Races of Final Fantasy

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This is a list of the particularly intelligent races found in the Final Fantasy series of games.

For a list of Final Fantasy monsters, fiends, and otherwise less intelligent races, see the Final Fantasy bestiary.


[edit] Ancients

The Ancients refers to two separate races in Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy VII who are not related to one another.

[edit] Final Fantasy III

In Final Fantasy III, ages before the game took place, the Ancients built an advanced civilization and began using the crystals to manipulate the power of Light. However, this led to the crisis known as the Flood of Light, in which the Light began to destroy the world due to the fact that it was too strong a power for the Ancients to wield. Four warriors from the Dark World then appeared to stop the overflow of Light. However, the Flood of Light led to the deaths of most of the Ancients, and the remaining few settled in a town in the Floating Continent (which they had created) called Ancient's Village. The party member Desh is an Ancient who guards the Tower of Owen, which keeps the Floating Continent in the air.

[edit] Cetra

Ifalna, the last remaining Cetra.

The Ancients (古代種, Kodai-shu) known as the Cetra (Japanese: セトラ, Setora) are mentioned frequently in Final Fantasy VII, although few Ancients are actually depicted in the game. Those depicted are Ifalna (shown right), her daughter, Aerith Gainsborough, and the spiritual manifestation of a third Cetra within the Temple of the Ancients. They look identical to regular humans but possess a unique ability to commune with the planet and to guide the flow of its spiritual energy. The Cetra originally migrated from place to place, using their connection with the earth to cultivate life wherever they traveled, and ultimately find their fabled Promised Land. All ordinary humans can trace their origins to the Cetra, having ceased to become Ancients when they gave up their migratory life-style and link to the earth in favor of permanent settlements and a more relaxed way of living.

Those Cetra who retained their connection with the planet were reduced to near extinction by the arrival of the extraterrestrial entity Jenova, some two millennia before the events of Final Fantasy VII. Jenova, which crash-landed on the Planet encased within a meteorite, unleashed a form of virus upon the Cetra, causing them to go mad. The few Cetra who escaped banded together and managed to defeat Jenova, which they sealed underground in the area where it first landed, the Northern Crater. It would later be unearthed by Shin-Ra scientist Professor Gast, who would mistakenly identify it as a lost Cetra.

Many of those who played Final Fantasy VII incorrectly believed that the Cetra are actually an alien race which migrates from planet to planet. This is attributed to a mistranslation, in which the term 'land' was translated as 'planet'. In actuality, the game's script states that the Cetra were native to the Planet, and that -- upon death -- they will return to the Promised Land. This is an allusion to the return to the Lifestream, it being the Promised Land of the Cetra. This concept is confirmed by the Maiden Who Travels the Planet novella in the Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Ω Guide.

The Cetra of Final Fantasy VII are not the same as the extinct Centra race of Final Fantasy VIII.

[edit] Baknamy

Baknamy from Final Fantasy XII - PS2

The Baknamy, appearing in Final Fantasy XII, are a green-skinned humanoid race that looks similar to the mythical Goblins. Their bodies are relatively small in stature; even as an adult their height is only the size of a child Hume. After the kingdom of Nabradia ceased to exist, they designated the Necrohol of Nabudis as their stronghold. The Baknamy are sensitive to the air that they breath, and living in the Necrohol of Nabudis where the air is full of polluted air due to the city's destruction forces them to wear gas masks. This proves that they are more intelligent than that warranted by their appearance, and this is added by their ability to use weapon and magic. The Baknamy commit crime to earn a living, targeting adventurers and travelers.

[edit] Bangaa

Bangaa race art from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Bangaa are a reptilian race introduced in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and appearing in Final Fantasy XII. They are separated into four main sub-branches according to the color of their skin: Bangaa Rugua (yellow-brown), Bangaa Faa (bronze), Bangaa Bista (reddish-brown), and Bangaa Sanga (ash-colored). These colorations have been associated with their personality and physical abilities, so, as an example, the Bangaa Ruaga are said to be intelligent and friendly. However, since many Bangaa are of mixed blood this theory is no longer applied.

Their level of intelligence is comparable to that of Humes, though they live almost twice as long. Being a very socially and cognitively advanced species, they hate being called "lizards" with a passion; this associates them with the lizardmen, a savage and hostile brethren that could also be seen in Vagrant Story. Bangaa in Final Fantasy XII are often considered to be the most integrated of all races into Hume society, and are the race most friendly with the Humes. The character Migelo, who raised Vaan and Penelo, is a Bangaa with blue skin.

In addition, Bangaa possess great agility and strength, and acute senses of hearing and smell, making them excellent hunters and fighters. However, their eyesight is so poor that some wear blindfolds as part of their clothing. Their magical abilities, however, are significantly less developed than those of Humes, Nu Mou, and Moogles, due to problems their unique mouth gives them when chanting magic spells. To make up for this, some Bangaa have developed Bangaa-only, exclusive higher-level spells for the race to use. As they are best suited to physical forms of work, Bangaa are usually employed as soldiers or manual laborers and have been relegated to a lower social status than Humes or Viera.

[edit] Burmecian

Freya Crescent, Burmecian, from Final Fantasy IX

The Burmecians appear in Final Fantasy IX, where they are depicted as rat-like beings who live in Burmecia and Cleyra. Freya Crescent is a Burmecian. The Cleyrans live in a giant tree in the desert, which is protected by a sandstorm that has raged for a millennium; the Cleyrans split from the Burmecians when the latter started to appreciate "the art of war" and have had no contact with Burmecia in over a century.

One notable facet about their culture is their value of dance, which, apart from being what they are physically, can be attributed to their tendency to go their entire lives barefoot, or at least baretoed, such as in Freya's case. They are also adept at jumping, giving rise to Freya's signature 'Jump' attack.

During the course of the game, the Burmecians are almost wiped out by successive attacks on their two main cities, leaving Burmecia in ruins, and Cleyra totally destroyed. First, Burmecia is attacked by Black Mages sent by Queen Brahne; the king of Burmecia and some survivors made their way to Cleyra, while others such as a young couple, Kal and his pregnant wife Wei, and two soldiers, Doyle and Gray, headed to Lindblum while some chose to stay in the ruins of their city. Later, Queen Brahne launches an attack on Cleyra to seize a powerful relic from the peaceful inhabitants. After obtaining the gem, she summons the Eidolon Odin to destroy the tree on which Cleyra was built. The only (known) survivors of the attack are Freya, Zidane, Vivi, Quina (an optional character at this point), Sir Fratley, Prince Puck, Oracle Kildea, and a few moogles.

[edit] Cactuar

Main article: Cactuar

Cactuars are intelligent cacti in Final Fantasy X, its sequel Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII and Final Fantasy: Unlimited; however, they can be hostile and other mainstream Final Fantasy series such as Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy VII,Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy IX depicted them as enemies.

In Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, the Cactuar exist within the desert of Bikanel Island on a village of their own known as the Cactuar Nation, which originally was protected by a sandstorm until the player finishes a red-light, green-light minigame with the 10 Cactuar Gatekeepers. The leader of the cacti and Cactuars is an ancient cactus named Marnela ('Grandmother' in the Cactuar language), who has a special bond with a young Al Bhed boy named Benzo. Benzo is the only person who is able to understand their language. The Cactuars in this area appear as realistic cacti. It is explained that the cactus stage is how Cactuars appear when they are born, then later in their lives, they uproot themselves and become what players know as a Cactuar. When they reach a certain level of maturity, they root themselves again, becoming cacti once more.

In Final Fantasy XII, Cactuars are known as Cactoids. It is found that the Cactoid society makes it home in the Estersand of Dalmasca, and is led by a matriarch - a giant Flowering Cactoid; as all flowering cactoids are deemed as leaders. The Flowering Cactoid marked with a bounty is the son of the matriarch and leads its own cactoid clan as well, harassing adventurers and pushing itself to have a bounty on its head. Cactoids are a determined lot and while they are not aggressive alone, they are a danger in numbers.

As for Final Fantasy: Unlimited, the Cactuars used to live in a peaceful desert until they were attacked by the Wandering Ocean (an entity composed of souls who died at sea), which destroyed their home and forced them to hide underground. Thanks to the Comodeen and Kaze, the Cactuars gained the courage to use their own lifeforce to create a whirlwind that destroyed the Wandering Ocean. Everyone mourned the deaths of their fallen comrades, until it was revealed the Cactuars could be revived with sunlight. Fungo was only one of the heroes to translate the Cactuar language.

[edit] Clavat

Two Clavats
Two Clavats

The Clavat is described in the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles instruction manual as "a gentle people that value harmony above all. Many of Tipa's residents belong to this tribe of unity and friendship. They are gentle by nature and dislike conflict. When disputes arise, they do whatever they can to resolve them. It is said that tranquility follows them wherever they go."

Biologically, they are usually light-skinned humans with blond or brown hair. Clavats are generally farmers or ranchers and very peaceful, though due to the necessity of crystal caravans, there are some who do fight. In battle, Clavats use a sword and shield, often using slash-based movements as a result of, or possibly resulting in, an inclination towards single edged blades similar to scimitars. When a Clavat uses the "defend" command, he or she raises his or her shield to block the attack. Clavats have the most balanced skills out of any of the four races in Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles They can interbreed with Selkies, and probably Lilties also, though this has yet to be confirmed. There is a princess that is said to be half Clavat and half Lilty, however.

Nothing is mentioned of the Clavats in the distant past, but it can be inferred that they were either under the control or fighting against the Liltian empire. In the present day a majority of Clavats live and work in the fertile Fields of Fum, providing a majority of the world's produce and cereals.

Their emblem is a crystal with a wing seen in profile, similar to the ones on the heels of their shoes.

Their appearance in the game according to gender:

Male: Cowlick, Natural, Headband, Cap
Females: Long Hair, Short Hair, Dark Coat, White Cap

[edit] Cosmo Canyon race

Red XIII artwork by Tetsuya Nomura
Red XIII artwork by Tetsuya Nomura

Nanaki (AKA Red XIII) from Final Fantasy VII is one of the last members of an unnamed race, consists of intelligent manticore-like beasts with a lifespan of over 500 years. They seem to all have pure red fur and a flame on the end of their tail, as this is a trait shared by all known examples of the species as seen in Final Fantasy VII, Advent Children and Before Crisis. At least three were known to have lived in Cosmo Canyon, before two were killed in a war with the Gi tribe. It can be assume that Nanaki found a female of the species at some point, as he is shown with cubs in the closing FMV.

Suggestions that they can crossbreed with Humans or Cetra are mainly the result of a mistranslation; Nanaki calls Bugenhagen "grandfather", but while the Japanese honorific "ojisan" does literally mean "grandfather", it is commonly used to address any older male. Hojo also indicates he plans to breed (or perhaps clone) more of both Nanaki and Aerith, but there is no indication that he intends to crossbreed them together.

[edit] Dragon

Dragons, a quintessential part of any fantasy-themed world, are featured in every culture world-wide. Likewise, every Final Fantasy has its own dragons. In several of these, Dragons are depicted as being benign as opposed to malignant and on occasion are shown as particularly intelligent. Final Fantasy I includes a kingdom of dragons ruled by Bahamut, who offers to help strengthen the party. Final Fantasy II has a species of lesser dragons who are the aids to the Dragon Knights and were not shown as intelligent until the re-release of the game as "Dawn of Souls". Dragons fall off the intelligent chart in Final Fantasy III, but return in Final Fantasy IV as members of the Summoned Monster Race, though Bahamut himself dwells on the moon in human guise. Final Fantasy V returns to the dragons-as-vehicles idea, though this time makes little to no mention of the dragons' sentience. In Final Fantasy VI, they are again cast into the group of Summoned Monsters (called Espers in VI) and are also a part of a group of violent monsters which were sealed off at the end of the war of the Magi. Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII make no mention of dragons (aside from enemies and summons), and Final Fantasy IX includes Bahamut as a pawn in Kuja's schemes and as a summon monster. Kuja is also seen regularly as riding a silver dragon and commands a fleet of various dragons who attack the party as it follows him into the final dungeon of the game. In Final Fantasy X, there is a dragon protecting the capital city of the Yevonites, and Bahamut is an Aeon. Final Fantasy XI features several dragons, which also include distinction as "wyrms". The dragons include several smaller bosses and wyrms such as Fafnir, Nidhogg, Tiamat, Jormungand, and Vrtra are a large part of end game activities. Dragons, as depicted in Final Fantasy games, are generally European in style, meaning the tend to be large tri- or quintdactyl "reptiles" with leathery wings capable of breathing flame. Particularly intelligent dragons in Final Fantasy are usually prone to bipedalism, while other dragons will walk quadrupedally.

See also: Dragons

[edit] Dwarf

Dwarves (Final Fantasy IX - PS)

Dwarves are a race of short humanoid creatures originating from Norse mythology that appear frequently in fairy tales, high fantasy fiction (most notably the works of J. R. R. Tolkien), and role-playing games. Dwarves are much like humans, but generally living underground or in mountainous areas. The dwarves debut in the Final Fantasy series in Final Fantasy, where they provide a waterway for the Light Warriors' ship. Later in the game, a dwarven smith forges the legendary sword Excalibur (based on the weapon from Arthurian legend) from the metal adamantium.

Final Fantasy III and Final Fantasy IV both contain a dwarf civilization. In the latter game, the dwarves are the residents and rulers of the Underworld. Led by King Giott, these Dwarves help Cid Pollendina modify the party's airships on multiple occasions. In Final Fantasy V, a small community of dwarves makes an appearance, trapped in a submarine cavern. Dwarves do not appear again until Final Fantasy IX, where they appear as inhabitants of the village of Conde Petie on the Outer Continent.

Dwarves are often heard calling out "lali-ho" as a form of greeting. Other variations include "rally-ho" and "tally-ho". The greeting of "lali-ho" is reused following the release of the Game Boy Advance version of Final Fantasy IV.

It should be noted that the status-spell "Mini" in Final Fantasy III, Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy V, and Final Fantasy VII does not turn people into dwarves: it merely reduces their size. A separate race of miniature people exist in the world of Final Fantasy III, not related to the dwarves.

See also: Dwarf

[edit] Egul

A humanoid race that debut in Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings, possessing wings that sprout from their backs. The Egul dwell in the Purvama Remless, where the game takes place.

[edit] Elvaan

An Elvaan

The Elvaan are a fictional humanoid race inhabiting Vana'diel, the world of Final Fantasy XI. A race of proud warriors, they are the founders of two legendary orders of knights in the nation of San d'Oria. Their design is much like the elves from the works of J. R. R. Tolkien. However, in contrast to the Tolkien-esque Elf mages and sorcerers of many other fantasy-themed MMORPGs, the Elvaan of Final Fantasy XI are almost exclusively martial warriors, having almost no natural aptitude for black magic. The Elvaan have great swordsmanship and are potent healers, though low on magic points and accuracy. Most Elvaan seem to eschew the business world, preferring a wandering life as itinerant swordsmen. The Elvaan were the first to use chocobos, farming and harvesting with them until the other races started to put saddles on them and use them for means of transportation. The Elvaan also appeared in Final Fantasy I, in which they were known simply as Elves.

See also: Elf

[edit] Esper

This article is about the Esper race in Final Fantasy VI. For Espers as a Summon, see Summon Magic

The Espers, appearing in Final Fantasy VI, are creatures of many shapes, sizes, and abilities. They have varying magical abilities - while some may share a few abilities, none has a complete matching set. Long ago, Espers were humans, until they were transformed by the magical residue caused by three warring Goddesses, and then used as weapons in the war. After the war, Espers, along with regular humans known as Magi, who had gained magical powers through unstated means, were hunted down as animals by regular humans. The Magi survivors fled to a small island and built a small town secluded from the rest of the world. The Espers created their own world, the entrance to which was hidden deep within a dangerous cave. They lived there alone, until a young human woman stumbled in upon it. She and the esper Maduin fell in love, and she remained among the Espers, bearing Maduin's daughter, Terra. Shortly after Terra's birth, Emperor Gestahl and his army marched upon the Esper World. They were after the Espers to power their war machines, which in turn they would use to aid their conquering of the world. They managed to capture many Espers before the Elder sacrificed his life to rid the Esper World of humans and seal the entrance behind a giant gate. However, this also expelled Terra and her mother, and, in attempting to save them, Maduin as well. The young woman was murdered at the hands of Gestahl, Terra taken to be a half-Esper weapon, and Maduin to join the rest of the Espers. They placed the Espers into large machines, and while they were still alive and breathing, drained their abilities through complex machinery to power their MagiTech technology, and imbued some minor abilities into select soldiers. It was later found that their methods were imprecise, and that Esper powers could be drained in full only after death, when they became magical stones known as Magicite. As Magicite, one only has to be in extended contact to the stone to gain their abilities, and could be done repeatedly to other humans.

[edit] Galka

A Galka

The Galka are a fictional apelike humanoid race inhabiting Vana'diel, the world of Final Fantasy XI. These large, brutish humanoids are best in fighting professions because of their high strength and health points. Their capital city, located in the Altepa desert of Zepwell Island in the southwest corner of the Quon continent, fell to an attack from the Antica six centuries ago. The surviving Galka spread throughout Vana'diel, and a large number of them eventually settled in Bastok. The sheer strength of their powerful physiques is second to none. They have used their skills to contribute to the construction and development of the numerous mines in Bastok. However, it seems that some Galka have less than fond feelings for members of the Hume race. It would be revealed that the Shadow Lord was once a Galka who transformed into a being that the darkness in his heart reflected. Also, it should be noted that the Galka reproduce through a form of reincarnation, and are all male. They are also the only Race to have the ability to eat raw meat.

[edit] Garif

The Garif from Final Fantasy XII - PS2

The Garif of Final Fantasy XII are depicted as appreciators of nature. Their size and stature is larger than normal Humes, and their well-built bodies are covered in thick fur. They also have superior olfactory and auditory senses, which make them able hunters. Even so, the Garif dislike violence and other professions preferred by the Garif include Nannabeast herders, geomancers and merchants.

Scattered throughout the Bancour Region of Ivalice, the Garif villages are sparsely located. Each village is governed by a council of Elders led by a High Elder. Relations with other races is particularly peaceful, although it is not usual for a member of another race to be in their land. Garif merchants are known to trade with the nomads of Giza Plains and the Dalmascans, exchanging items such as Bancour spices, and Moogle chocobo herders have set up a stable near to the Jahara village.

The Garif respect nature, they prefer to adorn themselves with natural ornaments of animal bones and stones over crafted objects. Some question the Hume usage of machines in their everyday lives. However, the only exception is the crafted masks; each Garif is given a mask to be worn from the day they were born until the end of their lives.

The Garif worshiped and kept knowledge of Nethicite; their legends were passed down through generations - in ancient times the Occuria granted them Nethicite, however the Garif's dislike for violence hindered them from utilizing its power, much to the Occuria's disappointment.

[edit] Genome

Zidane Tribal (Final Fantasy IX - PS)
Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX

Genome are bodies created by the Terrans of Final Fantasy IX. They do have minds, but their souls are not their own and are only weakly bound to them. They exist to wait for when Terra takes over Gaia, and then the Terran souls will enter the Genome bodies.

Garland, the caretaker of Terra, gave souls to 3 Genomes to speed up the takeover process: Kuja, Zidane, and Mikoto.

[edit] Guado

A Guado Guard from Final Fantasy X

Guado are an arboreal humanoid race inhabiting Spira, the world of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. They are set apart by their long limbs and fingers, pale skin, veins visible on the temples and forehead, and wild, tangled hair. They also seem to have claws, and their hair ranges in color from more normal browns, blonds, and greys to vivid greens, and blues. They are the keepers of the entryway to the Farplane, where the images of the dead appear.

The Guado were converted to Yevon by their leader, Jyscal Guado (later appointed a Maester of Yevon), but were ironically led down the path of ruin by Lord Jyscal's own son, the megalomaniacal Seymour Guado. After Sin was destroyed, the Guado, despised by the rest of Spira for their allegiance to Seymour, abandoned their ancestral city of Guadosalam and took up residence in the dying forest of Macalania. Depending on the player's actions in Final Fantasy X-2, the Guado may gain the courage to return to their home, where Jyscal and Seymour's former vizier Tromell assumes leadership among his people and proceeds to repair the Guado's image and their relations with the rest of Spira. The other option is that the Guado will be annihilated if the player fails to stop the genocidal Ronso assault on Macalania.

Guado can breed with humans; Seymour was, himself, half-human, an effort on Jyscal's part to foster friendship between the Human and the Guado. However, the plan backfired when Seymour was ostracized by both Human and Guado societies, causing him to become the power-hungry madman he is in his adulthood.

[edit] Gulgan

Gulgan (Final Fantasy III - NES)

Gulgans are sightless sages that foretell the future in Final Fantasy III. They are central characters in the unfolding of the story, and are likely a reference to Odin from Norse mythology.

[edit] Helgas

The Helgas are a long-living race in Final Fantasy XII whose intelligence highly surpasses that of Humes. Helgas are tall and thin, and along with white hair, their special features that differentiate them from Humes are their long limbs. The Helgas are able to not only communicate telepathically while asleep, but can also probe into the dreams of others. Gran Kiltias Anastasis is the only Helgas that appeared within Final Fantasy XII.

[edit] Humans

Humans or Humes of Final Fantasy XII

Humans appear in all the games of the Final Fantasy series except in Crystal Chronicles (although Clavats resemble them slightly). They are often portrayed as the lead playable character, among others. After Final Fantasy V, the only game in which humans are the only playable race is Final Fantasy VIII . Humans are known as Humes in Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XII. In the game series, Humans are known as a Jack-of-all-Trades. They do not have any overwhelming skill in magic or in fighting, but are suited to fit into whatever role they are needed in. Humans are usually the most versatile races in the Final Fantasy series. Their jobs can range from fighter to cleric to mage.

Like most humans in fantasy fiction, Humans/Humes are described as an ethnically and politically diverse species. There are typically several Human kingdoms or nations whereas there may be only one for each of the other fantasy races. Humans also tend to be the most populous race and typically are in control of many of the major political entities.

See also: Human

[edit] Final Fantasy XII

Humes of Final Fantasy XII are a diverse race with varying cultures and levels of technology. Their population is spread across the entire Ivalice, all in their quest to venture into unknown lands and claim it as their own. Their most prominent presence is found within the Archadian Empire, with a significant number joining the Imperial Army. The capital city of Archades is mostly populated by Humes; many Archadian Humes look down upon other races and are disturbed by their presence. However, the situation differs outside Archades, particularly in Dalmasca; the Hume population co-exist in harmony with other races such as the Bangaa and Seeq, and nomadic Humes have committed themselves to trading with Garif merchants since olden times.

Extensions of the Hume ethnicity exist throughout Ivalice. The Bhujerban Humes, for example, is centered at the Purvama Dorstonis and have developed their own words and manner of speech. Words such as Bhadra, Paravir and Purvama are unique to the Bhujerban speech. Most notable Bhujerban Hume include Marquis Halim Ondore the IV.

[edit] Al Bhed

An artwork of various Al Bheds from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2
An artwork of various Al Bheds from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2

The Al Bhed appear in Final Fantasy X and its sequel, Final Fantasy X-2. Because of their use of forbidden "machina" (machines), they are viewed with suspicion by the Yevonite majority of the population, who are often described as "Al Bhed haters". The Al Bhed are also the only group in Spira who openly oppose the teachings of Yevon, specifically the ban on machina and the use of the Final Summoning. For these reasons, they are often ostracized by the rest of the people, and have been the victims of persecution in the past, including an attack by Yevonites that scattered the entire race across Spira until recent history, when they were reunited under the union of Cid (shown at right). Despite this persecution, some Al Bhed have still managed to find acceptance, most notably Rin, who operates a chain of travel agencies throughout the world of Spira. They are also allowed to participate in the Yevon-sponsored blitzball tournaments.

Al Bhed differ biologically from humans in their bright green eyes with spiral-patterned irises. As a result, they often wear goggles so they can walk among Yevonites (however, somewhat ironically, these goggles stand out more than the actual green eyes themselves). Another mark of the Al Bhed race is that most of them have blond hair, unless they have none, like Cid. Yuna herself is part Al Bhed on her mother's side.

The Al Bhed also possess their own language, a fictional language that is spoken almost exclusively by the Al Bhed people themselves. Although it seems at first like a foreign language, it is actually a substitution cipher, a system of transposing certain letters for others. In the English version of the game, it shares the same syntax and grammar of English and can be translated here.

[edit] Hummingway

The Hummingway are a race from the Moon in Final Fantasy IV. Their appearance is characterized by blue and yellow clothing with turbans on their heads, however, some appear in pink and white. Most of them only speak in humming noises. One notable Hummingway is named Namingway, and appears in most towns offering to change the names of the characters who talk to him. In Final Fantasy IX, you can find a card in Kuja's room in Disc 3 that is called the Namingway card. It allows you to rename your characters.

[edit] Hypello

"Shoopuf Ronch'n!" Hypello (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2) riding a Shoopuf
"Shoopuf Ronch'n!" Hypello (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2) riding a Shoopuf

Hypello are a docile, amphibious race in Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2. They have blue skin and a characteristic manner of speaking which makes most of their speech sound slurred. The Hypello live primarily in and around the area of the Moonflow and usually work as Shoopuf handlers or captains aboard the Shoopuf ferries. Though extremely quick and agile swimmers, they are curiously the only race in Spira that does not participate in blitzball tournaments, as their "lackadaisical disposition draws them to less strenuous pastimes", or, put more simply, because of their laid-back nature and fragile bodies.

During the Eternal Calm, many Hypello came to work for Tobli, showing guts when it comes to advertising like Yuniepoolza. Many other people find it hard to tell Hypello apart, male and female. The male Hypello are all voiced by John DeMita.

[edit] Kappa

A Kappa from Final Fantasy VI

The Kappa derives its name from a monster of Japanese myth. The Kappa only appears in Final Fantasy VI, and is referred to in the English localization as an "imp." A kappa delivers several gameplay tutorials within Final Fantasy VI, most notably explaining the special "Rage"/"Leap" battle command used by the player character Gau. "Kappa" is also a largely negative status effect that can be inflicted upon both party members and enemies: Those affected are transformed into a kappa, and are unable to use any special commands or magic, except for the spell that can turn them back. Also, their attacks are generally weak. However, there are two special pieces of equipment (a lance and armor) that can be worn by characters when in kappa state that are among the strongest available in the game.

[edit] Kuluu

A Kuluu named Selh'teus from Final Fantasy XI

The Kuluu are an ancient race that existed thousands of years before the present day of Final Fantasy XI. The Kuluu were considered inferior to the Zilart, and were not allowed inside the Zilart capital because they lacked the "Whisper of the Soul". This whisper allowed the Zilart to communicate with each other without actually speaking, and resulted in the Kuluu being disregarded and outcast. The Kuluu formed a pact with Bahamut shortly before their age ended, in which they promised to join Bahamut to prevent the spread of a dangerous phenomenon known as "The Emptiness" if it were to ever threaten Vana'diel. However, the lives of the Kuluu were cut short when they attempted to sabotage the Zilart plan to open the gates to Paradise. The explosion resulting from the sabotage killed most of the Kuluu, and transformed the rest into Tonberries. Only two Kuluu survived this incident intact, however they were unaccounted for until the Chains of Promathia storyline began.

[edit] Lilty

The Lilty are described in the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles instruction manual as "little warriors (that) have lived all over the world since ancient times. Long ago, they ruled the world, and many still believe themselves to be superior to others. Though they can be hotheaded, they are also confident and down-to-earth. Liltian merchants are some of the best around."

The Lilty are proud, stout warriors. Despite being the shortest, they are the absolute strongest tribe of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. While they have the highest attack power, they are the worst spell casters. For the "Defend" command, Lilties block physical attacks by guarding with their spear. The Lilties use spears as weapons and have the ability to get the strongest weapon in the game, Longinus, which is made using Celestial Weapon.

In the past they ruled the world in an empire, founded off the weapons forged from materials of the Cathurgian mines. Even though their empire is now gone, the Lilties upkeep the roads built then, and form patrols to ensure the saftey of the towns and caravans.

Their emblem is a triple pronged spear with two banner furls.

Their appearance in the game according to gender:

Males: Bare Head, Horned Helm, Steel Visor, Bucket Head
Females: Bare Head, Blue Armor, Elegant, Red Mask

[edit] Lucavi

The Lucavi/Rukavi are a group of demons from Final Fantasy Tactics. They are linked to the world through the twelve Zodiac Stones. Any person who holds a Zodiac Stone in his possession may make a contract with the Lucavi demon associated with that Zodiac Stone, and in doing so, become one with that Lucavi. The resulting creature can transform between man and demon at will by using the Zodiac Stone.

The following Lucavi are known to exist, and have made contracts with the characters in parenthesis:

  • Queklain, the Impure King (Cardinal Draclau), who is associated with the Scorpio Stone.
  • Velius, the Warlock (Wiegraf Folles), who is associated with the Aries Stone.
  • Zalera, the Angel of Death (Marquis Elmdor), who is associated with the Gemini Stone.
  • Adramelk a.k.a. Adramelech, the Ghost of Fury (Dycedarg Beoulve), who is associated with the Capricorn Stone.
  • Hashmalum, the Regulator (Vormav Tingel), who is associated with the Leo Stone and is second-in-command of the Lucavi.
  • Altima, the Bloody Angel (Ajora Glabados, Alma Belouve), who is associated with the Virgo Stone and is the leader of the Lucavi.

In addition, there is a special Lucavi known as Zodiac/Zodiark, the King of Commandment (Elidibs), who is associated with the thirteenth Serpentarius Stone. He can be found at the bottom of the Deep Dungeon.

The primary objective of the Lucavi is resurrect their banished leader Altima, whose presence in Ivalice would allow the Lucavi to exist there without mortal host bodies. Hashmalum, in the form of Vormav Tingel, leads the effort to accomplish this. To resurrect Altima, there must have been a great deal of bloodshed since the time when St. Ajora (Altima's host) died. To accomplish this, they secretly help the Murond Glabados Church (also linked to Ajora) mastermind the Lion War, in hopes that the casualties it creates will be enough to make the difference. In addition, Altima/Ajora needs a new host body, and the only eligible candidate is Alma Beoulve, the sister of the hero Ramza. Finally, the resurrection itself can only take place at Murond Death City, which is only accessible by a hidden gateway. Hashmalum must locate this gateway, but this is not much of a problem since the Glabadosian High Priest Marge Funeral knows of its location. Also among the Lucavi's goals is the possession of all twelve Zodiac Stones (especially Virgo since this is the stone associated with Altima). In addition, they seek to eliminate Ramza Beoulve, who becomes a threat to their other objectives, especially as he possesses the Germonik Scriptures, which reveal the truth about the Zodiac Braves.

Some of the Lucavi reappear as Totema in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance; Adrammelech is based on Adramelk, and Ultima is based on Altima. All of them also appear as summons in Final Fantasy XII. A subboss, Gukko in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance becomes a Rukavi before his final encounter with the party, and his sprite is based off of a vampire enemy. This seems to indicate that he is the host of Zalera.

[edit] Lufenian/Lefeinish

Lunefenian (Final Fantasy - PS)

The Lufenians/Lefeinish are a race in Final Fantasy. They are living in Lufenia/Lefein. Cid is mentioned in the Final Fantasy Origins and Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls version of the game as being the Lufenian responsible for making the airship.

[edit] Lunarian

FuSoYa menu (Final Fantasy IV - SNES)

The Lunarians are a race of human-like wizards in Final Fantasy IV. They came from the planet between Mars and Jupiter, which was destroyed and became the asteroid belt. Sometimes, they are identified by a moon-shape crest on their foreheads. They created Earth's second moon, where they sleep until they believe the time is right for Earthlings and Lunarians to co-exist in harmony.

The only known full-blood Lunarians are FuSoYa - the guardian of the Lunarians, Zemus - a restless Lunarian who plans on destroying life on Earth, and KluYa - believed to be the first Lunarian to interact with humans. In fact, KluYa fell in love with an Earthling, and had two sons with her: Cecil, the main character of the game, and Golbez, the villain controlled by Zemus.

[edit] Mermaids

Appearing only in Final Fantasy 1, these Mermaids fit the description of stereotypical Mermaids. They live in the submerged temple of water, along with Kraken. They don't actually play any major roles, though it is hinted at that certain spells can transform mermaids into human women.

See also: Mermaids

[edit] Mithra

A Mithra

The Mithra are a predominantly female race of hunters who live alongside the Tarutaru in Windurst in Final Fantasy XI. They are easily identified by their characteristic ears, which give them spectacular hearing ability, and their long tails, which lend them an excellent sense of balance. They are known for their energy, curiosity, and mischievousness. The Mithra enjoy a friendly relationship with the Tarutaru, and their of mutual cooperation has made Windurst a nation of peace and prosperity.

The Mithra are very dexterous and agile, making them ideally suited to the thief occupation, though they are also proficient mages. The name of their race is probably derived from that of the Iranian deity Mithra. Mithra society is entirely matriarchal, and male mithra rarely venture outside of their native villages.

[edit] Moogle

Montblanc, a Moogle from Final Fantasy XII
Montblanc, a Moogle from Final Fantasy XII
Main article: Moogle

Moogles are little creatures that appear throughout the Final Fantasy series, the Kingdom Hearts series, and the Seiken Densetsu (Holy Sword Legend/'Secret of Mana') series. They first appeared in the US version in Final Fantasy Adventure (a.k.a Seiken Densetsu) as a status condition, and as a unique specie in Secret of Mana (a.k.a. Seiken Densestu 2) although their appearance is based on a Final Fantasy II creature called the Beaver. Moogles, along with Chocobos, are the mascot of the Final Fantasy series.

Classic Moogle appearance as in Final Fantasy XI
Classic Moogle appearance as in Final Fantasy XI

Their appearance varied in the series; in some games, they are playable characters, as in Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. They appear as a Summon spell in Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII . They also appear in FFVII in a minigame called Mog House, and their likeness appears on several objects seen throughout the game, most notably the giant robotic moogle that Cait Sith rides. In Final Fantasy VIII, the MiniMog Summon can be acquired through playing the Chocobo World minigame. In Final Fantasy IX, Moogles provide save points, shops, allow the use of a tent to restore health, and use the player as a courier to send mail to other Moogles via a network known as Mognet. In the world of Final Fantasy X, Moogles are only seen as Lulu's dolls/weapons, and a doll again in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. In Final Fantasy X-2 Yuna's costume in the Mascot job is a Moogle. In Final Fantasy XI, Moogles take care of the player's house (Mog House), storing items and flowerpots in which to garden with. It also helps set your furniture inside the house. They are also the organizers of special events such as those that occur on the holidays, and usually need to be talked to before beginning the event. Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles uses Moogles for two purposes: sending mail and carrying the Myrrh chalice. Also in this game, a Moogle named Stiltzkin (who appeared in FFIX) teaches the characters the basics of combat. In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, a Moogle named Montblanc teaches the protagonist, Marche, everything he needs to know about the fictional world in which he now resides, and another named Nono acts as a rare items merchant. In Final Fantasy XII, Montblanc and Nono made another appearance, the former a clan leader and the latter as an airship mechanic. Moogle society adapts to Humes and develops their skill in mechanics and engineering, achieving the ultimate engineering skill Etoria - the building of airships.

Moogles are called "Moguri" in the Japanese games, a combination of the Japanese words "mogura" and "komori" ("mole" and "bat," respectively). In most depictions, Moogles tend to have small eyes (as do moles) and black, red, or purple bat-like wings. Their most distinguishing feature is a single black antenna that sticks up from the head with a small, usually red, ball (or "pompom") at the end. Their ears are usually shaped like a cat's, but in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy XII, they have longer rabbit-like ears. Most Moogles have white or pink fur; however, Artemicion from FFIX dyed his fur purple, Stiltzkin from FFIX and FFCC has beige fur and Montblanc from FFTA has tan fur. When speaking human languages, they tend to end their sentences with the sound 'kupo'; some games briefly mention a language formed out of various permutations of 'kupo'.

Moogles have also appeared outside Final Fantasy. In Chocobo Racing and Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 1 & 2, a Moogle named Mog travels with the main character Chocobo. They can also be seen in the Traverse Town world of Kingdom Hearts and in every world in Kingdom Hearts II. In Kingdom Hearts, they serve as the Synthesize Shop owners, and have a similar role in the sequel. They can also be seen in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories as card-shop keepers. Moogle is also an unlockable character in Mario Hoops 3-on-3.

[edit] Moomba

A Moomba
Moomba (Final Fantasy VIII - PS)

Moombas are furry little red creatures that are actually evolved members of the Shumi Tribe, those who do not wish, or are not able, to become a leader. In Final Fantasy VIII, Laguna took a liking to them and tried to teach them to talk, but all they could ever say was "Laguna!" They are significantly more intelligent than they look. Shumis count the Moombas as the pinnacle of evolution. Moombas have been noted to be able to remember someone by the taste of their blood, and are implied to even be able to recognize genetic characteristics in someone's bloodstream.

Moombas have been seen outside of Shumi villiages, but they have never been noted to be in these locations willingly. When Laguna Loire was taken prisoner in Esthar, he briefly was a member of a work crew that included a Moomba prisoner. At the time of Final Fantasy VIII's main storyline, a number of Moombas were in use by the Galbadian military as workers in the D District Prison complex, where they were notably mistreated. Squall encountered these Moombas, who apparently had known Laguna, as they repeatedly called his name while they assisted Squall during his recovery and escape.

A Moomba also appears in Chocobo World to help find weapons for Boko. In the game Chocobo Racing, a Moomba appears as an unlockable character under the name "Mumba." They also appear in Final Fantasy X as dolls held by Lulu, which she uses to attack physically in battle, and in Final Fantasy X-2 as a doll held by Yuna's Mascot (Moogle) Dressphere.

[edit] Nu Mou

Nu Mou artwork (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - GBA)
Nu Mou artwork (Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - GBA)

The Nu Mou are a dog-like species from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy XII that are talented in the magical fields. In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance they are also known to be able to speak with monsters. Their jobs include Alchemist, Beastmaster, Black Mage, Illusionist, Morpher, Sage, Time Mage, and White Mage. The two most famous Nu Mou are Babus Swain (Rune Seeker) and Ezel Berbier (Hermetic); both of them appeared as secret characters in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

A Nu Mou from Final Fantasy XII - PS2

In Final Fantasy XII, the Nu Mou appeared like their counterpart in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. The Nu Mou's lifespan is three times longer than that of a Hume. They are short and hunched; half the size of an adult Hume, however a Nu Mou's intelligence and heightened control of Mist make for their mastery in high-level magic. Calm and deeply focused in concentration, most Nu Mou become senior members of the Kiltian teachings.

[edit] Occuria

Venat from Final Fantasy XII - PS2
Venat from Final Fantasy XII - PS2

The Occuria are immortal beings from Final Fantasy XII, often called (by both themselves and others) "the Undying". Referred to by some as gods, but unknown to the major religions in Ivalice, the Occuria race played a vital role in the history of Ivalice; they were responsible for granting powers to King Raithwall to conquer the countries of Ivalice, granting him the Dawn, Dusk, and Midlight shards. Due to this, they are directly responsible for the formation of the Galtean Alliance and the golden days of Ivalice that followed.

The Occuria and their leader, Gerun, desired control of the history and future of Ivalice. Unable to directly manipulate Ivalice, they instead created the Sun-Cryst, the mother of all Nethicite, with the intent of using "chosen ones" as the "fist" with which they would shape the world as they envisioned. They initially gave the Nethicite to the Garif, who did not know how to use them; seeking someone who could, they found the perfect candidate in a Hume future generations would know as the Dynast-King Raithwall. Raithwall cut three shards of Nethicite from the Sun-Cryst - Dawn, Dusk, and Midlight. Using these he conquered Ivalice, just as the Occuria had wanted, forming the Galtean Alliance in the process.

However, dissension in the small group grew. Venat, apparently disgusted with the Occuria, left its kind and used Archadia to develop artificial Nethicite to overthrow their control by making mankind the masters of their own fate. Gerun and other Occuria decided to use Ashe to destroy the Empire, as she was Raithwall's descendant, and a fitting Chosen- however, Ashe resisted them, and attempted to destroy the Sun-Cryst with the sword they gave her. However, it was Reddas who destroyed the crystal at the cost of his life. Because the Sun-Cryst was the actual source of power of all Nethicite, destroying it ruined the power of all Nethicite around the world, though manufactured Nethicite still had potent power at a smaller level. This act effectively ended the Occuria's control over Ivalice and the Age of Stones.

In appearance, the Occuria have no visible faces, only a pair of glowing yellow eyes seen under their floating shell-like armor. The Occuria can turn themselves invisible to all but those they favor. They also possess the ability of possession and can also assume a form their target is familiar with - such as Rassler, the image of Ashe's beloved, deceased husband.

[edit] Qu

Quina Quen (Final Fantasy IX - PS)

The Qu are a race of large, clownish, seemingly androgynous humanoids from Final Fantasy IX. They have a long tongue and are recognized as fine gourmands. Quina Quen, a playable character, is one of them. They tend to have a simpler intellect compared to the common people, often speaking without verbs or true syntax and often thinking only about food. They inhabit marshlands throughout the world where they catch their main source of nutrition, frogs. Their primary weapon of choice is a Fork, and they have the unusual talent of gaining the abilities of their enemies by eating them. This gives the Qu characteristic abilities of a Blue Mage.

Throughout Final Fantasy IX, the Qu are used mainly as comic relief, and never actually have much to do with the main storyline. Quina Quen is even an optional character in the first part of the game, only becoming compulsory on a later disk. Its only real purpose is eating monsters to gain their powers, (similar to Kimahri Ronso's "Lancet" ability in Final Fantasy X). However, if handled correctly, Quina can become one of the most powerful usable characters in combat.

In Final Fantasy VII, a monster similar to the Qu (called Hungry in the North American release) appears in the City of the Ancients. Its main attack is to shrink enemies and then eat them.

[edit] Rebe

The Rebe are a minor race of Final Fantasy XII that appears in Skycity Bhujerba. Evolved from felines, they are deeply cultured and a bit aristocratic. They act as advisors and representatives for Marquis Halim Ondore the IV.

[edit] Ronso

Kimahri Ronso (Final Fantasy X/X-2 - PS2)

In Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2, the Ronso are a race of many colored-furred lion-like humanoids who live on Mt. Gagazet, which they consider sacred and guard fiercely. Ronso are formidable warriors, being very tall and amazingly strong, and are known for their strong sense of honor and loyalty, as well as their pride and quickness to anger. The long, sharp horn sported by all adult male Ronso is a symbol of esteem and a source of great pride to the wearer, and to lose this horn is considered extremely shameful. Kimahri Ronso, one of Yuna's guardians in Final Fantasy X, is something of an outsider among his people, being of comparatively small stature and having previously lost his horn in a fight with one of his peers.

Near the end of Final Fantasy X, Seymour Guado ravaged through Mt. Gagazet and killed all in his path in pursuit of Yuna. He killed many Ronso in his ascent up the slope, including Maester Kelk Ronso (the current elder) as well as Biran and Yenke Ronso (Kimahri's long-time rivals whom he had just recently defeated). After the start of the Eternal Calm, Kimahri returned to Gagazet to help rebuild his home and restore his people's honor. He was named elder of the tribe by his kinsmen, and has been on Gagazet ever since. But the events of Seymour's destruction cause sparks of hatred and plans of revenge among the recovering Ronso tribe.

Filled with hatred for the slaughter of their people, the Ronso youth despised the Guado, whom they felt were responsible for supporting Seymour as their leader. During Final Fantasy X-2, a young Ronso named Garik assembles his fellow kinsmen for an attack against the Guado, but he is thwarted in his plans of rebellion by the Gullwings when he goes to get Gagazet's "blessing." Confused and angry, Garik demands Kimahri what path there is for the tribe; but Kimahri has no answer, and Garik rejects him as their leader. But through the experiences of young Lian and Ayde (who had just traveled Spira in a vain attempt to fix Kimahri's horn), Kimahri saw the Ronso must experience all of Spira to continue their path. And thus, after proving to Garik that violence doesn't answer anything, the Ronso elder decides his tribe must first learn of the rapidly-changing Spira to decide the fate of their race.

[edit] Seeq

Three Seeqs

The Seeq are a porcine race in Final Fantasy XII. Despite amazing upper-body strength, powerful defense, and surprisingly speedy movement for such a bulky race, the Seeq have low intellect and are described as barely able to speak human languages. However, Final Fantasy XII shows no real distinction between Seeq, Bangaa, or Hume characters, with all three races living in relative peace together in Rabanastre and areas outside of Archades.

The Seeq, like all races in Final Fantasy XII, can attain a multitude of positions in life, with one Seeq aboard an airship going to Mt. Bur-Omisace paying his respects to "the man who showed me the Light", and several hunters along the Phon Coast being Seeq. Though somewhat cowardly, due to their incredible physical ability, they are often hired as mercenaries, guards, or hunters, with a significant amount going into thievery. The Seeq are also attracted by shiny objects, often adorning themselves with such- sometimes to ridiculous lengths.

Many compare these creatures to the Moblins of The Legend of Zelda series.

[edit] Selkie

A somewhat young female Selkie.
A somewhat young female Selkie.

The Selkie are described in the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles instruction manual as "rugged individuals (that) clothe themselves in fur decorated with stolen goods. Unlike other tribes, they believe in putting themselves first. Many Selkies are agile and athletic, traits they put to good use as thieves. Though the other tribes tend to scorn them, some Selkie now reside in Clavatian villages."

Selkies have a style that mostly clothes them in animal furs. They also usually have silver or light purple hair and are taller than Lilties but shorter than Clavats. They are the quickest race of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles with quicker focus attacks; they also have a longer range on their focus attack than the other tribes. Overall, the Selkie excels at speed and have mediocre strength, defense, and magic. The Selkie "Defend" command is a quick backflip that ignores all attacks and magic. Selkies use rackets as weapons, some of which shoot energy for a focus attack, similar to Final Fantasy IX. Coincidentally, the build & bone structure and hair style of some of the female Selkies resemble that of Garnet from Final Fantasy IX, although there is no connection between them other than this. It is assumed that they can interbreed with Clavats and Lilties.

In the past the Selkies where under the control of the Liltian empire and migrated from their ancestral homes to search for a safer place to live. Their journey lead them to Conall Curach at the edge of the Sea in which a majority of them did not survive the ordeal. They also seem to have been more developed culturally than in the present. They had their own language, and modern Yukes are studying Selkic texts on the Miasma suggesting that they had lore of their own. In fact it is a Selkie sage and text that understands the nature of the miasma, monsters, a pocket sized crystal, and the theoretical element of Holy. In the present Selkies are mostly thieves or merchants of a questionable disposion, only being loyal and trustworthy to themselves. They always feel as outsiders and conversely the other tribes are suspicious of them. A majority of them currently live on the island of Leuda.

Their emblem is a stylized Selkie dancing, kicking, or jumping. It has two arms raised up, and one leg to the side.

Their suits according to gender:

Males: Wolfie, Shark Eyes, Bandanna, Raccoon Tail
Females: Wolfie, Raccoon Tail, Shark Eyes, Owl Head

[edit] Shumi

NORG (Final Fantasy VIII - PS)

The Shumi race consists of short, stout yellow-skinned creatures from Final Fantasy VIII. A meek, community-oriented people, they make their home in the Trabia Mountains. NORG, proprietor of Balamb Garden, is an outcast Shumi, and exceedingly unfriendly and antagonistic compared to the others of his race. He is also distinguished from other Shumi by his fondness for showing off his large, long-fingered hands. The Shumi take great pride in their hands and generally refrain from showing them to strangers; therefore, NORG's display would be considered extremely arrogant and uncouth in traditional Shumi culture. When the Shumi reach the peak of their evolution, they morph, some of them becoming a Moomba.

[edit] Summoner

This article is about the Summoner race of Final Fantasy. For Final Fantasy's Summoner class, see Summoner (character class).

A race of Summoners appeared in Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy IX. In other Final Fantasy series, they usually appear as a job class or as a person with the unique ability to summon beasts such as in Final Fantasy X. In Final Fantasy IX, they appear like other humans, but with an additional horn on their forehead. In the story, only two summoners remain as the others have been vanquished during the Invincible's invasion on their homeland of Madain Sari. Summoners can also be found in Final Fantasy IV, in which Cecil and Kain delivered a Package (Bomb Ring in later remakes) to Mist, the village of summoners, destroying it. This results in the meeting of Rydia, one of the summoners, and one of the final five party members (the others being Cecil, Rosa, Kain, and Edge). The village can be revisited later, with a few people remaining, presumably also summoners. It is noted that most summoners in terms of race seem able to access other magic as well, as Rydia has Black Magic, and Garnet and Eiko both have White Magic.

[edit] Tarutaru

Tarutaru Male and Female

A race of skilled mages who call Windurst their home in the world of Vana'diel featured in Final Fantasy XI. Although they resemble children in size, this does not reflect their age. In fact, the Tarutaru do not seem to change their appearance at all as they age.

The Tarutaru are said to understand the importance of the balance between natural harmony and magic. Because of this understanding, they have produced some of the greatest mages in the world's history, including Morphling and Loutaru the summoners who fought during the Crystal War of 863 C.E. It was their way of life that fueled the rapid reconstruction of Windurst after its destruction in the same war. The Tarutaru enjoy a friendly relationship with the Mithra, who live in Windurst as well after they were admitted to the nation by the Star Sybil, the ruler of Windurst and moral leader of all Vana'diel.

Tarutaru lack the physical strength and durability of their fellow enlightened races as a result of their racial prejudice towards magical study, but do control greater reserves of magical power (MP) as a result, and are the most studious and intelligent of the races of Vana'diel - although not the most wise or spiritual. In the storyline of the game they are often presented as heedless of caution - a trait which many players in Final Fantasy XI note as also applying to Tarutaru player characters.

Archetypally, Tarutaru excel at the study of Black Magic and white magic and they excel most well in the ancient art of summoning, although the combination of their vast magical power, precise spellcraft, lack of caution and physical vulnerability has resulted in the death of many such Tarutaru Black Mages. Like any race in Final Fantasy XI, Tarutaru can play any job, as racial disadvantages can be overcome by numerous methods. Such famous non mage tarutaru include Leyla a skilled and deadly warrior.

[edit] Tonberry

Main article: Tonberry
A Tonberry from Final Fantasy IX.

A Tonberry, or in Final Fantasy VI, a "Pug," is quite small, usually no taller than three feet. It typically has green skin and a round head with a small snout and round yellow eyes; it walks on two legs and resembles, to some small degree, a bipedal lizard or turtle. However, it always wears a hooded cloak, usually plain brown or grey in color, and its dolphin-like tail can be seen peeking out from beneath the hem. A Tonberry always carries a lantern and a long, sharp butcher's knife; one to light its way through the caverns in which they live, the other to fend off enemies. Their best known attack is Chef's Knife, which usually kills a character in one blow. The Tonberry must first reach the character however, slowly approaching with each turn. Tonberries also usually counterattack physical or magical attacks with "Everyone's Grudge" or "Karma", which damage the victim to a degree proportional to the number of monsters he or she has defeated. In Final Fantasy X, Master Tonberries can also kill a summoned Aeon with a Voodoo Doll. In Final Fantasy X-2 they are also notable characters on most of the floors in the via infinito and you can even recieve items from them on occasions. Final Fantasy XI is the only Final Fantasy game which allows players to actually converse with Tonberries. In Final Fantasy VIII, a Tonberry is the penultimate GF which can be obtained by the player after defeating 20 Tonberries in a row followed by the Tonberry King. Also, in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Tonberries appear as enemies. Also, in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles, Tonberries appear as servant chefs. This echoes their appearance in Chocobo's Mysterious Dungeon 2. A reference to "Tonberry" was also made in FFXII by a defending flyer who was using it as his callsign when retreating from Reks and his party early in the game.

[edit] Urutan-Yensa

The Urutan Yensa from Final Fantasy XII - PS2

The Urutan-Yensa of Final Fantasy XII are the "Lords and Masters of the Great Sea", a name bestowed befitting their presence in the Yensa Sandsea. The Urutan-Yensa are strictly territorial, attacking anyone who enters their land, including other tribes of their kind. Evolved from crustaceans, their bodies are thin and entirely covered by layers of clothing, which the bestiary states is either to hide their ugly bodies or to keep themselves protected from the sun. Their speech is usually incomprehensible, and attempts of befriending them have been met with failure. Because of their low intelligence they cannot wield complicated instruments and machines. They had, however, learned to tame the Yensa Ichtions that dwell within the Sandsea, using them to travel great distances. They also fear the titantoises called Emeralditans, which they call "Urutan Eaters".

The Urutan-Yensa are divided into different tribes, each ruled by a queen, the only one able to speak, and each Urutan-Yensa extremely proud of their heritage; it is a shame for an Urutan-Yensa to show any form of weakness, like asking the aid of others, with only death as the fitting punishment for the disgrace and restore honor to the entire tribe. But there are the few Urutan-Exhiles that abandoned their tribes and go into hiding. Though Urutan-Yensa appear cruel, they can show mercy to few outside their race, but only so that others who dare wander in their domain will learn to know that the Urutan-Yensa are to be feared and respected.

[edit] Varg

A commonly overlooked species, the Varg are a breed of Werewolves that appear in Final Fantasy V and VI. They walk on two legs and seem capable of using tools. Notable members of the Varg race are the Dawn Warrior Kelga and the thief known as Lone Wolf. Varg also means wolf in Swedish.

[edit] Viera

A Viera archer, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

The Viera are a character race in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Final Fantasy XII. The Viera are divided into two sub races, the light-skinned Veena and dark-skinned Rava. Male Vieras are rarely seen, but do exist in hidden forest villages. The Viera have rabbit-like features, most notably their long ears. Their slender forms and long ears heighten their senses and speed, and although their defense is low, Viera agility and finesse are unmatched by any other race. In fact, Viera can listen to the surrounding nature and sense Mist, and even occasionally go berserk from feeling a overwhelmingly vast quantity of active Mist. Piercings on the ears seem to be very common as they appear on all official Tactics Advance pictures of Viera.

In Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Vieras have blue-white or purple-white hair, with only a few having hair that is pure white, which is considered to be a blessing. In Final Fantasy XII, they live in Eruyt village within the deep Golmore Forest, intimately tied to the "Wood". Mixed breeds of Veena and Rava Viera have accustomed themselves to coexist within Hume society, while the pure-blooded ones remain in the forest, learning about the outside world through the voice of the Wood. A Viera that moves out of the forest, like Fran, is considered an outcast and dead to her people.

[edit] Yuke

A Yuke
A Yuke

The Yukes as per the Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles instruction manual are a "mysterious tribe of great lore and wisdom. Many of these sages live quietly in Shella. In the ancient wars, they were able to resist the invading Liltian armies thanks to their magical prowess. Now they spend their days, teaching magic to others. Some say that Yukes assumed their current form to augment their magical talents." It is said that underneath their armor lays only their soul.

Yukes are tall, slender creatures with a suit that never seem to reveal their face, (one Yuke does open his helmet in the opening but closes it before he turns toward the screen) long, feathered, striped, dextrous hands, and small, non-used wings. Yukes are the best magic characters in the game. Although, they suffer from being the slowest attacker and having the least strength, they are allowed to cast spells quicker than the other three races and start out with the highest magic stat. When a Yuke character uses the "Defend" command, they turn invisible and are immune to damage and status afflictions, which is probably to compensate for their poor physical defense. The Yukes use mallets and hammers as weapons.

In the past the Yukes were the only tribe not to be under the control of the Lilian empire. They achieved this by being seiged on the island of Shella aided by their magic. In the recent past they built the Sluice of Veo Lu, which diverts Lake Shella into the Jegon River and enables the high fertility in Fum. A majority of Yukes live at Shella teaching magic to others, but they still retain their aloofness. A non-Yuke can enter the city only if they have a Mark of Shella from the Sluice.

Their emblem is a stylized Yuke seen head on. If the symbol was a clock, the head is at the twelve position, the wings at ten, eleven, one, and two while the rest is the body of the Yuke.

Available suits according to gender:

Males: One Horn, Bumpy, Long Beak, Black Mage
Females: Spiral, Tulip, Spoon, Heart Top

[edit] Zilart

The Zilart named Kam'lanaut

The Zilart are an ancient race that existed during the same time period as the Kuluu in Final Fantasy XI. They look similar to Humes (Humans) and are exceedingly intelligent. They possessed a trait known as the "whisper of the soul," which appears to be a form of telepathy. An offshoot of the Zilart formed without this trait, known as the Kuluu, and were treated as lesser beings by the Zilart (similar to the Enlightened Ones and the Earthbound from the SNES RPG Chrono Trigger). The Zilart's ultimate plan was to open a gateway to the Paradise of the Gods, using a massive system called the Gate of the Gods. The Gate was to be powered by the energy of Vana'diel's five Mothercrystals, channelled through giant power conduits to a central point at Delkfutt's Tower. They constructed a grand capital city named Tu'Lia, which is levitated into the sky by the channeling of the Mothercrystals' power. Tu'Lia was to be the gate, but at the moment of activation, the Kuluu sabotaged the Gate's power source, resulting in a cataclysmic meltdown that wiped out the land (known later as the Meltdown). In the game's first expansion "Rise of the Zilart", two surviving Zilartian princes are revealed -- the Jeunoan Archduke Kam'lanaut, and his elder brother Eald'narche. Their continued attempts to open the Gate of the Gods is the focus of the Rise of the Zilart storyline. In the game's second expansion Final Fantasy XI: Chains of Promathia, the Zilart are revealed to be alive and well, and a survivor of the Kuluu is also present.

[edit] See also

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