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A qutrit is a unit of quantum information. Just as the qubit is analogous to the classical bit, the qutrit is analogous to the classical trit. A qutrit is 3-level, or ternary system which has 3 basis states, often denoted |0\rangle , |1\rangle and |2\rangle. Unlike the trit, and like its cousin the qubit, a qutrit can exist in superpositions of the three basis states. Consequently, a string of n qutrits is able to represent 3n different states simultaneously.

Since basis states in quantum systems must be orthogonal to be reliably distinguished, the qutrit's basis states must also be orthogonal. Qubits achieve this by utilizing Hilbert space H2, corresponding to spin-up and spin-down. Qutrits require a Hilbert space of higher dimension, namely H3.

As with qubits, a qutrit can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis states, given as:

|\psi\rangle = \alpha |0\rangle + \beta |1\rangle + \gamma |2\rangle.

Quantum computing
Qubit | Quantum circuit | Quantum computer | Quantum cryptography | Quantum information | Quantum programming | Quantum teleportation | Quantum virtual machine | Timeline of quantum computing
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) quantum computing
Liquid-state NMR QC | Solid-state NMR QC
Photonic computing
Nonlinear optics | Linear optics QC | Non-linear optics QC | Coherent state based QC
Trapped ion quantum computer
NIST-type ion-trap QC | Austria-type ion-trap QC
Silicon-based quantum computing
Kane quantum computer
Superconducting quantum computing
Charge qubit | Flux qubit | Hybrid qubits
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