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Main article: Qiufen
Date and Time[1] (UTC)
year begin end
辛巳 2001-Sep-22 23:04 2001-Oct-08 05:25
壬午 2002-Sep-23 04:55 2002-Oct-08 11:09
癸未 2003-Sep-23 10:46 2003-Oct-08 17:00
甲申 2004-Sep-22 16:29 2004-Oct-07 22:49
乙酉 2005-Sep-22 22:23 2005-Oct-08 04:33
丙戌 2006-Sep-23 04:03 2006-Oct-08 10:21
丁亥 2007-Sep-23 09:51 2007-Oct-08 16:11
戊子 2008-Sep-22 15:44 2008-Oct-07 21:56
己丑 2009-Sep-22 21:18 2009-Oct-08 03:40
庚寅 2010-Sep-23 03:09 2010-Oct-08 09:26

[edit] References

Preceded by:
Bailu (白露)
Qiufen (秋分) Succeeded by:
Hanlu (寒露)
In other languages