Radio Amateurs of Canada

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Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), known in French as Radio Amateurs du Canada, is the Canadian national association of amateur radio operators.


[edit] History

  • 1967Canadian Amateur Radio Federation (CARF) formed
  • 1979Canadian Radio Relay League (CRRL) formed out of the Canadian Division of ARRL.
  • 1993 — Merger of Canadian Radio Relay League with Canadian Amateur Radio Federation to form Radio Amateurs of Canada, Inc.

[edit] Purpose

  1. To represent and act as a liaison and coordinating body for Canadian Amateur Radio Associations, Societies, Organizations and Individual Radio Amateurs.
  2. To act as a liaison organization between its members and other Amateur Radio organizations within and beyond Canada.
  3. To represent Canadian Radio Amateurs in policy decisions regarding international issues and regulation that affect Amateur Radio within the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and at meetings and conferences of the International Amateur Radio community (i.e. IARU).
  4. To act as a liaison organization and consultatory body to municipal, provincial and federal governments in matters concerning the Amateur Service and act as a liaison and consultative body to the Canadian Government and its appropriate departments.
  5. To promote excellence, the state of the art, and the interests of Amateur Radio's many varied activities through a program of technical, regulatory and general information within the Amateur Service and to the Canadian public.
  6. To maintain a tangible presence in the Amateur community in the form of a corporate office and address.
  7. To maintain a "Field Organization" for public service.

[edit] Youth education

Radio Amateurs of Canada also has a Youth Education Program to encourage use of Amateur Radio as a way of learning in schools across Canada, and a way to make connections across the curriculum. RAC offers technical and some finanical assistance through this program.

[edit] External links