Random Shoes

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09 - Random Shoes
Writer Jacquetta May
Director James Erskine
Executive producer(s) Russell T. Davies
Julie Gardner
Production code Series 1, Episode 9
Series Series 1
Length 50 mins
Transmission date 10 December 2006
Preceded by They Keep Killing Suzie
Followed by Out of Time
IMDb profile

Random Shoes is an episode in the British science fiction television series Torchwood, which was broadcast on 10 December 2006.


[edit] Synopsis

A hit-and-run victim, obsessed with aliens in life, realises only one person can solve the mystery of his death; Gwen Cooper.

[edit] Plot

Eugene Jones is a fanatic of all things alien, and is desperate to show his findings and theories to the Torchwood team, but the only person who ever seems to want to listen to him is Gwen Cooper. When Eugene is killed in a hit and run accident, he is surprised to find that he can still walk around as when he was living. However, he is invisible to the rest of the world. At the crime scene, Gwen and Jack find his phone and check its memory of the day Eugene died. All that is saved to its folders are pictures of random shoes.

Eugene follows the Torchwood team back to The Hub and is amazed by the technology and excitement of the alien basement. The team discuss Eugene's death and decide to close the case as it does not involve anything alien. Gwen is determined to continue her studies but Owen tells her that it is only because Eugene had a crush on her, and that she feels sorry for him. Ignoring her colleagues comments, Gwen visits Eugene's home and brings the team along with her. Owen rifles through his stuff and steals Eugene's alien DVD collection. He decides that Eugene was a geek as he had suspected.

[edit] Cast

[edit] Music

[edit] Continuity

  • It is stated that Eugene's father works nights at a garage, but Gwen calls the garage in the daytime and is able to speak to him.
  • It is stated that Eugene's father left in 1992, and Eugene says that his father is "14 years too late", placing the story in 2006. However, Gwen joined Torchwood some time after the Battle of Canary Wharf, which took place sometime in 2007.
  • The Tenth Doctor's severed hand is seen once more in the Torchwood Hub.
  • Gwen drove a Saab, but was seen getting out of a new blue Renault Mégane.

[edit] Production

  • This episode was originally titled "Invisible Eugene" up until two weeks before it aired. It was then changed to its present title. It was still listed as "Invisible Eugene" in the Radio Times.
  • Screenshots of Eugene's website as posted on the Torchwood hub suggest it to be hosted on the fictional Cheapserve webhost.[1] Cheapserve has been used before by the Doctor Who production team.

[edit] Outside references

  • The Internet auction website eBay is referenced, although the page displayed in this episode does not match eBay's current page layout.
  • The DVD Owen is watching is the 1960s version of the BBC science fiction drama A for Andromeda.

[edit] References

[edit] External links