force. As such a system of differentiation was required to distinguish members of the AAFC apart from those of the RAAF. This means that the Cadet ranks wear a rank slide with an embroidered light blue bar, containing the letters AAFC. Adult members of the AAFC wear a rank slide with an embroidered white bar that contains the letters AAFC. Adult ranks are also followed by the letters AAFC when written to distiguish them from actual members of the RAAF. The Cadet Ranks are prefixed with the letter C, (with the exception of Leading Cadet) to identify them as Cadets and not Adult Staff or members of the RAAF.

Refer to AAFC Ranks. (Low quality)

Cadet Ranks of the AAFC
Rank Abbreviation
Cadet CDT
Leading Cadet LCDT
Cadet Corporal CCPL
Cadet Sergeant CSGT
Cadet Flight Sergeant CFSGT
Cadet Warrant Officer CWOFF
Cadet Under Officer CUO

Instructor Ranks of the AAFC
Rank Abbreviation
Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman AC/ACW(AAFC)
Leading Aircraftman/Aircraftwoman LAC/LACW(AAFC)
Corporal CPL(AAFC)
Sergeant SGT(AAFC)
Flight Sergeant FSGT(AAFC)
Warrant Officer WOFF(AAFC)

Officer Ranks of the AAFC
Rank Abbreviation
Pilot Officer PLTOFF(AAFC)
Flying Officer FLGOFF(AAFC)
Flight Lieutenant FLTLT(AAFC)
Squadron Leader SQNLDR(AAFC)
Wing Commander WGCDR(AAFC)
Group Captain GPCAPT(AAFC)

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