Talk:Pythagorean triple

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2 methods of FLT proof and Pythagorean triples X^n+Y^n=Z^n Fermat had made a proof that the equation cannot have nonzero natural number solution in the even number n that is greater or equal 4. Therefore we need to make a proof that the equation cannot have nonzero natural number solution in the odd and prime number n. Y+A=X+B=Z A=Z-Y, B=Z-X X-A=Y-B=Z-A-B=X+Y-Z G=(X-A)/(AB)^(1/n)=(Y-B)/(AB)^(1/n)=(Z-A-B)/(AB)^(1/n)=(X+Y-Z)/(AB)^(1/n) X=G(AB)^(1/n)+A, Y=G(AB)^(1/n)+B, Z=G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B {G(AB)^(1/n)+A}^n+{G(AB)^(1/n)+B}^n={G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B}^n When n=1, G=0, when n=2, G=2^(1/2), when n>2, G=function(A,B) is the positive real number. X=(2AB)^(1/2)+A, Y=(2AB)^(1/2)+B, Z=(2AB)^(1/2)+A+B (X,Y,Z) are the irrational numbers or Pythagorean triples in natural number (A,B). We can translate the upper form into this. AB=2k^2,B=2k^2/A, k=hA, B=2Ah^2 X=A(2h+1), Y=2Ah(h+1), Z=A(2h^2+2h+1) XY=2A^2h(2h+1)(h+1) can not be the power numbers in natural number (A,h).

  • * * * * 1st method of FLT proof * * * * *

G(AB)^(1/n) is the irrational number in natural number (A,B), so (X,Y,Z) are the irrational numbers. {G(AB)^(1/n)+A}^n+{G(AB)^(1/n)+B}^n={G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B}^n When A=B, 2{GA^(2/n)+A}^n={GA^(2/n)+2A}^n {2^(1/n)-1}GA^(2/n)={2-2^(1/n)}A G=[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]A^{(n-2)/n} At least (n-2) each terms are the irrational numbers in (n-1) each terms. We make new form with [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]. [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2 This form is the irrational number in natural number (A,B). [{2^{(n-1)A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+…+{2^2A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{2A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+ {2^{(n-1)AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)+…+{2^2AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)+{2AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)}/2 At least 2(n-2) each terms are the irrational numbers in 2(n-1) each terms. We divide and multiply by [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2 to G(AB)^(1/n), and we can get two forms. And when A=B, q=1. G(AB)^(1/n)=q[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2 q=2G(AB)^(1/n)/[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)] If G(AB)^(1/n) is the natural number (N) in some (a,b), when A=B, q can not be 1. That is an apparent contradiction. G(ab)^(1/n)=N can not have [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)], so G(AB)^(1/n) can not have [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]. 1st method. end.

  • * * * * 2nd method of FLT proof * * * * *

X^n+Y^n=Z^n {X^(n/2)}^2+{Y^(n/2)}^2={Z^(n/2)}^2 When n=2, we can display {X^(n/2),Y^(n/2),Z^(n/2)} with (a,b). a=Z^(n/2)-Y^(n/2), b=Z^(n/2)-X^(n/2) X^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+a, Y^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+b, Z^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+a+b When n is the prime number and (X,Y,Z) is co prime, the ab is the irrational number. ab=Z^n-(YZ)^(n/2)-(XZ)^(n/2)+(XY)^(n/2) We multiply X^(n/2) and Y^(n/2). (XY)^n=2a^3b+2ab^3+13(ab)^2+6ab(a+b)(2ab)^(1/2) If (X,Y,Z) is the natural number, (XY)^n is the natural number, but 2a^3b+2ab^3+13(ab)^2+6ab(a+b)(2ab)^(1/2) is the irrational number. That is an apparent contradiction. Therefore (X,Y,Z) must be the irrational number. 2nd method. end.

[edit] Dear Sirs. Please search and give wider publicity our sentences.

Dear Sirs. Please search and give wider publicity our sentences. We had made our proof of 4 color Theorem in 2003.01.01. and our proof of FLT in 2005.01.20. Yours sincerely. leejaeyul and leeyoujin 2006.12.19.

4 Color Theorem proof of the regions on global surface 3 inter relationship of the regions on global surface sharing a common boundary line. sharing a common point. not adjacent regions. [1] 4 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions about one region and the regions those share a common one region`s boundary line. [Proof] The reason is this. 3 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions those share a common one region`s boundary line. [Example1] 3 colors suffice for the distinguishing all hexagonal shape regions. The reason is this. 2 colors suffice for the distinguishing 6 hexagonal shape regions those share a common one hexagonal shape region`s boundary line. [Example2] 2 colors suffice for the distinguishing all square shape regions. The reason is this. One color suffice for the distinguishing 4 square shape regions those share a common one square shape region`s boundary line. [2] 3 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions those share a common one region`s boundary line. [Proof] The reason is this. When there are lined from a region`s inner one point to the points on one region`s boundary line those are met the adjacent regions boundary lines, all extension regions are the regions those share one common point. 3 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions those share one common point. [3] 3 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions those share one common point. [Proof] The reason is this. When one region is selected, 2 colors suffice for the distinguishing all regions those share a common one selected region`s boundary line.

2 methods of FLT proof and Pythagorean triples X^n+Y^n=Z^n Fermat had made a proof that the equation cannot have nonzero natural number solution in the even number n that is greater or equal 4. Therefore we need to make a proof that the equation cannot have nonzero natural number solution in the odd and prime number n. Y+A=X+B=Z, A=Z-Y, B=Z-X X-A=Y-B=Z-A-B=X+Y-Z G=(X-A)/(AB)^(1/n)=(Y-B)/(AB)^(1/n)=(Z-A-B)/(AB)^(1/n)=(X+Y-Z)/(AB)^(1/n) X=G(AB)^(1/n)+A, Y=G(AB)^(1/n)+B, Z=G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B {G(AB)^(1/n)+A}^n+{G(AB)^(1/n)+B}^n={G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B}^n When n=1, G=0. When n=2, G=2^(1/2). When n>2, G=function(A,B) is the positive real number. X=(2AB)^(1/2)+A, Y=(2AB)^(1/2)+B, Z=(2AB)^(1/2)+A+B (X,Y,Z) are the irrational numbers or all Pythagorean triples in all natural number (A,B). We can translate the upper form into this. AB=2k^2, B=2k^2/A X=2k+A, Y=2k(k+A)/A, Z=2k+A+2k^2/A XY=2k(2k+A)(k+A)/A When A is the odd number, k=hA, XY=2A^2h(2h+1)(h+1) and hk=A, XY=2k^2(2+h)(1+h)/h When A is the even number, 2k=hA, XY=A^2h(h+1)(h+2)/2 and 2hk=A, XY=2k^2(1+h)(1+2h)/h Therefore XY cannot be the power numbers in all Pythagorean triples.

  • * * * * 1st method of FLT proof * * * * *

G(AB)^(1/n) is the irrational number in all natural number (A,B), so (X,Y,Z) are the irrational numbers. {G(AB)^(1/n)+A}^n+{G(AB)^(1/n)+B}^n={G(AB)^(1/n)+A+B}^n When A=B, 2{GA^(2/n)+A}^n={GA^(2/n)+2A}^n {2^(1/n)-1}GA^(2/n)={2-2^(1/n)}A G=[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]A^{(n-2)/n} We make new form with [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]. [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2 This form is the irrational number in all natural number (A,B). G(AB)^(1/n) divide and multiply by [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2, and now we can get two forms. And when A=B, q=1. G(AB)^(1/n)=q[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)]/2 q=2G(AB)^(1/n)/[2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)][{A^(n-1)B}^(1/n)+{AB^(n-1)}^(1/n)] If G(AB)^(1/n) is the natural number (N) in some (a,b), G(ab)^(1/n)=N can not have [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)], and G(AB)^(1/n) can not have [2^{(n-1)/n}+…+2^(2/n)+2^(1/n)]. So when A=B, q cannot be 1. That is an apparent contradiction. Therefore G(AB)^(1/n) is the irrational number in all natural number (A,B). 1st method. end.

  • * * * * 2nd method of FLT proof * * * * *

X^n+Y^n=Z^n {X^(n/2)}^2+{Y^(n/2)}^2={Z^(n/2)}^2 When n=2, we can display {X^(n/2),Y^(n/2),Z^(n/2)} with (a,b). a=Z^(n/2)-Y^(n/2), b=Z^(n/2)-X^(n/2) X^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+a, Y^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+b, Z^(n/2)=(2ab)^(1/2)+a+b When n is the prime number and (X,Y,Z) is co prime, the ab is the irrational number. ab=Z^n-(YZ)^(n/2)-(XZ)^(n/2)+(XY)^(n/2) We multiply X^(n/2) and Y^(n/2). (XY)^n=2a^3b+2ab^3+13(ab)^2+6ab(a+b)(2ab)^(1/2) If (X,Y,Z) is the natural number, (XY)^n is the natural number, but 2a^3b+2ab^3+13(ab)^2+6ab(a+b)(2ab)^(1/2) is the irrational number. That is an apparent contradiction. Therefore (X,Y,Z) must be the irrational number. 2nd method. end. 이재율 이유진 드림 —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 12:38, 12 December 2006 (UTC).