Public holidays in Slovenia

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There are two kinds of holidays in Slovenia - national holidays and work-free days. National holidays are those celebrated by the state - this includes official functions and flying of the national flag. The latter are actually Catholic religious holidays (Christmas, Easter and Assumption), which are equivalent to any Sunday - companies and schools stay closed, but there is no official celebration.

Date English Name Slovenian Name Remarks
1 and 2 January New Year novo leto  
8 February Prešeren Day, the Slovenian cultural holiday Prešernov dan, slovenski kulturni praznik anniversary of the death of Slovenian poet France Prešeren, established as the national cultural day in 1944 (work-free day from 1991)
- Easter Sunday and Monday velika noč in velikonočni ponedeljek work-free day, date varies
27 April Day of Uprising Against Occupation dan upora proti okupatorju Formerly Liberation Front Day (dan Osvobodilne fronte), marks the establishment, in 1941, of the Liberation Front to fight the German, Italian and Hungarian occupation of Slovenia
1 and 2 May Labour Day praznik dela  
- Pentecostal Sunday binkoštna nedelja work-free day, date varies
25 June Statehood Day dan državnosti Commemorates the proclamation of independence in 1991
15 August Assumption Day Marijino vnebovzetje (veliki šmaren) work-free day
17 August Slovenians in Prekmurje Incorporated into the Mother Nation Day dan združitve prekmurskih Slovencev z matičnim narodom po prvi svetovni vojni not a work-free day
15 September Restoration of Primorska to the Motherland Day dan vrnitve Primorske k matični domovini not a work-free day
31 October Reformation Day dan reformacije work-free day
1 November Remembrance Day dan spomina na mrtve Formerly called The Day of the Dead (dan mrtvih)
23 November Rudolf Maister Day dan Rudolfa Maistra not a work-free day
25 December Christmas božič work-free day
26 December Independence and Unity Day dan neodvisnosti in enotnosti Commemorates the proclamation of the independence plebiscite results in 1990

In addition to these, several other holidays are traditionally and popularly celebrated by the people of Slovenia. The most well known are:

The former Yugoslav Day of the Youth - Dan mladosti on 25 May is also widely celebrated by young people.