Ralen Hlaano
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Ralen Hlaano is a non-canonical (he is not regarded as official by Lucas Arts) character in the fictional Star Wars universe.
Born 57 BBY before the Battle of Yavin, Ralen Hlaano was the child of Morta and Talmage Hlaano of Keren, Naboo. Taken at the age of 2 by Jedi Master Eeth Koth for being recognized as Force Sensitive, Ralen was taken to Coruscant and never saw his parents again. Training from the age of 12 to 20 by Jedi Master Aegen Kolar, Ralen Hlaano was knighted as a Jedi of the Republic in 36 BBY. For the next 13 years Ralen sat with Senator Palpatine and Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo in The Galactic Senate, representing the Jedi Council to the people of Naboo.
When the Republic gave way to the Empire, and the Galaxy saw the end of the Jedi Order, Ralen fled Coruscant and went into exile under the protection of Bail Organa on Alderaan. He posed a Page in the Alderaanian Royal Court under the alias Xatch Rannigan, meeting in secret with figure heads like Mon Mothma and Jan Dodonna, seeking friends who could assist in restoring democracy to the galaxy. It was under this alias that he also met the mother of his four daughters, Kinsay Waldon. When Mon Mothma made an open Declaration of Rebellion, Ralen Hlaano made a protected voyage to the Corellian system to speak on behalf of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, and became the 115th signature on The Corellian Treaty.
Ralen assisted in the politics behind the Galactic Rebellion, and was appointed High Marshal of SpecForce in 8 BBY, the same year he and Kinsay Waldon were married in Theed as Mr. and Mrs. Rannigan. His four daughters were born in a period of eight years on Naboo. In 1 ABY, Kinsay was killed in a Rebel terrorist bombing in Theed. Shortly after, Ralen sold information about a key location of Rebel strategism on one of Naboo's moons to Imperial Grand Admiral Cai Thalnax. He was given a dishonorable discharge from the ranks of the Rebel Alliance, and forced once again into exile, this time to the desert planet of Tatooine. His daughters were put into the care of Kinsay's mother.
While living in Mos Eisley, Ralen Hlaano became an alcoholic. For credits, he signed with Prince Xizor's Black Sun, along with Cael Broden's Cartel. While living in the desert, Ralen once again picked up his lightsaber, and continued to train in the ways of the Force. In 4 ABY, Princess Leia Organa beckoned for his assistance in planning the attack run on the second Death Star. Reluctanly, he returned.
He commanded the Nebulon-B Frigate Goddess Beauty VI, providing cover for Home One during the Battle of Endor.
After the fall of the Empire, Ralen assisted Mon Mothma in reformatting the former Galactic Republic, and for the first three years of the New Senate, he once again represented the Keren Province on Naboo. In 20 ABY, at age 78, he left politics for good and became a Jedi Master in Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order, picking up where he left off, living and teaching at the Academy on Yavin IV.
Though he survived the Yuuzhan Vong attack on the Galaxy, the massive loss of life in the New Jedi Order lead him to retirement. He returned to Naboo, where he was given a large estate on the outskirts of Theed by the Republic. Ralen and eldest daughter, Vera, along with her husband five children moved to the estate in 30 ABY.
Ralen Hlaano died peacefully at the age of 98 in 41 ABY with his family grieving at his side.