RAGE (receptor)

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Schematic of the relation between an immunoglobulin and RAGE
Schematic of the relation between an immunoglobulin and RAGE
Schematic of the RAGE gene and its products
Schematic of the RAGE gene and its products

RAGE, the receptor for advanced glycation endproducts is a 35kD transmembrane receptor of the immunoglobulin super family which was first characterized in 1992 by Neeper et. al. Its name comes from its ability to bind advanced glycation endproducts (AGE) which is thought to result in pro-inflammatory gene activation (Bierhaus et al). Besides AGEs RAGE is able to bind other ligands and is thus referred to as pattern-recognition receptor. Due to an enhanced level of RAGE ligands in diabetes or other disorders, this receptor is hypothesised to effect a range of chronic inflammatory diseases such as diabetic complications or chronic kidney disease.


[edit] Gene/Polymorphisms

The human RAGE gene lies within the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class III region on chromosome 6 and comprises 11 exons interlaced by 10 introns. Total length of the gene is about 1400 nucleotides including the promoter region, which partly overlaps with the PBX2 gene (Hudson et al., Diabetes, 2001). About 30 polymorphisms are known most of which are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP).

[edit] RNA/alternative Splicing

The primary transcript of the human RAGE gene (pre-mRNA) is thought to be alternatively spliced. So far about 6 isoforms including the full length transmembrane receptor have been found in different tissues such as lung, kidney, brain etc. Five of these 6 isoforms lack the transmembrane domain and are thus believed to be secreted from cells. Generally these isoforms are referred to as sRAGE (soluble RAGE) or esRAGE (endogeneous secretory RAGE). One of the isoforms lacks the V-domain and is thus believed not to be able to bind RAGE ligands.

[edit] Structure (Protein)

The full receptor consists of 5 domains: The cytosolic domain, which is responsible for signal transduction, the transmembrane domain which anchors the receptor in the cell membrane, the variable domain which binds the RAGE ligands and two constant domains.

[edit] RAGE ligands

RAGE is able to bind several ligands and therefore is referred to as a pattern-recognition receptor. Proteins which have so far been found to bind RAGE are:

  • AGE
  • HMGB1 (Amphoterin)
  • S100b
  • Amyloid-β-protein
  • Mac-1

[edit] RAGE and disease

RAGE has been linked to several chronic diseases, which are thought to result from vascular damage. The pathogenesis includes ligand binding upon which RAGE signals activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) (Bierhaus et al.). NF-κB controls several genes which are involved in inflammation. Interestingly, RAGE itself will also be up-regulated by NF-κB. Given a condition, where there is a large amount of RAGE ligands (e.g. AGE in diabetes or Amyloid-β-protein in Alzheimer's Disease) this establishes a positive feed-back cycle, which leads to chronic inflammation. This chronic condition is then believed to alter the micro- and macrovasculature in a fatal way which ends in organ damage or even organ failure. Diseases that have been linked to RAGE are:

[edit] AGE receptors

Besides RAGE there are other receptors which are believed to bind advanced glycation endproducts. However, these receptors could play a role in removal of AGE rather than in signal transduction as it is the case for RAGE. Other AGE receptors are:

  • SR-A (Macrophage scavenger receptor Type I and II)
  • OST-48 (Oligosaccharyl transferase-4) (AGE-R1)
  • 80 K-H phosphoprotein (Proteinkinase C substrate) (AGE-R2)
  • Galectin-3 (AGE-R3)
  • LOX-1 (Lectin-like oxidized low density lipoprotein receptor-1)
  • CD-36