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The REWERSE Rule Markup Language (R2ML) is developed by the REWERSE Working Group I1 for the purpose of rules interchange between different systems and tools.
- An XML based rule language;
- Support for: Integrity Rules, Derivation Rules, Production Rules and Reaction rules;
- Integrate functional languages (such as OCL) with Datalog languages (such as SWRL);
- Serialization and interchange of rules by specific software tools;
- Integrating rule reasoning with actual server side technologies;
- Deploying, publishing and communicating rules in a network.
Design principles
- Modeled using MDA;
- Rule concepts defined with the help of MOF/UML;
- Required to accommodate:
- Actions (following OMG PRR submission);
- Events;
- EBNF abstract syntax;
- XML based concrete syntax validated by an XML Schema;
- Allowing different semantics for rules.