Rack (torture)

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A torture rack in the Tower of London
A torture rack in the Tower of London

The rack is a term for certain physical punishment devices.


[edit] Description

The rack consists of an oblong rectangular, usually wooden frame, slightly raised from the ground, with a roller at one, or both, ends, having at one end a fixed bar to which the legs were fastened, and at the other a movable bar to which the hands were tied. The victim's feet are manacled to one roller, and the wrists are chained to the other.

As the interrogation progresses, a handle and ratchet attached to the top roller are used to very gradually stepwise increase the tension on the chains, which induces excruciating pain as the victim's joints slowly dislocate. By means of pulleys and levers this latter could be rolled on its own axis, thus straining the ropes till the sufferers joints were dislocated.

Because of its mechanically precise, graded operation, it was particularly suited for hard interrogation, as to extract a confession.

One gruesome aspect of being stretched too far on the rack is the loud popping noises made by snapping cartilage, ligaments or bones. Eventually, if the application of the rack is continued, the victim's limbs are ripped right off. One powerful method for putting pressure upon a prisoner was to merely force him to view someone else being subjected to the rack.

Indeed, a person stretched on the rack presented the ultimate spectacle of the body in pain. A victim would often be placed on the rack naked or nearly so, and their taut skin would run with the sweat of their agonies. Wrists and ankles would be swollen and bloodied from the bite of ropes or manacles. The spread-eagled posture left no part of the body invulnerable from the application of other devices like hot irons or pincers, or immune from the attention of those gathered to observe the torture.

[edit] Early use

It was used since Antiquity, being used on St. Vincent and mentioned by the Church Fathers Tertullian (on extraction of confessions from criminals and on persisting Christian 'sacrilegers' against the state cult) and St. Jerome (used on a woman according to his first letter).

A famous early medieval victim being the Merovingian Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia, and it became a chief instrument of torture in torture chambers throughout Europe.

  • In some versions of a Classical Greek mythology, the bandit king Procrustes was famed for his use of the rack on passers-by.

[edit] Use in medieval Britain

Its first employment in England is said to have been due to John Holland, 2nd Duke of Exeter, the constable of the Tower in 1447, whence it was popularly known as the Duke of Exeter's daughter. Being tortured on the rack was often referred to as being "put to the question."

In 1628 the whole question of its legality was raised by the attempt of the privy council to rack John Felton, the assassin of the duke of Buckingham. This the judges resisted, unanimously declaring its use to be contrary to the laws of England.

Well known victims of the rack in England include Guy Fawkes, Edmund Campion and Anne Askew, venerable William Carter (1584), the famous Elizabethan dramatist, Thomas Kyd (1592), Jesuit lay-brother Saint Nicholas Owen (1606) and the Blessed John Sarkander (1620).

[edit] Use by the Inquisition

The Inquisition used the rack as one of their principal methods of torture. (McCall, 1979)

[edit] Other Punitive Positioning Contraptions

The term rack is also used, occasionally, for a number of simpler constructions that constitute no such mechanical torture device, but simply to position the victim over for some physical punishment, after which it may be named specifically, e.g. caning rack, since in a given jurisdiction it was often custom or even prescribed to administer any given punishment in a specific position, for which the device (with or without fitting shackling and/or padding) would be chosen or specially made.

A similar device was the intestinal crank. This method of torture involved abdominal incision, separation of the duodenum from the pylorus, and attachment of the upper part of the intestine to the intestinal crank. The crank then could be rotated to extract information (and intestines) from the gastrointestinal cavity of a conscious person (Monestier, 1994).

A similar device appears during a dream sequence in the 2000 movie The Cell.

[edit] Medical Uses of the Rack

The rack possibly stands alone among medieval European torture instruments as the only such torture device that, when used with careful supervision, can actually provide medical benefit for certain patients. The forerunner of the rack was the Hippocratic bench, an ancient device resembling a torture rack, but used for medical treatment by measuring limb stretching.

In recent years, a non-surgical procedure known as VAX-D (short for Vertebral Axial Decompression) has been developed for treating certain patients with lower back pain.

VAX-D uses a modern, computer-controlled version of the rack often referred to simply as the VAX-D Medical Device. After a medical examination is cross-referenced with the patient's medical history and any CT scans, MRI scans, and/or X-rays, a patient who is considered a good candidate for VAX-D is fitted with a special pelvic harness and then placed on the VAX-D table. The specialized rack then applies precisely-controlled tension along the axis of the spinal column, while the harness assists in providing optimal decompression of the lumbar spine. A logic controller in the computer console of the VAX-D table automates the entire process with oversight from a specially trained human technician. The VAX-D process is claimed to be useful in treating cases of sciatica, degenerative disc disease, and herniated discs.

[edit] Sources