Rangers of Ithilien

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In J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium, the Rangers of Ithilien, also known as the Rangers of the South and Rangers of Gondor, were an elite group of the Southern Dúnedain warriors who scouted in and guarded Ithilien. They were first formed at the end of the twenty-ninth century of the Third Age of the Sun by a decree of the Ruling Steward of Gondor, for Ithilien was frequently subjected to enemies from Mordor and Morgul. One of their chief bases was Henneth Annûn, the Window of the West.

These Rangers were descendants of those who lived in Ithilien before it was overrun and beyond, to the ancient Númenóreans. Like their cousins, the Rangers of the North, they were able to speak Sindarin (or some variation of it), their preferred language as opposed to the Common Speech. Their camouflaging green and brown raiment proved to be a useful asset to their secret activities, which mainly concerned crossing the Anduin to assault the Enemy in a manner much akin to guerilla warfare. They were skilled with bows and swords.

During the Fourth Age, it is presumed that most of these men became a part of the White Company, the guards of Faramir, the first Prince of Ithilien.


[edit] Members during the War of the Ring

(Images taken from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie trilogy and its trading card game).

[edit] Concept and creation

The names "Mablung" and "Damrod" occur elsewhere in Tolkien's legendarium. Mablung of the Heavy Hand was an Elf of the First Age, a warrior of Thingol, king of Doriath. "Damrod" was an earlier name for the Elven prince Amrod, son of Fëanor, who likewise lived during the First Age.

[edit] Portrayal in adaptations

Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movie trilogy has an original Ranger of Ithilien named Madril. He serves as Faramir's lieutenant. He helps defend Osgiliath, but is fatally injured and is eventually killed by Gothmog by a spear-thrust.

The likeness of the actor who portrays Anborn was also used in the 2006 EA video game The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth II as the portrait of the Men of the West's worker unit, and the Ithilien Rangers" are playable archer like units.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links