
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Helping clean up...
Helping clean up...
snuk This user says snuck.
Regarding gender, this user will use the vernacular, not what is "politically correct".
which / that This user typically uses "which" and "that" interchangeably.
your/ you’re This user thinks that if your grammar is incorrect, you’re in need of help.
’s Thi's user know's that not every word that end's with s need's an apostrophe and will remove misused apostrophe's from Wikipedia with extreme prejudice. [sic]
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, and this user sometimes uses it, but not excessively.
fark This user is a farker.
prog-N This user is a native programmer.
c++-4 This user is an expert C++ programmer.
java-2 This user is an intermediate Java programmer.
mircs-2 This user is a intermediate mIRC scripter.
This user can solve a Rubik's Cube without cheating.
This user enjoys playing chess.
S1 This user is a Scrabble player.
+ This user plays retro games.
Image:Sonicjump.gif This user plays the Sonic the Hedgehog series.
fan-2 This user is a big fan of the video game character Izchak.
eiπ This user is an expert mathematician.
met? This user prefers metric units, but, having grown up in the U.S., cannot relate to them.
This user is pretty sure that he is an outlier compared to everybody else.
This user plays baseball.
This user loves to bowl but would love to get more strikes.
This user is a golf player.
CHI This user is a Chicago Cubs fan.
MIN This user is a Minnesota Twins fan. Win Twins!
CHA This user is a Charlotte Bobcats fan.
CAR This user is a Carolina Panthers fan.
CAR This user is a Carolina Hurricanes fan.
7+1 This user enjoys the Discworld series.
STAR TREK This user is a fan of Star Trek: The Original Series. TOS
This user is interested in law.
This user prefers cold weather.
This user scored 385.337654653... on the Wikipediholic test (revision 74871057).
This user graduated from Wake Forest University.
This user is a graduate student in Computer Science.
This user's favorite subject is Mathematics.
BSc This user has a Bachelor of Science degree in Maths and Computer Science.
en This user is a native speaker of English.
ja-1 この利用者は少しだけ日本語を話すことができます。
en-us-n This user is a native speaker of American English.
AU-2 This user is an intermediate speaker of Australian English.
en-gb-2 This user is an intermediate speaker of British English.
SoE-3 This here user has an advanced understanding of Southern English and has developed something of a drawl.
nws-1 This user newspeaks ungoodwise.
fgn-1 This user can scrape by in at least one dialect of foreign.
LE-0 This individual still maintains a shred of dignity in this insane world by adhering to correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalisation.
ubx-5 This user uses entirely too many userboxes.
... This user would like to be able to speak some more languages.
Search user languages
OCD This user lives with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
This user was born on August 26.
18 This user is 18 years old.
This user has visited 20 of the 50 States and the District of Columbia.
This user lives in North Carolina.

This user has set foot in 2 countries of the world.
This user has never left the Northern Hemisphere.
This user has never left the Western Hemisphere.
Parent home This user lives in the parental home, and does not intend to leave.
This user sleeps, but not according to a predictable schedule.
This user loathes, but is forced to observe, Daylight Saving Time.
EST (US) This user's time zone is EST (US).
This user respects copyright, but sometimes it can be a major pain.
Newcomer Please be nice/patient,
This user is a New Wikipedian

PsyMar | Talk | Contrib 05:43, 16 December 2006 (UTC)