Puma (IFV)

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Puma with protection level C

General characteristics
Crew 3 + 6
Length 7.4 m
Width 3.7 m
Height 3.1 m
Weight 43 t
Armour and armament
Armour modular
Main armament 30 mm MK30-2/ABM autocannon
Secondary armament 5.56 mm HK MG4 machine gun
Power plant MTU V10 892 diesel
1073 hp (800 kW)
Suspension hydropneumatic
Road speed 70 km/h
Power/weight 33.52 hp/tonne
Range 600 km

The Puma is a German infantry fighting vehicle, currently under development. It is envisioned to replace the aging Marder IFVs, which are being sold to Greece, by 2009. Its armour is modular, with Level-A being to facilitate air transport aboard the A400M and a heavier Level-C to protect from land mines, anti-tank weaponry, and medium calibre munitions. The Puma is one of the best-protected IFVs, while still having a high power/weight ratio.

[edit] Production history

The German army (Heer) has placed an order for the delivery of five pre-production vehicles and their logistics and training services at the end of 2004. It is expected that an order of 410 vehicles with an approximate value worth 3 billion euros will occur in 2007.

[edit] Armament

The primary armament is a 30 mm MK30-2 autocannon, which has a rate of fire of 200 rounds per minute and an effective range of 3000 m. There are two ammunition types. One is a sub-calibre, fin-stabilised APFSDS-T, designed with high penetration capabilities, mainly for use against medium armoured vehicles. The second is a full-calibre, multi-purpose, Kinetic Energy-Timed Fuze (KETF) munition, designed with the capability (depending on the fuze setting) of ejecting a cone of sub-munitions. The ammunition capacity is 400 rounds; 200 ready to fire and 200 in storage. In addition to the usual smoke-grenade launchers, there is a 76mm launcher at the back of the vehicle for close-in defence.

The secondary armament is a coaxially mounted 5.56 mm HK MG4 machine gun with an approximate rate of fire at 850 rounds per minute and an effective range of 1000 m. The ammunition capacity is 2000 rounds; 1000 ready to fire and 1000 in storage.

[edit] External links

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