Public School Boards' Association of Alberta

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The Public School Boards' Association of Alberta (PSBAA) is a not-for-profit society, the members of which are school jurisdictions (mostly public school jurisdictions) in Alberta, Canada. The membership criteria for the Association require a school jurisdiction, providing either public education or separate school education, to affirm two characteristics of public education: that it is inclusive as a matter of conviction and by design; and, that it is a deliberate model of a community and, by choice, primarily a model of a civil democratic community.

For the PSBAA, "inclusiveness" means that the school jurisdiction is inclusive of every child -- in the classroom, on the school grounds, etc. -- and also inclusive of all in the government of the jurisdiction. (That is, all citizens have a legal right and a moral responsibility to be involved in the government of the jurisdiction.)

Thirty-five of forty-one public school jurisdictions in Alberta belong to the Association: one (St. Albert Protestant Separate School District) of seventeen separate school jurisdictions in the province belong to the Association.

The main activities of the Association are: advocacy for public school education; leadership development programs for school trustees, system administrators, school-based leaders, and citizen advocates for public school education; building and maintaining political relations with the provincial government and the provincial public service; and, research and the dissemination of findings significant to the improvement of public education.

The Association is host of the Public School Boards Council, a representative assembly for school jurisdictions in Alberta, at which assembly the jurisdictions speak about issues of concern to public school education, and do so without relying on the intermediary of a separate corporate entity with a life and voice of its own.

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