Río Negro (Argentina)

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Northern patagonia, main rivers, and political divisions and main cities.
Northern patagonia, main rivers, and political divisions and main cities.

Negro River (Spanish: Río Negro) is the most important river of the Argentine province of Río Negro.

It's born at the junction of the Limay River and Neuquén River at the border with the Neuquén Province, and flows southeast to the Atlantic Ocean near El Cóndor beach resort some 30 kilometres downstream from Viedma; Río Negro Province's capital.

The river forms an oasis in the middle of the desert landscape where agriculture is heavily practiced. Thanks to it, the Río Negro Province produces 70% of the pears, apples of Argentina. Besides irrigation, the river is also source of hydroelectricity with small dams on its course.

The river served as natural borderline between the civilisation and the aboriginal controlled territories while the Conquest of the Desert of late 19th century.

[edit] Valles

Topology of northern Patagonia.
Topology of northern Patagonia.

Usually the course of the river is usually divided in 3 parts: The Alto Valle (High Valley) near the beginning of the river, Valle Medio (Medium Valley) near Choele Choel, and Valle Inferior (Inferior Valley) near its end.

The river crosses the desert steppe plains of the province through ancient canyons of around 3 kilometres in the Alto Valle, and as wide as 20 kilometres towards the Valle Inferior. In this canyons its possible to find seashells and petrified wood pieces.

[edit] Alto Valle

The main cities in Alto Valle are: General Roca, Cipolletti, Villa Regina, followed by many others on the National Route #22. Together with San Carlos de Bariloche, this is the most prosperous part of the province. Most pear and apple plantations are at the Alto Valle, but many also at the Valle Medio.

[edit] Valle Medio

Next to Choele Choel is the Choele Choel Island, in which are Lamarque, Luis Beltrán and Pomona, all of them on National Route #250.

Besides apple and pear cultivation, tomato is also an important crop, being Lamarque the National Capital of the Tomato. Outside the valley, on the more arid lands around town such as Chimpay and Darwin, some cattle is also raised.

[edit] Valle Inferior

Although the term is not as used term as the previous two, Valle Inferior refers to Viedma and all the cities on the province's coast. Fruit is also produced but is not a primary activity. Onion is cultivated as well as some cereals. Alfalfa and maize is cultivated both for human consumption and for feeding cattle, which is the most important activity.

[edit] Name

In spite of its name of Negro ("black") the colour is more greenish than black. Nevertheless, the name is the literal translation of its aboriginal Mapuche name of Curú Leuvú. The river was also know under the name of Río de los Sauces ("River of Willows") for the abundant weeping willows at its shores.

[edit] Regatta

The Regata del Río Negro (Black River Regatta), run in this river, is the longest kayak boat-race in the world with its 653 kilometres. The competition is divided in 6 stages and last 8 days (2 days for rest).

The categories are

  • K1 men Senior
  • K2 men Senior
  • K2 men Junior (17 to 20 years)
  • K2 women Senior
  • K1 men Maxi (older than 36)
  • K2 men Maxi
  • Touring (open, non professional recreative category)

[edit] External links

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