Punk party

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A "Punk Party" is a party that usually takes place outdoors, and one in which most of the activities of the party represent the punk subculture, such as punk rock being played and attendance in skateboarding and other action sports, as well as participation in taking illegal and sometimes lethal drugs, (most often cocaine) and drinking alcohol. It is in no way associated with punk ideology.

Attendance at such parties is usually by teenagers incorporating punk, goth, and in some cases, emo subcultures. It is sometimes held at a host's house, in which it would also be a house party. However, most punk parties are held somewhere isolated where the attendees feel they can get away from the outside world. Such locations can include abandoned buildings, dry river beds, and under bridges (or roads no longer in use). If this is the case, another, although uncommon, event may occur, which would be drag racing.

Those attending said parties are generally liberal teenagers who stand alone in society and do not feel like they fit in well, so they go to escape the cruelty and judgementalness of the social world.

Punk parties vary in all different shapes and sizes. They are most often depicted in the music videos of punk and pop-punk bands, notably those of Simple Plan or Blink-182.