Public holidays in Romania

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Following is a list of holidays in Romania.


[edit] Official non-working holidays

Date Local name English name Remarks
January 1 Anul nou New Year's Day
April/May Paştele Easter The official holiday is the Orthodox Easter. Although traditionally the holiday is three days long, only the Easter Sunday and Monday are non-working.
May 1 Ziua muncii Labour Day International Labour Day
December 1 Ziua naţională (Ziua unirii) National holiday (Union Day) Celebrating the union of Transylvania with the Kingdom of Romania, the foundation of modern Romania (1918)
December 25/26 Crăciunul Christmas Both Christmas Day and Boxing Day are holidays.

[edit] Other official holidays and observances

Date Local name English name Remarks
March 8 Ziua Mamei Mother's Day
May/June Ziua Eroilor (Înălţarea) Heroes' Day (Ascension) The 40th day from the Orthodox Easter
June 1 Ziua Copilului Children's Day
June 26 Ziua Tricolorului Flag Day
July 29 Ziua Imnului naţional National Anthem Day Date when Deşteaptă-te, române! was first performed, in 1848 at Râmnicu Vâlcea
December 8 Ziua Constituţiei Constitution Day Referendum on the Romanian Constitution was held in 1991

[edit] Traditional festivals and holidays

Date Name Remarks
February 24 Dragobetele
March 1 Mărţişorul Spring festival (vaguely similar to St. Valentine's Day)

[edit] Other observances

Date Name Remarks
October 25 Armed Forces Day Not a public holiday. Observed by the Romanian Army and its veterans on the anniversary of the liberation of Carei, the last Romanian city under occupation during World War II.
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